Ch.64: Breaking Glass
Elsa and Katherine were at the station with boxes of file folders that had papers in them.
“Somewhere in here, there’s got to be something on her,” Katherine said.
“There has to be a better strategy. While we’re reading files, my sister is out there somewhere. We have to confront this Snow Queen,” Elsa insisted.
“Believe me, if I could, we would. We have to find her first. And, Elsa, we have to be careful. This woman is tricky. She seems to know you and you don’t remember her and something tells me it’s not an accident.”
“You think she took my memories?” Elsa asked.
“I’m really good with names and faces and I’ve never seen her before. If you don’t remember her, then she took your memories all right. The question is why. We need to find out what the hell she’s up to.”
Hook entered the station with a box.
“Paperwork, ahoy. Old city records from the Mayor’s office, per your request.”
He set a box by the one Elsa was standing by and looked over at Katherine, as he opened the box.
“Oi! Somebody’s forgotten about me dinner!” Will said. “I had the bangers and mash.”
She grabbed a bottle of water and a pop tart from the desk she was standing by and took them over to his cell.
“You had the water and pop tart.”
He got off the bed in his cell and took the bottle of water and looked at the pop tart.
“Somebody’s already had a nibble.”
“I’ve had my shots.”
He took the pop tart from her.
“That’s a relief,” he replied, and took a bite from the pop tart. “Now, I’ve served me time. So, when will I be free?”
“When I say so,” she replied with her back turned, now back at the box on her desk.
“Well, I’m off to take Henry sailing, love,” Hook told Katherine. He walked over to where she was. “Unless there’s something else you want me to do here.”
“Make sure Henry wears his life vest, okay?” she replied.
“Befriending the son to get in with her?” Will commented from the cell. “Yep. No one will ever see through that.”
Hook turned around to look at him.
“Why don’t you keep your thoughts to yourself, mate?”
He turned back to Katherine.
He gave her a kiss on the cheek and left the station.
Elsa found an envelope with pictures and went over to Katherine.
“Katherine, look.”
“Why are there pictures of you mixed in with the city records?”
“Let’s just say when Regina was mayor, she abused her power a bit.” She took the pictures from Elsa. “She was looking for any reason to run me out of town.” She gave a chuckle. “It’s the first time Henry and I went for hot cocoa.” She handed her pictures, as she spoke. “When I walked him to school for the first time.”
Katherine stopped the car on the side of the road and sighed, Elsa in the passenger’s seat.
“Are you okay?” Elsa asked her.
“It’s just the pictures. Reminds me of when I first got here. Regina and I hated each other. Well, “hate” might be the wrong word, but we did not mix.”
“But it seems like you’ve come a long way since then.”
“Yeah, but it looks like we’re right back at it. I just wish I could fix it. You coming?”
“I think this sounds like something you two should talk about alone. You know, if things were getting better between you two before, maybe they can again.”
“I doubt it. Once you screw something up, most of the time there’s no getting them back.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Experience. I lost someone special to me because of it a few years or so ago. Now I’m never going to get him back.”
She got out of the car. They were there to see if Regina could help out.
“Ms. Pierce. What an unpleasant surprise,” Regina greeted, looking at a book in her vault.
“I was hoping you might help us find the Snow Queen.”
Regina told her no on that, so Katherine didn’t fight her on it.
“I suppose I should talk to Sidney, then. But no one seems to know where he is. Have you seen him?” she said, when Regina said she wasn’t going to be helping.
“I’ve been busy,” Regina replied.
“Guess I’ll let you get back to what you’re doing then.”
Elsa was still waiting in the car, when she heard what sounded like Anna calling to her, so she got out and followed the voice.
When Katherine came out of the vault, she didn’t see Elsa in the car
Sidney whom was back in the mirror told Regina that he knew where the Snow Queen’s lair was and he wanted her to let him lead her there.
Snow and Charming went to the station and Charming grabbed a walkie talkie so that they could be reachable on their hike. That’s when he saw that Will had managed to escape from his cell. So, he and Snow went in search of him.
Regina was walking through the woods, searching for the Snow Queen’s lair. She put her pocket mirror away, when she felt that someone was nearby.
Katherine appeared, since she’d been looking around for Elsa.
“Regina,” she greeted.
Regina sighed.
“What are you doing here?”
“Elsa disappeared on me. I think she went to go confront the Snow Queen on her own. I’m afraid she’s in trouble.”
Regina sighed.
“How about you? Nature walks your new thing?”
Regina told her that she was looking for the Snow Queen’s lair.
“How do you even know where she is?” Katherine asked.
“Explaining my magic to a beginner is a waste of my time. She’s east of the toll bridge.”
Regina walked past her.
“Well, I think we should stick together, then,” Katherine suggested. “My best shot of finding Elsa is to go in the direction of the Snow Queen. You don’t mind the company, do you?”
“Does it matter if I mind? If I say no, you’ll just come anyway.”
Regina walked off and Katherine silently followed.
Elsa made a bridge when she got to a dead end where below was all river water, and she began walked on her ice bridge.
After a few minutes, Katherine asked, “Which way?”
“Is this a locator spell? Shouldn’t we be following some, like, floaty object or something?”
“Oh, now you’re a magic expert.”
“No, it’s just in the past, there was a…”
“There are many enchantments you have yet to be exposed to,” Regina stated. “If you bothered to study your craft, you’d know that.”
“I’m kind of learning as I go. It’s not like there’s a lot of online classes in this kind of thing. But when you helped me, I seemed to learn pretty fast.”
“I don’t have time for lessons.”
“I know. You’re busy.”
They continued onward.
Elsa found what looked to be Anna where there was a patch of snow. The Snow Queen then appeared and turned what looked to be Anna to ice and it disappeared.
“What did you do?” Elsa questioned.
The Snow Queen magically put ice chains on Elsa.
“I’m sorry for the theater, but she was never really here, sweetheart. An icy illusion, because I needed you.”
“For what?”
“Look at yourself. So much fear. Imagine what you could do if you only learned to control it. You had a chance to do so once, but you squandered it. Fortunately for me, the more frightened you are, the stronger those chains will hold. And that’s all I need. For now. You out of my way. I would tell you that everything is going to be fine. That I won’t hurt you. But your worry, your fear, are exactly what’s needed right now.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I’m going to build a snowman.”
Snow found Will digging.
“Looking for something?”
“Not really your concern, is it, lady?”
“Maybe you should have made a map for whatever it is you’re looking for.”
“I did make a map, thank you very much.”
“Did you lose it?”
“No. I didn’t lose me map. It’s in me traveling sack, safe and sound.”
“But you’re not traveling because you buried your sack and the map?”
“Yes, okay. I buried the map to find the sack in the sack I’m trying to find. I screwed up. It happens to the best of us.”
“Not really.”
“Well, it happens to the best of us when we have a touch too much to drink.”
“That I buy.”
“What it to you anyway? It’s not like you’re the sheriff.”
“Oh, no. But I am the sheriff’s wife.”
“You’re married to the blonde? That’s Katherine. Other sheriff.”
“What now?”
“You know, in your mug shot, you look taller. And smarter.”
“Did the sheriff’s wife just call me short and dumb?”
“I mean, you’re not even gonna try to run, are you?”
Will got to his feet.
“No. Consider yourself lucky that I’m too knackered.”
“You didn’t break out of jail.”
“I didn’t?”
“My husband let you go. So I’d have a little victory. Do a little tracking, put a criminal back behind bars, feel good about myself. I bet that you didn’t even do anything very serious.”
“I got drunk and broke into a library.”
“Oh! A boozy bookworm. Oh, this is David. This is so David. Well, you can admit it. This whole thing is an elaborate hoax.”
“What if I did admit it?”
“I’ll pardon you.”
“Right. So I’m supposed to believe that the sheriff’s wife can give me my freedom.”
“I’m also the mayor.”
“He did it.”
“I knew it!”
Katherine and Elsa found the bridge.
“Looks like Elsa was here,” Katherine commented.
“Thanks, Ms. Pierce. Please, continue to point out the obvious.”
“Then, obviously, we’re not gonna step on it ‘til we know it’s safe,” she replied, seeing that Regina was about to step onto it.
“It’s safe,” Regina assured her.
“Hey!” Katherine said, trying to get her to stop.
“You were saying?”
“I don’t know why I even bothered.”
“Well, that makes two of us. Now, hurry up. I’d like to get to that Snow Queen before it’s actually winter.”
Katherine finally began to follow Regina onto the bridge.
When she felt wind, Katherine got a sense of something and said, “Something’s not right.”
“Maybe your sparkly blue-dressed friend is closer than you think.”
“No. This is not Elsa.” The wind got stronger and the bridge shook a little.
Regina and Katherine fell on the bridge.
“The Snow Queen! She found us!” Katherine said over the sound of the wind.
Regina realized that Sidney had lured her into a trap.
“Sidney,” she said.
Katherine heard her.
“Sidney? What does Sidney have to do with any of this?”
Regina didn’t say anything to her and got an angry face.
Katherine realized what Regina had done.
“You lied to me. You said you didn’t have a clue where Sidney was,” Katherine said. “He was in your mirror the whole time?”
“Maybe I did. So what? I don’t have to tell you everything I’m doing.”
She opened up her pocket mirror.
“Nor do I, Your Majesty,” Sidney said.
“You led us here. You’re working for the Snow Queen? Traitor!”
“I’m the traitor? I think Your Majesty should take a look in the mirror. And as you contemplate what you’ve done, know that she has a present for you that I’d say is well-deserved.” He disappeared.
“Sidney!” she yelled.
She closed her pocket mirror.
“Regina?” Katherine said.
“Save your moral judgments.”
“Look!” Katherine told her.
The bridge began to break, so they began to run up the bridge to escape.
“Jump!” Katherine said, and they both did so, landing on solid ground.
Elsa tried breaking the chains and when she got unafraid, the chains broke.
Regina quickly got up and began walking.
Katherine got up a moment before and had to do a brisk walk to catch up with her.
“You okay?” Katherine asked. “Regina?”
Regina stopped walking.
“I think we have a bigger problem.”
Regina and Katherine saw a big snow man made of ice with an axe and shield.
They tried to work together to take it down and they took its arm off but it regrew its arm and regrew a new axe.
“Well, that’s a problem,” Katherine commented.
“Not helpful,” Regina replied, looking at the thing.
“Try again,” Katherine urged. “Together.”
Regina nodded and when they did it together, it completely disappeared.
“I think we did it,” Katherine commented.
“What a welcome visit, ladies,” the Snow Queen said, suddenly appearing in front of them. “Thank you for brining me what I needed.”
A moment later, the Snow Queen had Regina’s mirror in her hand.
“Give me back my mirror…you…,” Regina began to threaten her.
“No,” the Snow Queen said, and magically began to choke her.
“Stop. Don’t…,” Katherine began, but the Snow Queen began to do the same to her.
Elsa appeared behind them and blasted the Snow Queen, which made her land on the ground and stop choking them.
“You want a fight? Fight me,” she said, standing between them and the Snow Queen.
“Well done, Elsa. You’re losing your fear,” she said, once she was on her feet. “There’s hope for you yet.”
“Let’s just finish this now,” Regina said.
“No need,” the Snow Queen said. “I have what I want.”
The Snow Queen disappeared.
Elsa turned around to look at them.
“Are you both okay?”
“We are now. Thank you,” Katherine replied. Then she turned to Regina whom was pacing. “Why didn’t you tell me about Sidney?”
“Because, despite what you wish, we’re not partners. I didn’t ask for you to tag along.”
“Well, I did. And if you had told me, maybe you would have saved us some trouble.”
“Okay. Tell you what? That I threw Sidney in a mirror to help me find the Snow Queen? What’s the point? I know you too well, Pierce. So stop trying to get me to forgive you, because it’ll never happen.”
“Stop it. You two need to mend your differences, otherwise, Storybrooke doesn’t stand a chance,” Elsa tried to reason with Regina.
Regina chuckled.
“We never will. For one simple reason. I don’t want to,” Regina replied, and then magically disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.
The Snow Queen was in her lair, looking at the pocket mirror.
“You’re free. As promised.”
“Thank you. Now, what is it you wish me to do first, My Queen?”
“I wish nothing from you.”
“I don’t understand. But the deal was…”
“It wasn’t you that I wanted, Sidney.” She sat in her chair and looked at him. “It was the mirror itself. You more than anyone should understand a mirror’s importance. Mirrors reflect our mood, our desire, our essence. They are a temporary receptacle for some tiny fraction of our soul.”
“You have other mirrors.”
“I have many. Hundreds. But none as important as this one. For what I want to do, your former home should do quite nicely. The person who trapped you in here imbued it with much dark magic.”
“My Queen, what are you planning?”
“What I’m planning is to get what has been denied to me for too long. What I deserve.”
“What’s that?”
“That is between me and…Well, my reflection. Enjoy your freedom, Sidney.”
He began to leave and then she suddenly appeared in front of him.
“A word of advice. Get a warm coat. It’s going to get a bit cooler around here.” He bowed and then left.
As they walked through the woods together, Elsa told Katherine, “I’m sorry I took off. The Snow Queen tricked me. She made it seemed like Anna was here. I thought I was chasing her.”
“I get it. I’d do the same thing.”
“So why did you let Regina just walk away?”
“You heard her. She wants nothing to do with me.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t give up on her so soon.”
“It’s like I said. Once you screw things up, most of the time in my experience, there’s no going back.”
“I don’t believe that. If there’s one thing my sister taught me, you don’t give up on people. If someone’s important to you, don’t give up on them. Even if they say hurtful things or send a giant snow monster to chase you away.”
They both chuckled at that.
Regina was alone in her vault, moping.
She sighed.
“What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone, Pierce?” she said, seeing her from the mirror she was looking into. She turned around to look at her. “Go away.”
“I’m an idiot.”
“Finally, something we can agree on.”
“I’m an idiot because I’ve been down this road before.”
“Irritating me? Yes, you have.”
“No, a few years before I got here. There was someone I loved for 500 years, but the one time I lied to him, he doubted my intentions and left me for his family, despite the fact that I showed him that he could trust me. I don’t know if he ever forgave me. We haven’t spoken since then. I doubt he even knows that I was ever in danger after he left, because I never told him what was happening to me. For 500 years, I pushed people away that wanted to help me anyway they could and I ended up alone. I don’t wanna make the same mistake again. Living in Storybrooke, I’ve got people that actually love me for who I am, no matter what I do or say. That’s something I can’t say I’ve ever had. But the heroes of this town can’t always understand me. They don’t know what if feels like to be rejected and misunderstood. Not the way I do. Not the way you do. And somehow, that makes us…I don’t know, unique. Or maybe even special. I was just looking for you to be my friend.”
“You thought we were friends?”
“Crazy, right? But I thought it could be, that it was possible. I’m not gonna stop trying. Even if you still want to kill me.” She turned around and began to leave.
“Katherine, wait.”
Katherine turned around to look at her.
“I don’t want to kill you.”
“See? That’s a start.”
Snow was on the bed with baby Neal, when Charming approached.
“Hey,” he greeted.
She pulled him in for a kiss and then pulled away.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. How’s Neal? He survive an hour with Belle?”
She chuckled. “She was wonderful. Took care of him. I caught the thief.”
“Will Scarlett. I tracked him down.”
“That’s amazing. Where is he? Back in his cell?”
“Eh, I pardoned him.”
“Wait. What?”
“It’s okay. He admitted the whole thing. He told me about how you let him escape, so I could track him down.”
“He told you that?”
“Don’t be mad. He tried to keep your secret. But really, he’s a terrible liar. Not to mention, I am familiar with your tricks. Your plan worked. I feel more like myself again.”
He chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“No, Mary Margaret, I couldn’t be happier that you enjoyed yourself today, but I had nothing to do with it.”
“Of course you did. I mean, the way…”
She realized he was serious.
“He really did escape?”
“Yeah. And you really pardoned him.”
“What do we do now?”
“Hope he doesn’t pass out in another library? Look, if the outcome of his escape is that you found a part of yourself again, I’d say he earned that pardon.”
They kissed.
Katherine was at the station, about to go through a box, when Hook walked in, knocking a bit on one of the walls with his hook.
“Hello, love. You seem vexed. Like you could use a drink.” He handed her his flask and she took a drink from it. “That’s putting it lightly. Some things have happened today that have made me think about the past.”
“Well, I’d like to know more about your beginnings,” he replied.
She opened up a white box which didn’t have much stuff in it. She didn’t know how any of it got there, but it did make her think.
“May I have the honors?” he questioned.
She stood and took out her family book, setting it on the table.
“What’s that?” he inquired.
“A book of my entire family. I changed my name shortly after I found my entire village slaughtered in 1492, but my original name was Katerina Petrova. I don’t know how or why any of this is here. I left it all in my world,” she explained. She was beginning to think it was a sign of some kind, though she wasn’t sure what kind of sign this would be, if it was one.
She put Hook’s arm around her shoulders and rested her head on his shoulder. It had been a long day. She was tired and ready to go home.