This isn't really an earth shattering opinion, but I don't think Legends Arceus really lives up to the hype. I won't discount it being a solid game, but I just don't think it's as amazing as people say. I've got a couple things that make me think this, though.
The first is how a lot of people described playing the game being like playing Breath of the Wild or Monster Hunter. Again, I will say that I don't think either game is bad but they don't hold a lot of interest for me. If I was going to play a pokèmon game, I'm not sure if I would enjoy it if the game play felt like another game I wasn't super huge on. I will acknowledge both BotW and MH are loved games and series but I don't think it makes Legends Arceus any better.
Another community thing is people saying that the mainstream games should play like Legends. Pokèmon games, a lot of people forget, are made for children which is why the main series has been so linear. Legends would do better as a spin-off series much like Mystery Dungeon and Pokèmon Ranger (both of which I miss) than changing the main series game style to be like Legends. There's also a lot of opportunities with other regions to do an ancient setting before pokèmon were domesticated.
Next is the concept of boss pokèmon battles being not ordinary battles. Pokèmon has never really had bosses per se save for gym leaders and team leaders...main story legendary pokèmon included, as well. Pokèmon has never had conventional boss fights and them getting some, and them being Pokèmon just doesn't sit right with me.
A point that I'm not 100% on is the fact that the player gets isekai'd into the past and has to face the Pokèmon of the time. I feel like it might've been better if the player was given an ancient character who had a strange attraction to the dangers of Pokèmon rather than someone who knows the dangers but also knows the usefulness and gentleness Pokèmon have as well. I just think it kinda takes away from the massive study since the player already knows even a few things about Pokèmon. I just think it makes it a touch less interesting.