Ch.39: Selfless, Brave, and True
When Katherine saw that Charming was going to give Snow breakfast in bed, she told him that they should really just be getting her out of bed, because Snow is the only one that can help herself get over what she did.
After she left with Henry to go to Granny’s to meet up with Neal, Snow got out of bed and started to pack a small bag so she could go to the woods to think things through.
Katherine entered with Henry at Granny’s. Henry went to get them a few hot cocoa’s, while Katherine and Neal talked in his room. He informed her that his girlfriend was coming to town, which Katherine figured he hadn’t told her anything about where he’s really from or what really goes on in Storybrooke, so she gave him some advice.
“Take it from me. Tell her. Don’t let her find out on her own. It’s one thing to find out that vampires exist and then turn yourself into one to flee from a hybrid. It’s another thing to learn that fairytales really exist and that you can’t tell anyone from the outside world.
After shooting arrows at a tree, Snow found an old trailer, which August was inside. He was all wood, though he could move and everything. She wanted to help, but he told her to go and not tell anyone that she saw him.
After Henry and Katherine left so Katherine could drop him off at Rumple’s, Neal showed Tamara the book and informed her that he was from The Enchanted Forest. She didn’t seem to believe it though, and they had an argument before she left.
Greg was having a pie at Granny’s, when Regina stopped by him.
“I hope you’re enjoying your pie. It’s on me. I’m Regina Mills. Mayor of Storybrooke.” She sat across from him at the booth. “I’m also Henry’s mother.”
“Oh, he’s the cute little kid that was wandering through the woods. Right?”
“Yes. I just wanted to thank you about calling me about him.”
“Yeah. No sweat. I have a soft spot for little kids in trouble.”
“I’m very certain we’ve never met before, but you do seem oddly familiar.”
“I don’t think that’s possible unless you’ve spent a lot of time in Cardington, Pennsylvania.”
“I can’t say that I have. Well, if there’s anything you need during your stay here, don’t hesitate to ask.” She got to her feet.
Later, Regina went to Greg’s room and told him that she remembered who he is. He informed her that the reason why he was in town was to find his father.
Before Snow and the others could find August in the trailer, Tamara found him and offered him a deal to either leave town and save himself, or not. She wanted him out of town, so when he went to the station to let Katherine know over the phone, she cut the phone line and tried to kill him. The blue fairy was able to turn him back into a real boy again, though.
Tamara appeared and was a little surprised that he was alive again.
When Neal took a shower later, Tamara and Greg met up in Greg’s room.
Greg closed the door and they began to make out.