Ch.69: Shattered Sight
Snow and Charming were still in separate cells.
Charming sat on a bed silently in his cell, as Snow spoke to him.
“Prince Charming. Finally, I’m seeing you clearly.”
“And what do you see?” he wanted to know.
“A fraud. A shepherd. Who has no business being royalty.”
“Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles who always runs away.”
They both stood on either side of the bars.
“I can’t believe I had a child with you,” she replied.
“Well, maybe you didn’t. Could be Wale’s,” Charming replied.
They both walked away from the bars.
“If this is what marriage is like, I’m glad you keep postponing ours,” Kristoff commented to Anna, still handcuffed to the desk.
“You don’t mean that, Kristoff,” Anna replied. “It’s the spell.”
“No. I’m seeing clearly now, too. I’m beginning to think this haircut wasn’t my only bad idea.”
“I know this isn’t really you. I know it, but it’s still upsetting, so I’m just going to go see my sister and you just stay here handcuffed where you can’t hurt anybody,” she replied. “But me. With your words.”
Anna walked away from him and to the sheriff’s office, where Katherine and Elsa were at.
“That’s not who they are,” Katherine assured Elsa whom was watching everyone that was under the spell. Katherine was holding the baby, as she said that.
“They’re their worst selves,” Elsa replied. “It’s like when Anna put me in that urn. She didn’t mean what she said either. I hope.”
“I didn’t,” Anna assured her, walking into the office, having overheard their conversation. “But that doesn’t make this any less horrible.”
Elsa hugged her and she hugged back.
“That’s okay. You’re immune. We all are,” Elsa replied.
They pulled away.
“And we’re together,” Elsa added.
“It’s going to be alright. Remember. I’m the Savior,” Katherine said, even though she didn’t want to be.
“Is that like a real job here?” Anna questioned.
“Apparently, it is. I promised everybody here that I’d help them get their happy endings. And I will. I’m just not sure how at this moment.”
“I think I may have an idea,” Anna suddenly said. “Do you know how the Snow Queen got the idea for the curse?” she asked Elsa. “It’s from the legend called the Trojan Glass.”
“Never heard of it,” Katherine informed her.
“Its origin isn’t important. What matters is how they broke the curse.”
“But what was done?” Elsa asked.
“Um, to break the spell…,” she said, thinking from memory of how they had broken it. “Oh. They had to kill the king. So, in this case, that would mean Ingrid.”
“I don’t believe killing is ever the answer,” Elsa replied, not liking the idea. “Are you sure we can’t reason with her?”
“She’s beyond that. We all want another way, but if it comes down to her or the town, I’ll do what has to be done,” Katherine told her.
“But—,” Elsa began to reject.
“We’re out of options,” Katherine interrupted her. She looked at Anna. “Anna? How are you with kids?”
“I love kids,” Anna answered her.
Katherine walked over to her with the baby and gave the baby to her.
“Wait. I’m the babysitter? If this is what has to happen, I want to be by your side,” Anna said.
“I’m sorry, but someone has to stay here with everyone else,” Katherine apologized.
Katherine left the office.
“This was my idea,” Anna said.
“I know, but you are my sister, which means you need to stay safe. And Ingrid is a problem that Katherine and I have to fix,” Elsa replied.
“Do you trust Katherine?” Anna asked.
“I do. She’s my friend.”
“Then go,” Anna replied.
Elsa left the office.
Meanwhile, Regina’s dark side had come out and she was having a tantrum over being sealed in her own vault.
Rumple was inside his shop, when Hook walked in.
“Where’s the missus? She turn homicidal on you yet?”
“None of your business,” Rumple replied.
“It’s like swimming with sharks out there,” Hook informed him. “Even if one of them gets a taste of blood, they’ll tear each other apart.”
“Well, count your blessings you’re not one of them.”
“Why was I spared the cloud’s curse?”
“Because your heart wasn’t in your chest, dearie. It was here in my shop in protective custody sort of speak.”
“What is it you need, Crocodile?”
“Once I’m finished packing, I’m going to take Belle to the town line. I need you to find Henry and do the same thing.”
“So you still think you’re leaving,” Hook replied.
“Oh, ye of little faith,” Rumple said with a chuckle. “Tomorrow night, when the stars in the sky align with the stars on the hat, I shall finally cleave myself of this dagger and be on the other side of that ice wall before dawn.”
“Are you saying there’s a bloody way out of here?” Hook inquired.
“The Dark One always finds a way,” he replied.
“Well, if The Dark One is so powerful, why doesn’t he magic his grandson to his side?”
“Because that would require me knowing where his mothers have locked him away for safe keeping. Now, unless you really really have no need for that tongue, I say you stay outside in the hostile current and find Henry.”
“You won’t win. Villains never do,” Hook reminded him.
“Don’t be ridiculous, dearie. When Belle and Henry wake up tomorrow morning in New York City, they won’t remember a thing about tonight.” He informed him that he’d be informing them that he got everyone out that he could. Then he added, “I won’t be a villain. I’ll be a hero.”
Hook left the shop without a word, not liking the idea.
Ingrid left the ice cream shop with a memory pebble.
“Stop,” Katherine said, once she was outside, and Ingrid did as she was told.
“This has to stop, Ingrid,” Elsa said.
“Your magic is a part of us now. We control it and we control it really well.”
“I’m so proud of you both,” Ingrid replied. “You’ve finally embraced who you truly are.”
They tried to use magic on her, but it wasn’t working. They looked at the ribbons, as they glowed.
“The love that runs through our ribbons is without equal,” Ingrid informed them. “Its strength protects the life force that we all now share.”
Elsa looked at Katherine.
“She’s made it impossible for us to hurt her.”
“We gotta get these things off,” Katherine replied to Elsa.
“There’s no need. Soon, you won’t want to hurt me,” Ingrid interjected. “Soon, you will love me. For real.”
Katherine and Elsa entered the shop. After looking around and calling for Gold and Belle, and finding no one and there was nobody answering back, Katherine turned around to look at Elsa.
“They’re gone.”
“Then what do we do?” Elsa wanted to know.
Katherine stood there for a moment, before getting an idea.
“We do it ourselves.”
Katherine found a big knife and began trying to cut the ribbon off.
Charming and Snow were still arguing with each other.
“That’s ridiculous,” Charming replied to Snow.
“If you knew how to swaddle our child correctly,” Snow replied.
“I swaddled him perfectly.”
“He’s a baby. Not a breakfast burrito.”
Anna tried to intervene to stop them from arguing, since their child was asleep and she didn’t want their arguing to wake him up, but it didn’t work out.
Katherine was still trying to cut her ribbon off, but it wasn’t working.
Katherine stopped trying, but then she had the idea that someone’s amplified hatred could get the ribbons off, so she and Elsa went to Regina’s vault.
Once they were a distance away from her vault, Katherine stopped walking and picked up a rock.
“Okay. Stand back,” she told Elsa. Then she threw the rock at the vault and it bounced off and hit the ground. She announced the kind of spell it was. Then she took the spell down. “The next part should be easy for me,” she said, walking up to the vault.
“What’s that?” Elsa asked.
“Being prickly,” Katherine replied, using the words that Elsa had said Katherine was in the shop earlier when they’d been trying to figure out a way to get rid of the ribbons. Then she entered the vault with Elsa and seeing her, she took a step back, being cautious of her. She knew from the book and her time traveling with Hook that her dark side was worse than she had been as a vampire.
Regina stood up from where she’d been sitting in a chair.
“You. I was just reading up on how to turn you into a garden topiary.”
Katherine was silent, trying to figure out what to say to that.
“What’s she doing here?” Regina inquired, seeing Elsa with her.
“I wanted to see your face when you learn the truth,” Elsa said, playing along with Katherine.
“The truth about what?”
“I lied. I wanted to see your happiness ruined and do the exact same thing Snow White did.”
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this,” Regina said, and a fireball appeared in her hand and she through it at them. The fireball made the ribbons disappear and Katherine used magic to throw Regina to the floor.
“Let’s get out of here,” Katherine said.
Katherine and Elsa ran out of the vault and through the cemetery, as Regina yelled Katherine’s last name in rage.
Hook went to Regina’s office, assuming he was there, which he was. Rumple had given him a potion of some kind which he was able to use to get rid of the spell that Regina had cast on the door. Henry didn’t go with Hook though. He ran off when Hook fell to the floor, not expecting marbles on the floor in front of the door.
Hook got to the floor and was going to go after Henry, when Will found him to pay him back for “the shiny you gave me.” Hook easily through him to a wall though and then went after Henry.
Katherine and Elsa entered Ingrid’s snow cave.
Meanwhile, Regina in her Evil Queen dressage, entered the sheriff’s station and saw both Snow and Charming there and said, “Well, well; If this isn’t my lucky day. I had come here to kill Katherine, but now I get to kill the two idiots that started it all.”
“Hey, I wasn’t the one that told Cora about your secret boyfriend,” Charming said.
“Are you selling me out?” Snow asked him.
“Shut up! You both deserve to die.” She looked at Snow. “Not for just what you did.” She looked at Charming. “But for your whining.” She looked at them both. “But your punishment should fit your crimes. Mary Margaret, you took my first true love from me. Now I’m going to return the favor. By taking your baby.”
“No!” Snow yelled at her.
“Regina!” Charming yelled at her.
Anna tried to talk Regina out of it and then added, “You don’t really hate Mary Margaret and David.”
“It does sound like she has her reasons,” Kristoff commented.
“Kristoff?” Anna said.
“I don’t know who you are, but why don’t you go back to where you came from,” Regina said, and magically made Kristoff and Anna disappear in a cloud of purple magic. She then looked at Snow. “Where was I?” She magically opened the cell door.
“You’re using your magic, Regina. Afraid to get your hands dirty?”
“I don’t need magic to kill you. Magic is too good for you.” She magically made a sword appear in Snow’s hand and her own hand. “I want to see you bleed.” Then she readied her sword.
“You two have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment,” Ingrid said from behind them, and they turned around to see her. Then she noticed that their ribbons were gone. “Your ribbons. What have you done?”
“I’m not much for accessories,” Katherine replied.
“Those ribbons joined us together,” Ingrid replied.
“Get it through your head, lady. We’re not your sisters and we’re never going to love you.”
Ingrid sat down.
“I know you actually believe that and it makes me sad. But I know that sadness won’t last, because soon you’ll see. You’re wrong.” She brought out a pebble and informed them that there was a time that Elsa had loved her very much and the good memories were in the pebble. Ingrid believed that if someone loved you once, they could love you again.
Anna and Kristoff were back on the beach, because Regina had tried sending them back where they came from and that was the closest place. That’s when Anna found a bottle with a note and she immediately realized what it was. In order to get it out of the bottle, she had to knock him out with it. Then she said she’d be back and she headed for the cave Ingrid lived at.
“I’m sorry, Katherine. I can’t hurt her,” Elsa said.
“Well, I can,” Katherine said.
She was about to throw magic at Ingrid, when Anna came rushing in.
“Anna, don’t. She’s too dangerous,” Elsa warned.
“You should listen to my sister and go,” Ingrid warned Anna.
“Your sister? She’s mine. And whatever you’re going to do, well, don’t.” She looked at Elsa. “Elsa, I found this on the beach. It’s from our mother. She must’ve thrown it into the ocean before their ship sank. It came over in the portal with us.”
“Just be careful,” Katherine warned.
“No. I’m not going to be careful. She needs to hear this. You all do.”
She read what it said, which said that their mother regretted her decision to put Ingrid in the urn and she loved Ingrid and she regretted wanting to do something with Elsa’s powers too.
Ingrid thought she was lying and took it from her, only to find out that it was exactly as Anna had read.
“What have I done?” Ingrid said. “I need to reverse this.” She walked over to her mirror.
“You can’t. It’s the only way to—,” Anna began.
“I know. I have to destroy myself,” Ingrid said. “There’s no other way. I am a monster, but not because of my powers. Because of what I let them turn me into. I have to undo this.”
“No, Ingrid. You’ll die,” Elsa said.
“I know. It’s okay. Elsa, Anna, you found each other. And Katherine. You found a family. Even if it wasn’t with me. You deserve your memories. You three are so special.” She gave Elsa her memories back. “Never forget that.”
She magically made the mirror parts circle her and then she disappeared when the spell was broken.
Snow began to fall.
“She sacrificed herself for us,” Katherine stated. “For all of us.”
“Anna,” Elsa said.
“Elsa,” Anna said.
Anna and Elsa hugged.
When the spell broke, Snow and Regina whom had been sword fighting, let go of each other and dropped their swords.
Regina looked at her clothes.
“What am I wearing?”
Then the three of them had a laugh.
Katherine, Anna, and Elsa were walking through the town as it snowed.
“Katherine!” Snow called to her whom was pushing the stroller. Charming and Regina were at her sides.
Katherine went over to them and hugged Charming and then Snow.
Henry came over.
“Henry,” Regina said.
Henry and Regina hugged.
Katherine let go of Snow.
Henry turned to Katherine and then they hugged.
“And he’s finally waking,” Charming said, seeing that their baby was waking up finally after sleeping through all the commotion.
Snow tried to apologize, but Charming told her, “We were under a curse. It’s okay.” Then he and Snow kissed.
Hook entered the shop and informed Rumple whom was watching Belle sleep in the bed, “Henry got away.”
Rumple turned to look at him.
“So you failed kidnapping a child.”
“Well, perhaps you could say my heart wasn’t in it.”
“The Snow Queen’s plan also failed. But mine won’t. Enjoy the snow fall, dearie. It’ll be your last.”
“Then grant me one dying wish.”
“I’m in the business of making deals with you anymore.”
“Leave Katherine and the rest of Storybrooke be,” Hook told him. “There’s no need to harm them.”
“When I step over that town line with my magic intact, Katherine and Storybrooke have nothing to fear from me. As long as they don’t get in my way. But I can’t make that promise to the rest of the world.”
Rumple left the shop, putting his coat on.