Ch. 42: Second Star To The Right
After Tamara left, he heard a commotion downstairs, so he got dressed and went outside to see Rumple with a shoe over Wale’s face.
After Wale got out of there, Rumple and Neal had an argument which soon led to why Neal was still in town.
“And yet you’re still here,” Rumple reminded him.
“For Katherine’s sake. Not yours. As far as I’m concerned, you can leave both of us alone.”
When Katherine entered Regina’s office with Charming, Snow, and Henry it was unlocked and they didn’t see the magic beans, and the alarm wasn’t on. When Katherine looked at the alarm, there was an override on it and so they realized that something had happened to Regina and someone else had been in the office and taken the beans. That’s when Katherine assumed Tamara. So she went back to the room to go find any evidence on her.
Hook was in the room with Regina whom was tied down on a table, while Greg and Tamara spoke in the next room. Tamara had stolen the beans and Greg gave Tamara the diamond he found on Regina.
“I’m sure he told you a lot of things,” Greg said, when they were talking about Neal.
“Don’t be jealous. When this is all over, this is coming off,” she replied, holding up her hand and pointing to her engagement ring from Neal.
“The home field office is gonna have a field day with everything we’ve found so far,” Greg said.
Regina looked at Hook from where she lay on the table.
“Whatever they’re offering you, it’s not worth it,” she told him.
“Well, when they’re offering to help me kill Rumpelstiltskin, I’d say it is.”
“You trust them? You don’t even know who you’re working for.”
Greg came in with a machine.
“Morning, Regina.”
“This part of your mission?”
“No. This. This is personal. This is about my father.”
“I already told you. He left town,” she told him.
“And yet he never came to find his only son?” He looked at Hook. “Would you mind giving me a hand here? Preferably your good one?”
“Sorry, mate. When you’re interested in killing Rumpelstiltskin and not torturing the Queen, find me.”
Hook left.
Greg looked at her.
“Well, I guess it’s just me and you.”
He turned the machine on once he’d hooked her up to it.
“That’s supposed to frighten me?” she questioned.
“Well, it should. You see, this is how we deal with your kind. And yes, it’s going to be unpleasant. Exactly how unpleasant? That depends on you. Now, where is my father?” he replied, and used the machine to shoot a certain amount of voltage into her.
Katherine knocked on the door, figuring Neal was still home.
Neal opened the door.
“I’m here to search your room for real this time.”
“Do I want to know what this is about, sheriff?”
“Where’s your fiancée?”
“She’s on a run. What do you think she did this time?”
“Regina’s missing.”
“You think she—? You’re still on Tamara? Come on. You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Katherine went around him to start searching in the closet.
“She’s not a kidnapper,” Neal told her.
She turned to look at him.
“Where did she go to run?”
“The same place she always does. The woods.”
“How long has she been gone?”
“A couple hours. Does it matter? She’s training for a marathon.”
Katherine knelt down in the closet and examined the shoes. She saw some sand in the closet and stood up to turn around and look at him.
“If she runs in the woods, then why’d she track sand in here?”
“She likes to run along the beach. What does that prove?”
“That she lied. If she’s lied about this, then you bet she’s lied about other things too.”
“Maybe she just likes to run along the beach,” he replied.
“Only one way to find out.”
Charming and Snow went to Rumple for help whom was in the back of his shop.
Rumple opened a cabinet and then turned around.
“Tell me, why do the Charmings want to help Regina?”
“Because I owe her after what I did to Cora,” Snow replied.
“Never underestimate the power of a guilty conscience,” he commented.
He took out a box that had a vial of something in it.
“What is that?” she questioned.
“This is one of Regina’s tears.”
He took it out of the box.
“Why do you have one of Regina’s tears?”
He chuckled. “Because I do. This spell requires two tears. Just think of something bleak; hopeless.”
Soon, the spell was completed.
“With that, I’ve completed my end of the bargain. Goodbye,” Rumple said.
“Always a pleasure,” Charming said.
Rumple watched them leave.
Neal and Katherine were on the beach, looking for Tamara whom jogged up to them asking why Neal was there and if everything was okay.
“I thought you went running in the woods,” Neal said.
“Yeah, I start in the woods and then go running in the beach,” she lied to him.
“Regina’s missing.”
“Oh my God. That’s terrible.”
“I thought maybe she was down here, but I was wrong.”
“Well, I’m sure she’ll turn up somewhere. Let me know if I can help at all.” She looked at Neal. “See you later.” She kissed him and then jogged off.
Katherine began to walk off.
“I should go.”
Tamara entered the room and asked how it was going with “the Queen.”
Greg asked if they bought it and she told him that as far as Neal was concerned, she was just jogging on the beach.
“She’s not exactly cooperative, but everything’s about to change. Right, Regina?” Greg said.
“You don’t know who you’re dealing with,” Regina threatened, although all the shocks were weakening her.
“Actually, you don’t know who you are dealing with.”
“A couple of fools in over their heads go around stealing magic,” Regina said.
Tamara chuckled.
“Stealing magic? That’s what you think we’re here to do?”
“We’re not here to steal magic. We’re here to destroy it,” Greg informed her.
“Magic does not belong in this world,” Tamara stated. “It’s unholy. We’re here to get rid of it.”
Regina chuckled. “You think you can destroy magic? Just the two of you?”
Greg approached Regina.
“Who said it’s just the two of us? We’re everywhere, Regina. You see, after I left Storybrooke, as a boy, I was babbling about magic; about what I had seen; what happened to my father. Some folks wrote me off, but some didn’t, and they found me.”
“Believers. People that know that magic is real.”
“People that know it doesn’t belong in this world and that are willing to do something about it,” Tamara interjected.
“This little quest of yours? To cleanse the world of magic? It’s not going to work.”
“Of course it will. We’ve done it before. And we’ll do it again. You think Storybrooke is the first time magic has crossed over?”
He went over and pushed the button on the machine again, sending more volts into her.
After Katherine got a call from Charming, when Katherine and Neal were at the docks, she realized where Regina was when Charming said that she could smell sardines.
“Get down to the docks right now,” she said, before hanging up. She then told Neal, “I was right. She wasn’t down for a run. She was in there with Regina,” she said, seeing the building that read ‘Storybrooke Cannery Co.’
She left the dock and headed for the building and Neal followed.
Tamara looked at the laptop that had a picture of cameras on the place so they could monitor if anyone found them. When she saw that they’d been found, she knocked on the window and then at the threshold, informed him that they were found.
“I thought you took care of them.”
“I thought so too.”
“I need more time,” Greg said.
“Fine. Meet me when you’re done.”
Tamara headed out and Greg went over to Regina and put the machine at a higher voltage.
“I’m going to give you one last chance. Where’s my father?” After a moment of silence, he said, “Time’s up.”
“Wait,” Regina said.
He looked at her.
“Where is he?”
She gave a smile and said, “Dead. I killed him the minute you ran away.”
“No. You’re lying to me. Really? Go see for yourself. I buried his body at your camp site. Now go ahead and kill me.”
He went back to the machine and pressed the button.
She screamed from the pain of the high voltage.
“Now you’re never gonna hurt anyone ever again,” Greg said.
Charming came into the room and shot the machine and then pointed his gun at Greg.
“Don’t move!”
Greg didn’t listen and bolted, so Charming ran after him, while Snow stayed with Regina.
Katherine and Neal were looking around for Tamara, when Katherine got hit by her behind.
“Actually, it was me. I just had a little help,” Tamara said, and picked up the gun and approached Neal.
“How long have you been lying to me?”
“Since the beginning, when I spilled coffee on you.”
“You never loved me,” he realized.
“This is an important job to do. Please understand.”
“I can’t let you leave here,” he said, and began to approach her.
“Don’t make me do it, Neal,” she said, gun pointed at him.
He continued to approach, so she shot him in the side.
Katherine got to her feet and magically threw her away from Neal and against a wall. Then she picked up the gun from the ground.
“It’s over.”
Tamara took a bean out of her coat and tossed it to the floor.
“I don’t think so.”
A portal opened up and Katherine stepped some ways away.
Tamara began to leave, but Katherine magically through her. Tamara then ended up trying to not get sucked into the portal.
Kat didn’t realize how strong the portal was and Neal had to save her from getting sucked into the portal.
In the end, he got sucked into the portal with Tamara, but Katherine was okay. She knew she couldn’t stay there and do nothing right now, so she went to the room where Regina was, and, being from a lot crazier world than this one, knew what Regina had been going through. She realized that Greg had used a high voltage machine on her.
“Let’s get her out of here,” Katherine told Snow, and unhooked Regina from everything and unstrapped her from the table.
Charming came back to the room, when Greg had gotten out of his sight.
“Let me guess. He got away,” Katherine said. “It doesn’t matter. We’ll catch him later. Let’s just get her out of here and get home.”
Once she was in bed in the loft at the Charming and Katherine’s place, Katherine sat on her bedside and, after taking the cuff off of her, she used magic to heal what had been done to her.
“She’ll be okay. You can go downstairs,” she told Snow and Charming, once she’d healed her.
Regina soon awoke to Katherine on her bedside.
“You saved me.”
“Of course. Just because we’ve done bad things doesn’t mean we’d let someone die. Besides, we all have some kind of evil still inside us. We just deal with it in our own way.”
“Where are they?” Regina asked her.
“Tamara was sucked into her own portal; probably dead or something. Greg got away. Why?”
“Then they still have the trigger I made inside the curse.”
“Should I even ask what you were planning on doing with the trigger?”
“I was going to get away from this town with Henry, before the rest of you.”
“So, you were going to destroy the town as well as everyone in it,” Katherine guessed. She wasn’t exactly mad at her. They’d been keeping her away from Henry with the best of intentions and Snow had killed her mother. Besides, Katherine had been on the evil side for several centuries and if she were Regina, she probably would’ve done the same thing or worst if people had done to her as they’d done to Regina recently. “Then we’ll have to find it, but you need to take it easy for a while. You may be healed, but you don’t have your magic right now. What they did to you, it took your magic away.”