Ch.60: A Tale Of Two Sisters
As Elsa walked from the barn and along a road, it was still dark outside. When she came upon the sign that said what the town was called, Elsa read aloud, saying, “Storybrooke.” Then the sign began to turn to ice.
After the party, LeRoy made Sleepy the designated driver, but then Sleepy fell asleep. When he did, LeRoy tried to control the car and then saw someone standing in the middle of the road.
After a few moments, Elsa put her hands towards the car and the front of the van got turned into ice.
The next day, Elsa was walking through town, a trail of ice following her, as she walked. She stopped, when someone on a motorcycle passed. Then she had to get control of her emotions so she wouldn’t freeze everything. Then she looked and saw a white wedding dress in the window of a store.
Elsa had told Anna that she had a surprise for her for Anna’s wedding. They went to the tower and as they walked up the stairs, Anna said, “You have to tell me. No, don’t tell me. Um…A horse and carriage. No, a horse couldn’t get upstairs. It’s a snow palace, an indoor ice rink, the whole wedding will be on ice. It’s an…” Anna opened the door. “An attic.”
Elsa stood behind Anna.
“It is, indeed.”
They walked inside.
“So, we’re here because?” Anna questioned.
Elsa went to where clothing was stored and opened the doors, as she said, “Take a look.”
When Elsa stepped aside, Anna saw a wedding dress.
“Is that…”
“Mother’s? Yes,” Elsa replied.
“You found it.”
“Go on.”
Anna went over to where it hung. She was about to touch it, but then turned to her sister.
“I don’t wanna rip it.”
“Then you’ll have to put it on carefully.”
“You want me to wear it? Of course you want me to wear it. Why else would we be here?”
Elsa carefully took it off the hanger and held it to Anna and Anna took it, holding it there.
“It’s missing something,” Elsa commented. Then she held up the necklace which was a six-pointed star. She put it on Anna and said, “There. Something new. To go with something borrowed.”
“It’s gorgeous. I mean, enchanting. I mean, I love you.”
Anna hugged Elsa and Elsa hugged back.
“You’re very welcome,” Elsa replied and then pulled away. “Now shall we see it with the dress?”
Anna went behind the curtains to get changed.
“It’s so beautiful. And soft. You know I’m going to spill something on it. Maybe only clear beverages at the wedding.”
Elsa approached where a wooden desk was at.
“So, about the wedding, tell me I don’t have to walk down the aisle with Sven?”
“He’s not the best man, but he is invited,” Anna informed her.
“And now is where you tell me you’re joking.”
“He’s going to be properly attired. For a reindeer.”
“I’m sure he will be. I’m actually a little bit more concerned with the groom.”
Anna peaked around the curtain.
“Elsa, he knows what to wear. It’s not like he grew up in a barn.” Anna thought about what she just said and added, “Fine, yes, he lived in one for a while, but he grew up with trolls. Wait until you see him, he even cut his hair. He’s going to look wonderful.” Anna went back behind the curtain.
“That would be a most welcome surprise,” Elsa commented, and looked at the old desk, before opening it and picking up an old book. She opened it and began reading. What she read upset her.
Anna came out from the curtain, wearing their mother’s dress.
When she saw snowflakes forming around Elsa, she saw that something upset her.
“Elsa, what’s wrong?” She approached her. “What is that?” When she saw what it looked like, she said, “A diary?”
“Mother’s,” Elsa informed her.
“What’s in there?”
“Our parents, their death. It’s all my fault.”
“Elsa,” Anna said, as Elsa left. “Elsa.”
Belle and Rumple were in their car, still wearing what they had for their wedding.
“Hey. It’s okay. You can do this,” Belle encouraged him.
They kissed and then Rumple left the car to go visit his son’s grave. He began to talk to it.
“My boy. Remember when you were small? There was a night, during the Ogres War, there was a terrible noise, the horses’ hooves thundering down the dusty path.” Rumple knelt at his grave. “You crawled into my bed and I can still hear your little voice, “Papa, I’m afraid.” And, I guess by instinct, I just said, “Don’t worry, son. Everything’s going to be fine.” And you smiled at me. You know, that was the happiest moment in my life. Because, for the first time ever, I felt like a man. That I could truly look after you, alone. Until I discovered this.” He took the dagger out of his jacket. “And it turned me into a monster. Obsessed with power, when all I really needed was you. Your love. And now, through Belle, there’s love in my life again. But once more, I’ve started it with a lie. She thinks she has the real dagger. I only lied to her in order to avenge your death. And now that I’ve done so, I really need the strength to give it back. Be that man I should be. The man you died for. And I pledge, Baelfire, I will be that man. Your heroism has shown me the way.” He stood up and put the dagger back in his jacket. “I promise, I’ll spend my life repaying you for that.”
He walked away from his grave, back to the car.
After Belle gave him directions to a house that wasn’t far from the woods but was also quite a ways away from everything else in Storybrooke, Rumple stopped the car a distance from the house.
“I, uh…found it on a morning hike,” Belle informed him. “It must’ve come over in the last curse. No one’s claimed it. So I thought there’d be no harm if we borrowed it for our honeymoon.”
He gave a smile and she laughed.
Soon enough, they were inside the house.
Belle looked over at him, as she walked.
“You know, I wonder who this belonged to. Come on, take a look around, it is spectacular.” She set her purse on a chair. “You can see the ocean from nearly every room.”
Rumple put Belle in a magical frozen state so he could put the real dagger in her purse and take the fake one out.
“If we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do it properly.”
After he finished, he unfroze her.
She turned around to look at him.
“You haven’t even seen the best part yet. Come on.”
He paused, seeing Jefferson’s hat, though it wasn’t in a shape of a hat anymore, on the table.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.
“Yeah. It’s just, whoever this place belonged to has interesting taste.”
She led him into a gigantic room that looked like it could be a ballroom of some sort.
“So, what do you think?”
“Well, I think we’ve been married almost a full day, and I don’t believe we’ve had our first dance.” He snapped his fingers and an old record player like thing began to play music and the light turned on. Then Belle was now in a yellow dress and he was in a blue and gold suit. “Care to dance, Mrs. Gold?”
He gave a smile, stepping closer, and she smiled.
“I would love to.”
A moment later, they were dancing.
“I don’t know, maybe we should have gone with Baelfire,” Charming commented, as he walked with Neal in a baby stroller, Neal asleep.
Katherine walked next to Snow, talking to her, and she and Snow somehow got into a conversation about her and Hook.
“He doesn’t know about you and Hook?” Snow questioned her, taking a wild guess.
“There is no me and Hook,” Katherine denied. “Okay, well, I don’t know what there is, but I certainly can’t talk to Henry if I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
A moment later, she heard her name being called by Hook.
She turned, looking around for where he was.
“Speaking of,” she commented.
Hook caught up with them and went to walked beside her.
“Pierce, are you avoiding me?”
Katherine looked over at Snow.
“Could you give us a minute?”
She went to the closest alleyway to talk to Hook.
“I’m not avoiding you. I’m just…Dealing with stuff. We have a crisis right now.”
“There is always a crisis,” Hook commented. “Perhaps you should consider living your life during them, otherwise, you might miss it.”
A moment later, they heard LeRoy yelling that they were under attack. When he did, Hook gave a look and sighed.
“We’re under attack,” LeRoy said for the second time and then finally found where Katherine was.
She turned to look at LeRoy whom had Sleepy at his side.
“LeRoy, what is it?” she asked.
“We were just driving home when some thing blasted me with magic. The whole van’s iced over. We woke up in a meat locker. Who’s got that kind of magic?”
“Maybe the person that made that?” she replied, when she saw a trail of ice.
After leaving the attic, Elsa took the diary with her to the woods and sat on a log. Snowflakes were still around her, when Anna found her. Anna finally convinced Elsa to tell her what was in the dairy.
“Turns out our parents didn’t go off on some diplomatic mission like everyone thought. That was just a cover.”
“For what?” Anna asked her.
“Read it,” Elsa said, handing her the book which was opened to a page.
Anna read it out loud.
“I wish I didn’t have to hide the truth from our children, but the truth would be too painful. What we’ve seen from Elsa is terrifying. And it has to be stopped.”
“They were scared of me. That’s why they left,” Elsa said. “Because they thought I was a monster.”
“No, no. I won’t believe it. I refuse to believe it,” Anna replied, looking at her.
“It’s all right there.”
“Is it? Because it doesn’t say where they were going, or what they were doing. It could be a misunderstanding.”
“Anna, because of me, they left. Because of me, they can’t walk you down the aisle tomorrow. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to be. It’s not your fault. You’re not a monster. I don’t think so, this whole kingdom doesn’t think so. And for sure our parents didn’t think so. And I will prove it. This diary is only part of the story.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because…Instinct? Okay. Right. That’s not enough. But there are more answers out there about what happened to them. I know it.” She suddenly got an idea. “And I know who can help us find them.”
“My future in-laws.”
Katherine and Hook went to investigate, following the trail of ice. When they saw a door of a wooden old fence close, they ran over and was soon inside what looked like maybe a junkyard of some sort.
Kat had a gun in hand, when a snowman forced, since Elsa was having trouble controlling her magic because of her emotions.
“Well, that’s a new one,” Hook commented.
“We shouldn’t be here,” Elsa told her, as they approached what looked to be ordinary rocks, but weren’t.
“Oh, they’re practically family,” Anna replied.
“I meant, you need to be planning your wedding.”
“It’s tomorrow. If there’s still planning to do, I’ve horribly miscalculated.”
“You need rest, it’s a special day. You should enjoy it.”
“I can’t if my sister is upset,” Anna replied, and then called, “Grand Pabbie? I know you’re here. Why aren’t you showing yourself? Grand Pabbie?”
What looked like a rock rolled over to them and he unrolled himself and looked at her.
“Oh, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”
“And when have we ever been traditional?”
“What’s wrong? Something happened? You have second thoughts? He won’t smell like that forever.”
“No, no, this isn’t about Kristoff. It’s about our parents.” She knelt on the ground at his level and handed him the book. “What were they really doing on that voyage?”
He read it and said, “I’m sorry. I don’t know.”
Elsa walked over.
“Thank you.” She reached out a hand and he gave the book to her. “Come on, let’s go,” Elsa told Anna.
Anna got to her feet.
“Wait,” he said. “I may not know what they were doing, but I know where they were going. Days before their journey, your parents stopped by to say they were not going to the Northern Isles, and they had a few questions about a land called Misthaven.”
“What did they want there?” Elsa asked.
“They never said. They, like many of us, had their secrets.” He yawned. “Now, I need my beauty sleep.” He rolled himself back up into a rock.
Anna turned to Elsa.
“We have an answer.”
“No, we have more questions.”
“We have one answer and more questions, that’s a start. We have to go to Misthaven.”
“No, I can’t just leave. I’m still Queen. I can’t abandon the kingdom.”
“You’re just making excuses.”
“Have you forgotten your last dalliance, Hans? He and his angry brothers are out there waiting to pounce at the first moment of weakness.”
“Okay, good excuses, but still. Let me go alone. Give me two weeks, Misthaven is a short journey. Two weeks and I’ll be right back.”
“That’s just what Mother and Father said,” Elsa told her, before turning around and walking away.
Kat lowered her gun, looking at the snowman.
“We don’t wanna pick a fight,” she said.
“Pierce,” Hook said.
“I just wanna see what it wants,” she told him.
It took a step towards them.
“Go away,” it told her.
She accidentally dropped the gun and the gun fired off once, hitting the snowman and the snowman roared, as Kat landed on top of Hook. Then she got up and they ran out of there, but the snowman followed.
“Evil snowman. Run,” LeRoy said.
Kat gave a sigh at LeRoy calling it evil.
Everyone began running in fear.
The snowman stopped walking towards them.
“I think the noise is scaring it,” Kat commented, watching. Charming now stood with Kat and Hook. As she watched the snowman walk away, she said, “It’s headed for the forest.”
Elsa saw a newspaper, which announced Belle and Rumple’s wedding.
Elsa left her hiding spot and went to an alleyway, trying to control her magic so she could help undo what she had done.
Hook, Kat, and Charming ran into the woods looking for it. They ran into the clearing Robin was at.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Some kind of snow monster,” Charming informed him.
“No monster shall cross our path. We’ll give you our assistance…,” Robin began. Then they heard the growling of the snowman.
“It’s getting closer. It’s coming from the north,” Hook informed them.
Hook and Katherine walked side by side towards the sound and stopped when they saw it in the distance.
“There,” Little John said, pointing his crossbow at it.
“No, no, no, don’t shoot,” Kat tried to warn him.
“It only attacks when it feels threatened,” Hook told them. “Pistol, sword, hook, my cutting wit. I don’t think we have what it takes.”
“Katherine does,” Charming said.
“What?” she asked, looking at him.
“Your magic, luv,” Hook told her.
“Right,” she said and look at the snowman again.
“You can do this,” Hook encouraged her.
She through some at the snowman and the snowman stopped.
“Take that, Frosty,” she commented. A moment later, icicles appeared on the snowman. “Really?” she added.
The snowman through everyone away and they all hit the ground.
Regina appeared and used magic on it, which made it dissipate into nothing.
When they woke up, they saw Regina there and the snowman gone. That’s when they realized that Regina had stopped it.
Regina looked at them and then disappeared in purple smoky magic.
After grabbing what was all left of the snowman, which was just a small pile of snow, Kat threw it at a tree.
Hook came up from behind her.
“So, crisis averted.”
She turned around to look at him.
“Now you wanna go home and see what’s on Netflix?”
He paused for a sec thinking of an answer, and then finally said, “I don’t know what that is, but sure.”
He gave a smile.
She smiled back and then said, “Killian, someone created that snowman. This isn’t over.”
“It never is. All the more reason to enjoy the quiet moments. And right now, we have a quiet moment.” He stepped closer to her.
“I know,” she replied with a smile. “I just gotta do something.”
“Right. Of course. Go ahead, but don’t tell me you’re not avoiding me anymore, because I’m actually quite perceptive. And this? This is avoiding me.”
“I know. I am,” she admitted. She kissed him and then pulled away. “Be patient.”
She walked away.
“I have all the time in the world,” Hook said, though he was the only one there, since she’d left. “Unless another monster appears and kills me.”
Elsa found the star necklace in Gold’s shop and took it. Holding it up, she said, “Don’t worry, Anna. I will find you.”