Possibly my favorite character in the entire series...at the very least in the top five but which is commonly the most hated below Umbridge, but we can all agree on how horrible she is. Much like the Pale King in the first chapter of this, I will never say that Snape is a good person...but I don't believe he deserves all the hate that he gets especially since people seem to make it so that it ignores all of the good that he does throughout the series. Let's take a bit of a look into the character from more of a book perspective.
Severus Snape grew up in a poor part of town, or at least a seedier part by Petunia's reaction to who he is in the memory chain. According to Snape, in an answer to Lilly's question of if his father didn't like magic, it would be safe to guess that Snape's father is, if not abusive, certainly not a glowing father figure. And Snape's mother, from the description we get from the memory as well, appears to be someone who would be stricter than what is reasonable. While this isn't stated in the books, based on Snape's feelings towards Lilly, it is safe to assume that his parents were not loving, and that Lilly was the first person to show him some genuine affection even if she was just being nice. Of course, Lilly was kind to everyone but especially those who were in need of someone to stand up for them and be friendly with them. A similar case being with Lupin, but the difference between him and Snape is that it's reasonable to assume Lupin's parents still loved him despite him being a werewolf where Snape had very little affection from his own parents.226Please respect copyright.PENANAl29NRXPFcO
Let's look at James Potter. I agree that James became a better person as he grew up, but if Snape doesn't get a pass on the good things he did, I believe fair play is allowed. James started to bully Snape even before they reached Hogwarts by making fun of him for wanting to be a Slytherin. James was even going stop talking to Sirius when Sirius disclosed the fact that every single member of his family had been sorted in Slytherin house. James' prejudices were going to let him miss out on the man who would become his closest and most trusted friend later in life. James also threatened to remove Snape's pants in front of everyone who was watching when Harry was peaking into Snape's memories during the occlumency lessons. Snape gave as good as he got, but there's something people seem to forget about that...'as good as he got.' James and Sirius tormented Snape for no other reason than he was a Slytherin who had a fascination with studying the Dark Arts, and Snape returned in kind. Not saying it was the right thing to do, but just bringing up that he was tormented by the people he turned against.
A brief note on Sirius...he was worse than James, I feel. Even though we don't get to see it, I imagine that a more grown-up, mature James Potter would be at least civil with Snape during Order of the Pheonix meetings just because there wasn't a reason for him to antagonize him with bigger issues while they worked together. Sirius, on the other hand, is shown in meetings to still try to get a reaction out of Snape just for the sake of it. Sirius never grew up out of this phase of his life...the same phase that almost got Snape killed, maimed or even turned by a transformed Lupin.
Just a little more on the good before I admit the problems with the character of Snape...his time as spy for Dumbledore and feelings for Lilly. Over seventeen years of hiding his true intentions under, not only the most evil wizard of the generation, but also an accomplished legilimens and was even believed faithful until his death at the hands of Voldemort. Every single second spent in Voldemort's presence, forcing his mind to be shielded from the Dark Lord in order to hide that he is working to take him down even up to the very end. Watching over Harry during his first years at Hogwarts even if it was so much behind the scenes that it was barely even noticeable after the Sorcerer's Stone. He risked his life for almost two decades to help bring Voldemort down, and people just seem to forget that.
Lilly...the first person that we can gather who had actually shown Snape genuine affection. Yes the love he felt for her was misguided as she was that nice to everyone who she believed needed it. I can recognize that, but the point of the memory sequence, which you don't get to see in the movie, is that the reason he protected Harry was not because he wanted Lilly, but more because he wanted to honor the memory of the one person who actually showed him kindness and love. After the unfortunate 'Mudblood Incident' Snape went that night to apologize to Lilly because of how horrible he truly felt despite the fact that he used the term with other people. Again, a mark of not a good person, but someone who understands when they've hurt someone who they care about. He had even begged Voldemort to spare Lilly and later James and Harry after Dumbledore twisted his arm.
Alright...now it's time for the bad. I do like to bring up the bad about things I like because I feel it makes me understand more why I like it. To be able to look back and recognize the issues along with the good stuff. So...Snape is a bully to students...however, we do only see this against Neville and Harry. To the rest of the students, he shows little emotion one way or the other save that they did the work. Neville is an easy target for all bullies, I imagine as strict as McGonagall is, Neville probably has a bit of fear of her as well Harry...is an average to less than average (sometimes) student in everything but Defense Against the Dark Arts which is more for story reasons, but this still does not give Snape good enough reason to act as he does. 226Please respect copyright.PENANAN9hb0r8U8n
However, one instance of bullying is not Snape just being Snape, but rather brought on by Malfoy. When Malfoy's missed jinx hits her teeth, which were described as being big anyway, they begin to grow along with Crabbe or Goyle's eyes. He sends the crony to the hospital wing and, when Harry mentions Hermione, Snape says he sees no difference which makes Hermione run away to the hospital wing in tears. Still a horrible thing to say, but this was brought on by Malfoy and Harry casting their spells. He was still a dick, but it was ultimately the fault of Malfoy and even Harry for their "dueling."
So...overall...Snape...bad person...but a bad person who did a major act of good for the majority. For the people labelled as "Snape Apologizers", I recognize that most of us have read the books and looked into it a bit more (there are some that haven't, I know), and looked beyond what else we know. However...and this is another Leon and Sayaka thing, I have an issue when people condemn Snape and yet lift Malfoy up onto a pedestal. I am debating whether or not to have a part devoted to Malfoy in contrast to Snape. Look forward to it...maybe