Ch.33: The Outsider
After doing an experiment on the town line the night before, Rumple found out that by putting a potion on an object that he held dear, he could leave town to go find Bae, his only son.
The next day, Rumple informed Belle. When she offered to come with, he had to decline because he only had enough of the potion for one object; the shawl Bae used to wear.
Meanwhile, Hook was trying to get Hopper to talk about what Rumple’s weakness was, other than the dagger, though Hopper didn’t know anything of a dagger.
After further questioning, Hook found out about Belle, so he left his ship to go find her.
Belle entered the library and was about to put a book back on the shelf, when she saw someone in a corner, whom seemed to be reading a book.
“I’m sorry. The library isn’t open yet,” she told him.
“Well, I’m not here for the books, luv.” He layed the book in his hand on top of other books on a nearby shelf. He then looked at her.
She looked back at him and suddenly remembered him.
“You. You’re the one that broke into my cell at the queen’s palace.”
He gave a smile and she ran to the other side of the library.
He followed and they now had only two carts of books separating them.
“You wanted to kill Rumpelstiltskin.”
“I still do,” he informed her. “but right now, I’ll settle for you.”
He walked around a cart of books and she shoved the cart of books she’d been standing behind, and it fell on top of him. She then took the advantage and opened the elevator and got in for safety.
Hook ran towards the elevator, but was too late. It closed, before he could get to her.
Once in the elevator, Belle called Rumple to inform him of the situation, and once she’d told him everything, they hung up and Rumple left his shop to get to the library.
When Rumple got to the library, he opened the elevator and she came out.
Since she didn’t see him, she asked Rumple where he was.
“I don’t know, but you have nothing to fear. I’m here now,” Rumple assured her. They then hugged.
Henry was at the Charmings’ place, thinking, when Katherine came in with a plate.
“You hungry?” she questioned him. “I managed to wrangle up a pop tart.”
“No, thanks,” he replied.
Katherine set the plate on the bed by where he sat, and joined Snow whom was waiting for her.
“Well, that went well,” Kat said sarcastically.
“You’re doing all you can do,” Snow assured her.
LeRoy approached.
“Ladies? Dwarfs have been thinking. When do we go back?”
“Back? Where?” Kat asked, though she guessed where.
“The Enchanted forest. Our home.”
“You wanna go back?” Snow inquired.
“I fought really hard to get here,” Katherine reminded him.
“Yeah, but with what Regina did to Archie, Storybrooke isn’t as safe as we thought.”
“We’re gonna find her. There’s only so many places she can hide.”
“We dealt with her before. We’ll do it again,” Snow assured him.
“It’s not just her. The curse is broken. There’s a whole world beyond the town line that don’t know who or what we are. Ever think of what might happen if one of them were to pay us a visit?”
“He’s right. What if they see, you know, magic?” Ruby interjected, from where she stood by the counter in the kitchen. “Like a girl turning into a wolf, for example. Folks weren’t exactly understanding back in our world.”
“Let’s not worry about what ifs,” Kat reasoned. “No one is here, apart from me.”
“Yet,” LeRoy added. “Maybe they come. Maybe they don’t. We’re a bit homesick.”
Katherine was silent, knowing a little of what they were feeling.
Rumple was walking through town, Belle following at his side.
“Where are you going?” Belle asked him.
“The shop.”
“Well, let’s just say that there are many things in there that I can use to make sure that pirate never comes near you again.”
“Rumple, no. We need to report this to the sheriff. They’ll take care of him,” Belle reasoned. “Please don’t let your hatred for this man get away with you leaving town to find your son.”
“Belle, he tried to harm you,” he countered.
“But why? What happened between you two?”
“Belle, this is really not your concern.”
“He attacked me. It definitely is my concern.”
He stopped walking, as did Belle.
“Many years ago, I was married to a woman by the name of Mila, until Hook crossed her path,” he informed her.
“She was Balefire’s mother,” she stated.
“Yeah, and because of that, he grew up without her. He took my wife; he took Bae’s mother. So I took his hand.”
Rumple began to cross the street.
“That’s why he came after me,” she realized, walking beside Rumple. “But what about her? What did he do?”
They now stood in front of each other in front of his shop.
“Rumple, you can tell me anything,” she said, a hand on top of his.
“She died. That’s all that matters.”
They entered his shop, only to see it in a shambles, things all over the place, some of the glass counters broken.
“What happened?” Belle asked.
“Hook. That’s why he attacked you.”
“To get you out of the store,” Belle assumed. “What did he want?”
Rumple went straight to his safe, figuring out what Hook was probably after.
Hook stood on a rooftop, looking at them, seeing them by a window.
Mr. Smee came to stand by Hook and gave him Bae’s shawl.
“What is it, Captain?”
“The end of the Crocodile’s hope,” Hook answered. “Now he’s trapped here.”
Upon finding Bae’s shawl missing, Rumple realized that Hook had taken it, so, in anger, he began using his cane to hit things.
“Rumple,” Belle said. “Rumple, stop it! Stop.”
He stopped and she went to his side.
“Please,” Belle added.
“You’re right. I have to retrieve what’s mine,” he said, and began to go for the door.
“Let me. Let me help you,” she said, standing in front of him.
“This is my fight!”
“And this is my fault,” she said back. “If Hook wouldn’t have attacked me, you would’ve never left the shop.”
“How do you suppose we get his shawl back? Have you dueled with a pirate before? How exactly are you going to help me?”
“Well, I’m not just going to sit here and do nothing!” she yelled at him.
“No. You’re going to go back to the library, lock the door, and wait for me to dispense of this problem.”
“And if I don’t? You’re going to cast some spell that gives me no choice?” she countered.
“No,” he assured her. “I trust you’ll do as I wish. As you trust me to be a better man. Belle, Please. Hook may have cost me the chance of maybe finding my son. I don’t want to lose you, too.”
She was silent.
He walked behind a nearby counter.
“Look, I want you to take this, just in case Hook is stupid enough to come after you again.”
He pulled out a small gun and approached her.
“Point this, pull this trigger, and the gun will do the rest for you,” he instructed her. “Alright?”
She nodded her head.
“Yes. Yes,” she answered.
She took the gun and he began to go for the door.
She went behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Wait. Promise me, you going after Hook is just about you getting the shawl back.”
He just looked at her silently, for a moment, knowing he couldn’t promise her that. Then he left the shop.
Belle found a piece of rope, when she was putting books back, and after finding out what it came from, she left to go find the ship herself, not realizing the danger of doing this alone.
While she left the library, Rumple found Smee, knowing that he’d been the one to ransack his shop, and after interrogation, turned him into the mouse he really was.
When she got to the dock, she didn’t see it.
“Where is it?” she asked herself.
Once she found the ship that was cloaked from prying eyes and went onboard to find the shawl, she found Archie and got him loose and told him to go, just as she heard as if someone was on deck, walking around.
Charming and Snow were doing dishes, while Henry was still sitting on his bed.
Katherine walked in with Pongo, having decided to have Pongo be Henry’s dog. She may not have ever been a mother before, but she knew enough to know that kids going through certain things needed an animal for company. She figured a dog was what Henry needed to cheer him up.
After Henry left to take Pongo outside, Charming and Snow said it was a good idea, but that it would get a little crowded with four people and a Dalmatian all in the same loft. Snow then suggested that she and Charming move out.
Belle was still in the room looking around for Rumple’s shawl, when Hook walked in, learning against the threshold of the door, shawl in hand.
“Looking for this?”
Belle turned around to see him.
“Uh, that doesn’t belong to you.”
“Oh, it does now,” he replied.
She went for the gun, but he grabbed it first and, after looking it over to figure out how to use it, he pointed it at her.
“My dear Belle. You should’ve stayed with your books. Real life can get a bit messy.”
“I’m not afraid of you. And I’m not leaving without that.”
“Well, I admire the loyalty, but I’m afraid you’re fighting a lost cause.”
He set the shawl down on the counter.
“He needs that shawl to find his son.”
“What makes you think his son wants to be found?” Hook inquired of her. “I’m doing that boy a favor.”
“Have you not hurt Rumple enough?” she quizzed him.
“Oh, I’ve hurt him?”
“You stole his wife.”
He stood just inches in front of her.
“Let me tell you something, luv. When a woman comes to you; begs you to take her away, is that theft?”
“Why would she leave him?” she wanted to know.
“Because he was a coward. And because she loved me.” He went to stand at the counter and looked at the shawl. “I should’ve burned this the moment I required it.”
“Why didn’t you?” she wanted to know.
“Because she made it.”
“I’m sorry she died, but vengeance? Vengeance won’t bring her back.”
“Died? Like it was some sort of accident. Is that what he told you?”
“Well, he didn’t say,” she informed him.
“Well, of course not. Of course he’d leave out the most important detail of her passing.”
He stood just inches in front of her.
“And what would that be?” she asked.
“He killed her. He ripped out her heart. And he crushed it right in front of me.”
She shook her head.
“Oh, yes.” He put the gun under her chin. “He would do anything. Anything to hold onto his power. Why do you think anyone who’s ever gotten close either run away or have been killed?”
She went to the other side of the room and he cocked the gun, aiming it at her.
“Now, what makes you think you’re any different? Tell me something, darling, why would you want to fight for a man like that?”
“Because I still see good in him. Because I believe he’s changed. Because his heart is true. And yours? Yours is rotten,” she replied.
She pulled on something that was on the roof and Hook fell into the place that he’d been keeping Hopper at.
She went up on the deck with shawl in hand, and Hook stood in front of her.
“How did you…?”
“I know my ship by the back of, well, you know,” he said, gesturing to his hooked hand. “I suggest you give that back to me now.”
“Or what?” Rumple questioned, having just arrived on the ship.
Hook turned around to see The Dark One.
Hook approached.
“You look different in this world, Crocodile. Like the coward I met so long ago, limp and all.”
“Yet, you still can’t kill me.”
“That’s right, Dark One. What magic are you going to hide behind today?”
Rumple scoffed.
“Oh, no, no. Not magic.” Rumple used his cane to hit Hook.
Hook fell to the deck in pain.
Rumple continued to hit him with it.
“Rumple, let’s go. Let’s go,” Belle reasoned, not wanting him to do this. “Let’s go.”
“Not yet, Belle,” Rumple replied.
“This. This is what you came for. This is what’s going to get you back to Balefire,” she said, holding the shawl.
“You’re wasting your breath, luv. He can’t resist. He has to prove that he’s not a coward,” Hook told her.
“You might want to turn away, Belle. This isn’t going to be pretty,” Rumple warned, before hitting Hook again.
“Do it. Kill me,” Hook mocked him. Then he told Belle, “He has to show you how powerful he is.”
“Rumple, this is what he wants,” she reasoned. “To destroy everything good in you.”
Rumple stopped and he and Belle looked at each other.
“Rip my heart out,” Hook mocked. “Kill me like you did Mila. And then I’ll finally be reunited with her.”
Rumple tossed his cane to the deck.
“He has to die, Belle.”
He was about to rip his heart out, when she said, “No, he doesn’t. There’s still good in you. I see it. I’ve always seen it. Please. Please, show me I’m not wrong.”
Rumple looked at her and then at Hook.
“You take your ship and sail until you fall off the face of the earth. I never want to see you again.”
Rumple got to his feet and grabbed his cane.
“Let’s go.”
Belle took his hand and they left.
Snow and Charming were looking at pieces of papers that showed houses, but Charming didn’t like the house she picked out.
“Are you going to say that about every house we look at?” she asked.
“I grew up on a farm,” he reminded her, taking a sip of his drink.
“This isn’t about the house, is it?”
He informed her that maybe they should go back to the Enchanted forest to fix things, now that Cora was in power over there, but Snow wanted to stay in town since she was tired of fighting. She’d been fighting all her life. She wanted a break from that.
Henry and Kat were at home, when there was a knock on the door and Pongo immediately went to the door, whining, and Kat opened the door.
Archie walked in and told them that Cora kidnapped him.
Henry suggested that they tell Regina that they were wrong, now that they knew the real truth.
“Something tells me either way, we’re gonna pay the price,” Kat voiced aloud.
Rumple parked the car by the town line, Belle with him.
After using the potion on the shawl and after she put it around his neck, he stepped over the town line. He was about to go, but then Hook arrived with a gun in hand, aiming it at Belle.
Before Hook could shoot her though, he got ran over by a black car.
Rumple and Belle got out of the way, just in time.