For those of you who don't care about Pokémon, this is another one that you will continue to not care about but might just want to see what I have to say. For those of you who do, you know that this is an extremely unpopular opinion. I will admit that some of my opinion may be biased because, while I was born in gen 3 which is where most of my heart will always be, I played a lot of gen 4 when I was growing up and, while gen 5 takes the second place, gen 4 will always have a place in my heart. For those who don't know, BDSP are remakes of two of the gen 4 games Diamon and Pearl. Gen 4 was not popular when I was growing up, apparently, and unlike Gen 5, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody is going back to appreciate gen 4 as it was and it's still pretty universally hated. Even people who foam at the mouth over the improvements Platinum made to the gen 4 games still rank the region extremely low on their list of favorites. 134Please respect copyright.PENANA2gud8Qsy3K
Speaking of Platinum version, some people seemed to have the idea that these remakes would basically have all the improvements of Platinum attached to the games, despite nothing ever saying that. I've seen this with people not bothering to actually think when they see something is happening, getting an idea in their heads and then getting super pissed when it isn't like how they want it to be. I expected BDSP to be remakes of Diamond and Pearl with the QoL from the previous generations (of which Gen 8 added practically nothing mechanically) and also did the smart thing...and waited for a bit. I'll get to that in a minute, but I had no illusions of the remakes being much more than what they were and enjoyed them very much.
There were very few changes made to BDSP save for the addition of the fairy type, the Grand Underground moving from being the secret base thing to being where you can catch more Pokémon from other gens, gym leader rematches after the story, and a bit of a difficulty spike on the bosses (maybe, I didn't really notice). People complained that there was nothing new for the remake and complained about how faithful it was without adding mega evolution, z moves or dynamaxing to which I have points for each. Mega evos, while popular and well done, were introduced in a region people didn't really like (I did) and weren't really in gen 7 at all so Game Freak dropped it since people just generally bitch about gen 6. Z moves and dynamax aren't honestly that interesting of concepts and weren't really received as well as mega evolution which I agree with, but it also keeps them feeling unique to their regions which I can understand. BDSP still added in quite a few quality of life stuff from previous gens but some that they included and didn't do bug me. In gen 5, TMs & HMs (move learning things) became infinite use which I really loved, but in BDSP didn't have HMs, but gave you 5 TMs of those attacks that broke after a single use. This is something I can definitely say that BDSP drops the ball on.
Another thing people complain about is that BDSP is an overly faithful remake and about how much they hate the chibi style in the overworld. Frankly, I really like the 3d chibi and think it looks fine as a mimic to gen 5 and prior sprites. However, on the topic of it being a faithful remake, I don't mind that either. Most of the hate for this, I feel, is due more to continued dislike for Gen 4 as a whole more so than it being a faithful remake. I'm not expecting much from a remake of an 18-year-old game...fuck I feel old. People wanted Diamond and Pearl remakes with the improvements of Platinum which some I can agree with regarding giving better teams to the gym leaders and a full fire team for an Elite 4 member, but I didn't have many expectations going in and enjoyed it. Also, people want to talk about how faithful BDSP is...Fire Red and Leaf Green are even more so. The only thing that got added were natures and abilities both of which, technically, made game harder along with the improvement of the trainer AI.
Now, just to be fair to people, I do understand that there were performance issues when the game first released and, while I do understand the frustration, they act like this is something new. Most games around the time released half-baked and buggy, needing the first few updates to fix issues, but they also attacked Game Freak rather than their publisher who most likely gave them a tighter deadline than they needed. Also, Scarlet and Violet are still riddled with issues and bugs two years later and people are loving those when some can cause more issues than just poor optimization. That's what leads me to believe the hate is still tied to gen 4 hate from the past and people just still being set in their ways and being upset when they didn't get the thing that wasn't mentioned that they were expecting. Also, for those who might think me to be a corporate bootlicker, you can go and find my other opinions on new Pokémon designs and gimmicks and get a general feeling of my opinion of current gen Pokémon games.
The last new game I played was Moon and I honestly could not be arsed to finish it because I didn't care enough about anything. That and they did the twist villain poorly by SHOWING THEM IN THE OPENING CUTSCENE! The game was fine, but I wasn't pulled in enough to want to complete it so I gave it to a friend. On another note, regardless of their reviews, I had no interest in bothering with Sword and Shield or the Let's Go games (especially after I learned they were trying to attract the Pokémon Go crowd), and didn't even care about Scarlet and Violet just from the fact the box legendries are literally the same fucking Pokémon. The difference is, while I just put this out here, I don't go and bash GF and only GF for the issues caused and, hopefully, people have stopped falling for preorders when the past couple years have been nothing but half-baked messes that sometimes turn out to be good games. BDSP is not that bad and there are plenty of worse Pokémon games out there, both mainstream and spinoff.
Have a day
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