Alright everyone, this has probably been a long time coming, but I just want to say that, for quite a while, I've been sick of zombies. However, as I say this, it comes to me that it's not zombies as a whole I'm sick of, but rather zombie media that has been everywhere since I was little. Undead is my favorite creature type when I make campaigns as they're cheap and easy in the early game, but can evolve into more dangerous creatures in the late if you know what you're doing. In Age of Sigmar, I play Soulblight Gravelords and usually have a unit of 40 zombies as both cannon fodder and as a swarm to take down larger enemies. My dislike of current zombie media comes less from the zombies themselves and more from how it's done.
When I think of zombies, I go for the classic shambler. Slow, actually dead and basically mindless save for whatever natural instincts are left in the brain. These are better to Mr as they represent a certain level of inevitability as they will keep their slow pace until you put them down. The type of zombie to hammer against a door that it wouldn't be able to break down, yet it tries anyway. The one where setting it on fire is more of a problem for you than the actual zombie. Much like my bit on the Joker, I don't see this version much anymore.
Now, the above paragraph isn't to say that I don't like different zombies. I enjoyed playing Left 4 Dead when I had friends and love the mutated zombies. It makes the game interesting and shows that the virus is more than just creating zombies, but also mutating the ones it already has to be stronger and spread the virus more. It's an interesting idea that I believe is done well, but it also includes some shamblers mixed in with the runners and mutants.
Now, let's get to why I'm burnt out on zombies...specifically sprinters. I don't know when the shift happened, not even sure I was alive, but these seem to be the new normal and I don't really like it. Much like the Joker, I don't see them as zombies and more just rabid, cannibal freaks more than zombies. And while I will agree the at least half of that is supposed to be zombies, it's the constant speed and aggression that I think does it for me. What ever happened to the scene of someone up on a roof looking out over the ruins and seeing zombies aimlessly shuffling around looking for food? I suppose it's a product of more action-heavy cinema as the shamblers are good at providing tension, but less action as they just swarm someone who couldn't get away in time.
I forgot to mention this at the start, but I do understand that most zombie viruses do start out as super rabies and eventually are added on to by how cannibalism effects the brain (can't remember what the human equivalent of Mad Cow Disease is called), and I think that's how it would happen...but there's an issue. Since the brain would be deteriorating, I believe that the zombies might be all sprinters at first but as the apocalypse continues, they would eventually become shamblers with loss of fine motor control to be able to sprint along with more advanced tactics than strength in numbers. This wouldn't be an issue to me if zombie things with sprinters wouldn't say how long things had be going on which is usually a couple years. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but this is an opinion of some guy on the internet. If you like it, go ahead and enjoy. Have a day