Ch.20: The Stranger
Henry was outside school, when Regina came by.
After giving him his lunch box he forgot, they sat down at a bench and Regina told him that she thought that it was time for him to switch schools. When she said that, he began to talk about the fairytales, saying that whatever she does to keep Prince Charming and Snow White apart, it’ll never work, because good will always win, and called her the Evil Queen.
Afterward, she left.
Later, when Katherine and Henry were at Granny’s Diner together, he was looking at the book and showed her that there was a new story in it. The story of Ghepetto and Pinocchio. It was unfinished, though, so Henry thought that the reason for it was that someone was trying to tell them something. Probably something important.
Later that day, Katherine was walking down the street, when August came and invited her to go with him on a little trip. He wanted to tell her who he was. Because she wanted to know who he was, she agreed.
Once in the woods, he finally informed her who he was; Pinocchio. Since she was already a believer, she obviously believed him, although she hadn’t known about the magical tree that had been the one to bring him to this world. That part was a new one for her.
Later that night, he found Ghepetto in the garage where his father lived, working on a clock. He reminded his father whom didn’t remember him because of the curse, how to finish up fixing the inside of the clock. Then it worked. He then asked his father if he didn’t mind having an assistant, since he looked a little shorthanded, what with all the things that still needed fixing. His father agreed, even though he didn’t remember August.