Ch. 50: Dark Hollow
Because Regina had changed his mind in dying to defeat fan, he and Regina went to the ocean and Regina used a seashell to call upon an old acquaintance. A mermaid named Ariel. She gave Ariel her voice back and they asked her to go to Storybrooke to get something to help defeat Pan. Ariel agreed and Rumple told her that since they couldn’t tell her what the object was because Pan had eyes everywhere, he told her to find Belle and give her the enchanted flat sea shell. She took it and left to go find Storybrooke and get what was needed, once Regina promised that she could let her have control of her legs whenever she wanted and she could see Eric in Storybrooke.
Hook and Katherine were alone in the jungle, talking, now that they had the plan to get Pan’s shadow at a cave where Pan’s shadow’s victims were forced to stay surrounded by the darkness in there. They were talking about the kiss.
“When I win your heart, Katherine, and I will win it. It won’t be because of some trickery. It’ll be because you want me.”
She looked at him, being quiet about that. He didn’t have to win it. She was already falling for him, but she didn’t want to, so she didn’t say anything. She just kept on walking to the cave.
When they were inside the cave, the lanterns burnt out and then A couple shadows appeared, trying to get at them.
A shadow grabbed Hook whom was against a bark of a tree.
She grabbed the star candle Neal had made years ago, that they’d brought with them and succeeded in magically lighting it. Pan’s shadow then got sucked into it and she closed it, which made the other shadow disappear.
Hook fell to the ground, but he was okay.
When Ariel returned, Rumple took Pandora’s box from her and Ariel headed back to Storybrooke to find Eric.
Charming and Snow found Tinkerbelle.
“I was wondering when I’d see you again,” she greeted them, a bag of food in hand. “But if you’ve come to talk me into helping you before you found a way off this island, I still…”
Charming stepped towards her.
“We found one. Or we’re about to.”
“I’m not sure I like the sound of this “about to.”
“Pan’s shadow,” Snow said, going to stand by Charming. “Katherine went with Hook to capture it. That’s our way off the island.”
“Capture Pan’s shadow?”
“Yeah, I’m not lifting a finger until I see some proof you’ve actually succeeded.”
Katherine and Hook found them.
“We did it. Are you finally ready to do your part, Tink?” Hook said.
“Yes. Yes, I am.”