Ch.62: Rocky Road
It was a beautiful day, as Robin walked Roland through the streets.
When they entered the ice cream place, they ordered some ice cream, as usual.
The ice cream lady got the ice cream and gave Roland an ice cream cone.
“Rocky Road for the little man.”
“Thank you,” he replied.
“You’re welcome,” she replied with a smile. She handed Robin his. “And his dashing father.”
He took his from her.
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you. Seeing a happy family like yours in here really warms my heart.”
Roland and Robin left the ice cream shop with their ice cream cones.
Hook, Elsa, and Katherine were at Gold’s shop.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’ve never seen her before in my life,” Rumple told Katherine and Hook.
“So how’d she end up inside your urn? Inside your secret vault of terror?” Katherine questioned him, thinking there was more to the story than he was admitting.
“Look, if you really wanna know how she wound up there, she’s standing right beside you, Miss Pierce. Why don’t you simply ask her?”
“She did. But I can’t remember. Something happened to my memories,” Elsa informed him.
“Well, an all-too-common affliction around these parts. Pity. But as you can see, many objects fall into my possession. Urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I can’t know the history behind all of them.”
“Only if there’s something in it for you. Right, mate?” Hook interjected.
“Yeah, well, that may have been true once. But recently my life has been turned upside down. I’ve lost a son. I’ve gained a wife.” He looked over at Belle whom had been standing there silently next to him the entire conversation. He looked at Hook again. “So you might say I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf.”
“Don’t forget. I can tell if you’re lying,” Katherine reminded him.
“How about I do you one better?” he said, looking at Katherine. “Let’s simply have Belle use the dagger on me.” He looked at Belle.
“No. No, Rumple, you don’t have to do that.”
“No, no, no, Miss Pierce wants proof. And I’m happy to cooperate.”
Rumple looked at Katherine.
“Fine,” Belle replied. She took the dagger out of a box and sighed. “I command, you, Dark One, to tell them the truth.”
“The truth is just as I said. I had no idea there was someone inside there. I know nothing of Elsa. Or her sister. But I wish you the best of luck finding her.”
Snow and Charming had a meeting with everyone called a mayor side chat meeting to discuss the wall and other things.
Regina sat next to Henry whom was on a stool at Granny’s, having a cup of hot cocoa with cinnamon. Regina put a bunch of comics by him.
“I didn’t know which ones you were reading these days.”
“These are awesome.”
She gave a smile when he said that, happy that she’d gotten the right comics.
“Much better than algebra. Thanks,” he added. “But you didn’t have to do this.”
“Well, I wanted to,” she told him. “But don’t get used to it.”
A moment later, they both chuckled.
They both picked up a comic to look at one each.
“Isn’t it funny how these are just ink and paper, but everything in your storybook is real? Makes you wonder who wrote it, doesn’t it?”
“The storybook?” he questioned.
“No one knows.”
“Oh, come on. You’re such an expert on all this. You’ve read it cover to cover,” she replied, and set the comic down, looking at him. “There’s nothing in the book that gives even a clue?”
“What are you up to?” he asked her.
She sighed and then got serious.
“These stories about me in the book, I was written as a villain. And things never work out for the villain. So I want to find who wrote the book and make them…Ask them to write me a happy ending. Is that crazy?”
“This is the best idea you’ve ever had. We have to change the book because it’s wrong about you. We just have to find the clues.”
“We? You’ll help me?”
“It’ll be our secret mission,” he told her.
She chuckled. “Like that Operation Viper you had with Katherine.”
“Cobra. But yeah. This one we’ll call Operation…”
“Mongoose,” Regina said.
“Perfect. Operation Mongoose it is.”
Katherine, Hook, Charming, and Elsa went in search of who had the same magic as Elsa had, but went their separate ways. Elsa and Hook went to the woods and Charming and Katherine checked out the ice cream shop when Will, one of the former Merry Men, informed them of what he saw during the blackout.
Soon enough, Hook and Elsa found the person that had the same magic as Elsa and trapped Hook’s feet in ice. Elsa tried to stop it when the lady made icicles appear above Hook, but the lady had neutralized Elsa’s magic so Elsa couldn’t stop it.
Katherine and Charming showed up.
“No!” Elsa yelled at the lady.
“Hey! Dairy Queen!” Katherine said.
She stopped her magic for the moment.
“Your reputation precedes you. You really think that your magic is a match for mine?”
“There’s only one way to find out,” Katherine replied, and magically through her.
Charming went over to try and get Hook free. As he began trying to free him, the icicles began to come loose.
When Katherine saw what was happening, she magically through them out of danger.
They landed on the ground on their backs.
“You guys okay?” Katherine asked them.
“Yeah. We’re fine. Where is she?” Charming replied.
“She’s gone,” Katherine said, not seeing her.
They tried looking for her, but couldn’t.
“There’s no sign of her. Not even tracks,” Katherine said.
“What is it? You okay?” Charming asked, since it seemed like something was wrong.
Katherine paced, not answering his question.
“Hey. We’re gonna find her. Don’t let Regina shake your confidence,” he assured her, since they’d witnessed earlier Regina tell her to take backup with her, because it seemed like she needed saving these days.
“Perhaps we should keep searching,” Hook intervened. “Find the villain’s lair, as it were.”
Katherine looked at the pirate She’d grown to trust and care about.
“So you can almost get yourself killed again? That’s exactly why I told you to go to the sheriff’s station,” she told him, since earlier she’d told him to take Elsa to the station, instead of helping to search for whoever had the same magic as Elsa’s.
She walked off to go over to Elsa and sighed.
“How are you doing?”
“That woman was lying about my sister. She would never trap me in that urn. She was lying about the past. I just wish I knew the truth.”
“I’ve learned the past has a way of revealing itself. Give it time. We’re going to find her, Elsa. Your sister Anna and this Snow Queen. Something tells me that you two were just pawns. I think this is about something more.”
“What makes you say that?”
“I brought you to this world, Elsa. But it was an accident. The Snow Queen? She was already here. I’m starting to think maybe it wasn’t just some curse that brought her to Storybrooke.”
That night, when Katherine left the diner, Hook was outside with a flask. He saw her leave.
“Pierce, don’t let a man drink alone.”
“I’m not in the mood for a drink. Or a man,” she said, as she passed him briskly.
He got up.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you today. I know you feel like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders, but at some point, even though we’re quite different, you’ve got to trust me,” he said, catching up with her, and put his hook around her arm, making her face him.
“That’s what you think this is about? That I don’t trust you?”
“Is that not what it’s about?” he inquired.
“Of course I trust you.”
“Then why do you keep pulling away from me?”
“Because everyone I’ve ever been with eventually left me one way or another; especially, the people I loved most. Like two vampires that mean the most to me. Damon and Elijah. I lost everyone. I can’t lose you, too.”
“Well, love. You don’t have to worry about me. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s surviving.”
A moment later, they were kissing in the middle of the road.