Ch.46: Quite A Common Fairy
They were walking through the jungle silently, until Charming started talking to Snow.
“Hey. You need a break?”
“No, I’m good.”
“In this heat, you shouldn’t overtax yourself.”
She chuckled.
“So, you need a break.”
“No, I’m good.”
“Did David Nolan let himself go?”
“Does it look like he let himself go?”
Snow chuckled.
“How much further?” Regina asked.
“We should be getting close to Pan’s lair. Going in a straight-line course…” She pulled out the map and the red x disappeared to say that it was behind them.
“Son of a…How is it now behind us?” Regina questioned.
“How could that be?” Snow asked.
“You got us lost,” Regina accused.
“No, she didn’t,” Hook said. “It’s the camp. Pan’s moving it.”
“He’s playing tricks on us,” Charming realized.
“If Pan’s camp keeps moving, how are we gonna find Henry?” Katherine questioned. “So this whole trek has been for nothing.”
“I told you walking was idiotic,” Regina said. “If we can just use some magic, we can materialize in the camp and grab Henry.”
“We don’t know where the camp is,” Snow reminded her. “Have you even been listening?”
“Pan’ll have shields against magic,” Hook told her. “I fear such an attempt would end in your death. And more importantly, mine. Which is why we’re walking.”
“Well, then what’s your idea? How are we going to find it?”
“By using someone he trusts.”
“Who?” Charming asked. “Because I’d guess he certainly doesn’t trust you.”
“A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She’d be an inside source, knows all about the camp and can get us in. She might even have some pixie dust left. Perhaps we could fly in.”
“You mean fairy dust?” Katherine asked.
“No, pixie dust,” Charming corrected. “It’s stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust.”
“Wait. A fairy…Tinkerbell?”
“Oh, you know her?” Hook asked.
“Every kid in the world knows her,” she told him.
Regina realized that Katherine was right about who the fairy was and said, “It’s a bad idea.” She didn’t want to come face to face with her, because of what had happened between them long ago right before she’d become the Evil Queen. When Tinkerbell had come to her and given her a second chance at a happy ending, only for Regina to never walk through the door and meet him. She was afraid that after what had happened between her and Tinkerbell, the fairy wouldn’t help them saved Henry and get out of there alive. “Mark my words. This Tinkerbell is not going to save us.”
After Regina fell from the balcony, Tinkerbell used magic to stop her from falling and the next day, they sat down at a table outside and ate, as they talked.
“I can help people find what they need,” Tinkerbell told her.
“And what do I need?”
“You don’t even know? Regina, that’s so sad. Love. You need love.”
She chuckled. “You’re gonna help me find another soulmate?”
“It is possible to find love again. I’ve never seen pixie dust fail. It will find you your perfect match. If you let it, it will find your happy ending.”
“My happy ending looks like Snow’s head on a plate.”
“No! Aren’t you at least curious? What if I can do what I say?”
“Well, then I’d say that’s real magic.”
“Well, I’m a fairy. You might wanna try believing in me.”
They were walking through the jungle again.
“Katherine, there might be another way. Magic.”
“Didn’t we just go through this?” Katherine questioned Regina.
“Not my magic. Our magic.”
“I’m not interested. One thing I’ve learned is it always comes with a price.”
“Well, sometimes not using it comes with a price, too,” Regina replied. “I bet, you and I combined, are strong enough to overpower Pan.”
“What if we’re not? I’m not gonna take a chance on that. We’re talking about Henry’s life.”
Charming and Snow realized they weren’t following, and came back to see what was going on.
“I’m aware of that,” Regina replied.
“Look, I know you don’t like this plan, but let’s just see it through. Let’s at least see if we can find Tinkerbell.”
“And you think it’s the best plan because your boyfriend came up with it?”
“My boyfriend? Hook?” Katherine questioned, a little shocked.
“What’s your problem?” Snow asked.
“Sorry. I’m…just worried about Henry,” Regina apologized.
They continued walking and soon they got deeper.
Katherine was the last one now and Hook followed at her side.
“So, you’re gonna tell them?” he questioned. “I saw what happened to you. Let me see.”
She took a glance to make sure that the rest of them weren’t close enough to see.
“Fine. If you insist.”
She pulled up her shirt enough to see the stab wound, which shown some veins around it, and Hook raised the lantern he was holding enough to see.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
She pulled her shirt back down.
“About what? It’s not your fault. Besides, I’ve gotta change my lifestyle now that I’m not a vampire anymore. I used to say better you die than I, but now I’ve changed somewhat. Besides, I didn’t want anything to happen to anyone back there and I still don’t. I was saving Charming. Times like these, It’s best Nadia didn’t live to see this happen to me. So, how long do you think I have?”
“Days. Maybe weeks. You won’t live to see summer, that’s for sure. You have to tell them.”
“No. At least not yet. Not until we save Henry. Then we can all worry about me when we head home.”
She walked passed him.
After they got deeper and closer to where Tinkerbell lived, Regina stopped and set the lantern down on a log. Katherine saw, so she went over to her.
“Hey,” Regina replied.
“You’re falling behind. Hook thinks her place is right up ahead. Come on.”
“If she still lives there,” Regina replied. “You go waste your time searching and I’ll wait.”
Katherine approached to stand not far from her.
“What did you do to her?”
“What? Why would you assume I did something?”
“You met her before, right? In the enchanted forest? What did you do? Kill her brother? Steal her halo?”
“She’s not an angel. Okay. We have a complicated history.”
“I knew it.”
“You don’t need to know the details. But if she sees me, she won’t help. And if she is the way in, well then, trust me, my staying out of her sight is probably best for Operation Henry.”
Regina sat down beside the lantern.
“Operation Henry?”
“That’s what I’ve been calling it in my head because…”
“He’d call it that,” Katherine ended for her.
“He’d have a better name,” Regina said. “But it’s the best I can do.”
“Okay. We’ll get her and come get you.”
“No, don’t bother. It’s better if we never see one another. And if you don’t find her, keep going. Just get Henry. Don’t worry about Tinkerbell.”
“What the hell did you do to her?” she wanted to know.
“What I always do.”
Although she didn’t want to, Katherine walked away to leave her there. She knew Regina was counting on them to save Henry, even if Regina couldn’t do it herself.
Tinkerbell led Regina to outside a cavern with the pixie dust, which had shown who her happiness could be if she gave it a chance.
“Inside here lies the beginning of your happiness,” Tinkerbell informed her. “All the pain in your past will be just that, the past.”
“I just need a moment,” Regina told her.
“You’re nervous. I get it. But look. There he is. The guy with the lion tattoo.”
“That’s him?” she questioned, looking through the window.
“Pixie dust doesn’t lie. Come on. This is your chance at love and happiness. A fresh start with no baggage. You can let go of all the anger that weighs you down. Go get him.”
“Okay. Okay. I can do this. I can be happy.” Regina gave a smile at that last part.
“I know you can. Go.”
Tinkerbell left.
Regina opened the door, but she never walked in to meet him, because she was too afraid, so she fled away from the tavern and down the street.
Hook went up the ladder, once they reached the place where he thought Tinkerbell was living at.
“No one’s home. Come on up.”
Charming came up after Hook.
“Where would it be?”
“She wouldn’t leave dust just lying around, mate. It’s not here. Promise. I’m sorry,” Hook said.
“It’s pretty bare,” Katherine commented, coming up the ladder next.
“You’d think a tree house would be more cheery,” Snow said, as she came up the ladder last. Snow then took a look around and said, “Because it’s just a place to sleep.”
“What would you know about that?” Katherine asked.
“I didn’t always have a canopy bed in a palace. I had a place like this, too, once.”
“You did?”
“A tree stump, when I was running from the Queen. Believe it or not, I understand this Tinkerbell. The real question is, why does she have a ladder? Fairies have wings.”
Charming picked something up.
“Guys? I found something. It’s a handkerchief.”
Snow took it from Charming.
“That’s Regina’s. How’d it get here?”
“She was tracking us. Watching Regina,” Katherine realized.
“But if she’s been watching her…,” Snow began.
“Then we’re in the wrong place,” Hook finished for her.
“Regina,” Charming said, realizing she was in danger.
Everyone started going down the ladder, one after the other.
Regina woke up in a cave with Tinkerbell waiting for her there.
“About time you woke up,” Tinkerbell greeted her. “I’ve been looking forward to this chat for quite some time.”
“Look, you don’t know why I’m here,” Regina said.
“Oh, I know exactly why you’re here. You’re trying to find your son.”
“And I take it by the restraints, you’re not helping?”
“Hell, no. You’re the last person I’d ever help after how you burned me.”
“Burned you? You’re the one who interfered in my life.”
“And threw away my own in the process.”
“So what do you want from me? To kill me? You think it’s that easy? Whatever you knocked me out with, I can tell it’s not magic. Maybe poppies. But they’re wearing off. And since you had to resort to that, it only means one thing. You don’t have magic.” Regina got to her feet. “But I do.” She got her hands free from the rope.
Tinkerbell grabbed an arrow and held it to her, close to her neck.
“I know. But even magic can’t stop this. Ever hear of dreamshade?”
“How the hell did you get like this?”
“I met you.”
“Okay. You want to kill me? I can make it easier.”
“What are you…?” Tinkerbell began.
Regina pulled out her own heart.
“You wanna kill me? Oh, don’t let the poison do it. You should do it.” When she didn’t take the heart, Regina added, “Go ahead. Crush it.”
“You think I won’t take it?”
“No, I’m counting on it.”
“Show me who you are, Tinkerbell.”
Tinkerbell took her heart from her and set the arrow down. She then squeezed the heart a little.
“Do you know what you cost me?”
Tinkerbelle began to walk away and it dawned on Regina.
“Your wings.”
“Why?” Tinkerbell asked, her back turned.
“Why what? Why did I hand over my heart?”
“No. Why did you lie? Because I’ve been over it a million times, and that spell worked!” She turned around to look at her again. “You never went in. It’s the only explanation. Why couldn’t you just go through that door and meet your soulmate? Was being happy such a terrible fate?”
“Yes. Yes, it was. You’re right. I never went in. I was afraid. I didn’t…You said I can let go of the anger that was weighing me down, and suddenly it felt like without it, I’d just float away. That anger was all I had. What would I be without it?” Regina admitted.
“Weak,” Regina corrected her.
“And look what good it did to you. That strength you gained. ‘Cause I’m holding your heart in my hand and I’m not hearing one reason not to squeeze it into ash.”
Tinkerbell now stood just inches in front of her again.
“Alright. You want a reason? Here you go. You think I was afraid? You think I did the wrong thing? Well, fairy, right now, you’re making the same choice. I picked revenge over hope and you’re holding the result. A small, hard, dark heart. If you make the same choice I did, then what you’re looking at is your own future. I’m not going to tell you what to do. The choice is yours. Kill me, or act like the fairy you are.”
“You said I was a terrible fairy.”
“Well, then prove me wrong. Pick hope over anger. Choose love and help me get my son back.”
“You love your son?”
“Very much. With Henry, I finally got something right. Don’t you want to be able to say the same thing?”
“It’s too late for me.”
“Only if you kill me.”
“I won’t kill you. But I won’t help you either. Besides, it’s probably too late. He’s been with him too long. “
She handed Regina her heart back and then walked away.
When Tinkerbell left the cave, Katherine and Hook and Charming and Snow came into view, all with their weapons ready.
Tinkerbell put her hands up in surrender, in front of her.
“Where’s Regina?” Katherine asked.
“Who the hell are you?” Tinkerbell asked, confused.
“An angry former mother and sort of friend to Regina and ex vampire. I wouldn’t peeve me off anymore if I were you. Let’s just say in my world, I may have been just as bad or worse than Regina when I was a vampire, if we’re counting who killed and tortured the most people. I may be reformed, but I’m still learning to control my temper. Now where is she?”
Regina came out of the cave after putting her heart back inside herself, when she heard the commotion.
“I’m fine.”
“You mind lowering those? You may stick me, but I’ll take you down with me,” Tinkerbell said.
“She’s okay. She’s not gonna hurt us. Just stand down,” Regina assured them.
“But is she going to help us?” Hook inquired.
“Well, look who the Queen dragged in. Hello, Hook,” Tinkerbell greeted.
“Lady Bell,” he greeted back.
“She’s not gonna help us,” Regina answered.
“Why not?” Katherine asked.
“Tink, after all we’ve been through together, a little assistance?” Hook asked her nicely.
“She doesn’t have any magic,” Regina informed Hook.
“No pixie dust?” Charming inquired.
“Not even her wings,” Regina informed them.
“How?” Katherine questioned, though she assumed it had to do with something from the past Tinkerbell and Regina shared.
“I guess people just stopped believing in me,” Tinkerbell replied. “And even if I wanted to help you, he’s too powerful.”
“But you know where Pan is?” Snow asked.
“Sure. But it won’t do you a bit of good.”
“Let us be the judge of that. Does he trust you?”
“Can you get us inside his compound?” Katherine asked.
“Maybe. Why should I help you?”
“Because I believe in you,” Snow replied.
“Just get us inside and we’ll take care of things from there,” Katherine encouraged her.
“And what’s in it for me? Other than a death sentence from Pan when you’re gone with your boy.”
“You can come with us,” Katherine offered.
“That’s right. A home,” Snow said. “That is what you want, isn’t it?”
“Okay. Listen closely,” Tinkerbell replied. “Pan trusts me. He’ll let me in. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll leave a way open for you. But you’ve only got one shot, so you better have a good plan.”
“Thank you. We will,” Katherine assured her.
“Come with us to our camp. We’ll figure it out,” Snow offered.
At their camp, Hook and Katherine were sitting beside each other and Snow and Charming were by each other as well.
Tinkerbell sat by Regina whom was sitting against a tree.
“Did you ever go back and find him? The man with the lion tattoo?” Tinkerbell wanted to know.
“Unreal. Do you know how selfish that is?”
“It’s a lot of things. But how is it selfish?” Regina replied.
“Because you didn’t just ruin your life. You ruined his,” Tinkerbell informed her.