Ch.27: The Doctor
Katherine was walking through the Enchanted Forest, when she saw a bunch of rumble and what looked to be a massacre.
She approached and saw that there was one survivor. She was wary, since she didn’t know what to expect from him. She recognized him from Henry’s story book. She knew who he was by his face; especially, when she saw that he had only one hand.
She put a sword to him, where he stood.
“What happened? Tell me the truth, because I usually know when someone’s lying.”
“Cora. She ripped their hearts out.”
“Why did you survive?” she questioned.
“She sent me to learn everything there is about your Storybrooke. She didn’t want any surprises when she got over there.”
“I destroyed the wardrobe. Her only way there is a portal.”
“The enchantment still exists. She just needs a compass. You seem to be safer company, so I’m willing to make the same deal with you. If you take me with you, I’ll help you get that compass.”
“Answer me this one question. Why does Captain Hook want to go to Storybrooke?” Katherine asked.
“I want to exact revenge on the man that took my hand. Rumpelstiltskin.”
“Fair enough, but if you’re working for Cora, I’ll give you a fate worse than death,” she warned, and put her sword down.
“Fair enough,” he replied.
Katherine put the sword back in its sheath that was around her waist.
“Lead the way to this compass,” Katherine told him. Then they began walking.
During a rainy night in Storybrooke, while Regina was driving, she saw Daniel standing in the rain on the corner by a store. When she went to unbuckle her seatbelt, he vanished from her sight.
The next day, Charming took Henry to the stables and told him which horse was his. He told him that he had to muck out the stall and brush and groom the horse, and that the horse would tell him when the horse was ready for him to ride him.
Meanwhile, Regina went to her family vault to make sure that Daniel’s body was still in her vault, only to find out that his body and the glass casket she’d had him in, were both gone; vanished. That’s when she knew what had happened. She realized that Doctor Whale had taken him to try and bring him back to life and, if her eyes hadn’t deceived her the night before, he’d brought him back to life. Though nobody else knew who he was, she knew that Doctor Whale was someone that didn’t have magic. Instead, he used other things to experiment on whether he could bring people back from the dead or not. He wasn’t from the Enchanted Forest, though. He was from another world, but similar to the Enchanted Forest. He’d failed to bring him back the first time, but she had hope that he’d succeeded this time.
When she found Whale, he was in a lab, injured, which had stuff scattered all over the place, and he informed her that he had brought him back to life, but he was a monster.
Regina was outside of his hospital room, when Charming came over and began asking her what was going on and what happened. She then explained to him that she thought it was probably like when he’d woken up from a coma. She thought he was probably retracing his steps to the last place he saw her. The stables. Then Charming told her that Henry was there.
Henry was brushing the horse, when all the horses began getting spooked and his horse bolted out of the stall and he looked to see a guy in the stall doorway.
Once at the stables, she told Daniel to let him go, which he did, and Charming told Henry to go once he knew he was okay. Then, after some argument, Charming let her deal with Daniel.
“Daniel, come back to me,” she said, as they stood in front of each other.
“I can’t.”
“I love you,” she stated.
“Then love again.”
When he was back to not being himself again, he began to come towards her, but she used magic to freeze him and then make him disappear.
Meanwhile, back in the Enchanted Forest, Katherine and Hook were walking together through the woods.
“It’s just up that ridge,” he informed her.
He stopped walking and she did likewise, and saw that there was a giant bean stalk.
“Let me guess. The compass is up there.”
“Oh, yeah,” he replied.
“You expect me to climb up that thing?” she inquired.
“It’s not the climb you have to worry about. It’s the giant on the top.”
He began walking again, and she did likewise.