Ch.9: True North
It was a beautiful day, as Katherine entered a grocery store after getting a call about a couple kids shoplifting. When she did, she saw that Henry and Regina were there, too.
“What happened?” she questioned Henry, but Regina spoke to keep Henry from saying anything.
“None of your business. It’s all been taken care of.”
Katherine watched, as they both left, before going over to where the two kids were and where the guy was that had called it in.
After he explained that they’d been shoplifting and that the number they gave him was disconnected, she asked them if they gave him a wrong number and they told her that their parents just hadn’t been able to pay the phone bill. She knew something was up, but didn’t say anything. She just gave them a ride home to where they said they lived at.
After they thought she had left, they went over to an abandoned house where they actually lived, but they heard a noise and went over to find her there.
“Why’d you lie to me?” she inquired.
After they told her that their mother died and they didn’t know their father and had been living on their own ever since, she took them to where she was staying at with Mary Margaret and got them something to eat. Being a mother to a daughter herself, she didn’t want anything to happen to them, so she went in search of finding their father.
While she was at the station, digging into who they might be and who their father might be, Henry showed up and sat on the corner of her desk with the book.
She looked at him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I think I might know who they are,” he answered her. He set the book down on the desk to a certain page of a story. “Brother and sister; no parents; homeless. They’re Hansel and Gretel.”
She glanced at the story and then asked him, “Does it say anything about who their father is?”
“No. Just that he abandoned them,” he informed her.
“I think I have an idea how to find their father,” she said, getting an idea.
After coming home, she asked them if they had anything of their father’s that she could borrow to help find their father. And they did. An old compass.
After leaving with the compass, she went to the station where she wouldn’t be bothered and did a spell she knew from all her experience with witches. A locator spell. When she had finished, she knew exactly where their father was and who he was. So she went to go visit him.
After arriving at the auto shop where she found him, and after showing him the compass that he said he’d lost, she tried to convince him to take them in, since he was their father, but he didn’t wish to. But then, later that night, he made up his mind to take them in.
That night, when Katherine and Henry were talking, they saw someone with a motorcycle come to town. She tried to get him to tell her his name, but he didn’t tell her his name. Then he left on his motorcycle to Granny’s Diner to get a room to stay in. He was apparently planning on staying in town.