Ch.34: In The Name of The Brother
Katherine arrived at the scene to see a car that had crashed into a tree that had California plates, as well as Hook on the ground. The way he looked, she assumed he’d been hit by the car. She also saw Belle and Rumple there. Knowing Hook as little as she did, she assumed that Hook had been out for vengeance, when he’d gotten ran over.
She went over and knelt by him.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted through the pain. “I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“You’ve got some broken ribs,” she informed him.
“That must be why it hurts so much,” he replied.
The paramedics arrived and she informed them that someone was in the car and that Hook could wait. She didn’t think broken ribs would kill him.
Whale was in his office, having a shot glass of something to drink, remembering his past as Frankenstein, when he was called into the ER.
When Hook woke up, he was in a hospital bed, Katherine in the room, obviously having been waiting for him to wake up.
“Where’s Cora?” she asked him, since they’d recently found out that Cora was in town.
“What?” He looked to see handcuffs on his wrist.
She went to stand at his bedside.
“Where’s Cora?” she repeated.
“Always Cora in a commanding voice,” he replied.
“You have a lot of sore places where I can make you hurt,” she threatened him.
He gave a smile at that.
She applied a little pressure to a rib.
“I have no clue where Cora is. She has her own agenda. That’s something I’m not interested in. There is something I’m interested in, though. My hook. May I have it back? Or is there another attachment you prefer?”
“You’re offer chipper for a guy who failed to kill his enemy. Then got hit by a car.”
“Well, my ego may be a little broken, but everything else is still intact.”
“Maybe so, but you’re chained to a bed and he’s immortal, has magic, and you tried to hurt his girl. If I were to pick dead guy of the year, I’d pick you.”
Snow, Charming, and Ruby were in the hallway, trying to figure out the pass code on the guy’s phone, whom had ran Hook over.
Katherine came up and took the phone and plugged a chip thing into the phone, which helped gain access to the phone. When she looked though, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary about the guy she found to be Greg.
Everyone began arguing and had a bad feeling, since whatever had kept people out of Storybrooke for twenty-eight years was gone. They all knew that anyone could just come in now.
Whale came out and told them that Greg was in very bad condition. Then he asked Rumple to save him, but Rumple refused to do so and left.
Katherine still had the phone in hand, when someone started calling Greg, and everyone realized that someone was already looking for Greg.
Rumple was at his shop, when he got a visit from Cora.
“Hello, Rumple,” she greeted him.
“Well, I expected it would be only a matter of time. I hoped you were dead, but hey, disappointment is just a part of life. I’m sure we can agree on that.”
“Aww, the Crocodile snaps at the little bird. And after I brought you a gift.”
“Did you bring the antidote too?”
“Oh, Rumple. It’s a peace offering.”
“And what do you want? For this uh, peace offering.”
“My daughter. You were so clever to get her to cast the curse so you could come here. You don’t need her anymore. Let me try to get her back. And let us live.”
“And what do I get for my troubles?”
“Your son.”
He gave her a look and then turned around and opened the box, which held a big white earth ball.
“You know what that is, of course,” Cora said.
“It’ll find him,” he stated. “If this ball truly is it,” he added, turning around to look at her.
“Oh, totally. I have no reason to cheat you.”
“I want you to find the one person who may still love you. After all, I’m doing the same thing. So, will you accept my offer of the truth?”
“Truce,” he said.
They shook hands.
When a doctor told them that Whale never showed up to the surgery room, they went in search of him.
In the meantime, Whale was running through town.
Cora looking like Henry, went to Regina’s vault, assuming where his mother might be, and found her hiding place below a casket.
Regina revealed the hiding place and let who she thought was Henry, in.
They hugged.
“Henry, I’m so glad you’re here.” She pulled away and looked at whom she thought was Henry. “I missed you so much when I…I want you to know that I had nothing to do with Archie.”
“I know. I always knew.”
“I was framed. I don’t know how. It just seems like everything…You knew. How did you know?”
“Simple.” Cora turned back into herself. “Because I did it.”
“Mother,” Regina stated. She began to back off a little. “You. I thought we stopped you. How did you get through?”
“I had to see you,” she replied. “I needed to tell you that I know why you sent me through the looking glass. And I know why you tried to have me be killed. And it’s…it’s alright.”
“I think it’s not alright,” Regina countered.
“I love you. I just…I’ve always shown it in all the wrong ways. And I never should’ve made you marry the king. I’m so sorry. When you cried over my coffin, it all changed.”
“You framed me,” Regina reminded her. “For the cricket.”
“Temporarily. So you could see what these people really think of you.”
“You made an air-tight case. Anyone would believe it.”
“I didn’t want you to reject me. Not again,” Cora reasoned.
“You wanted me broken,” Regina replied, knowing it all too well.
“You are the most manipulative…No. I won’t even argue.” She walked around her and towards the invisible door. “Come with me. We’re going to town.”
“It’s the middle of the night,” Cora reasoned.
“I don’t care. We’ll wake them up; Katherine and Henry and the two idiots, and you can tell them how you lied. You owe me that.”
“And then you’ll let us start over?”
“I don’t see that happening, mother. But I am, I was, trying so hard to be worthy of Henry. And I deserve the same thing from you.”
“You’re right. For you, sweetheart. Anything.”
After a while, Ruby finally found Whale at the docks, a watch in hand, looking at the water.
“Don’t come near me!” he said, when Ruby called his name. He dropped the watch in the water and jumped, but Ruby was quick and grabbed him, stopping him from hitting the water.
Ruby and Whale sat on a bench and he told her everything. Ruby then tried to reason with him that he could and should start over.
Regina was driving with Cora in the passenger seat, when Cora pulled out something she’d stolen from Regina’s place. It was a hand print Henry had made when he’d been a lot younger.
“When were you in my house?” Regina questioned, mad at her for being there.
“Oh, I haven’t had the pleasure,” she lied.
“That was in my house. You don’t think I know where that was? It’s one of my most treasured possessions.”
After a little conversation, Cora promised that they’d get Henry back and they had a moment.
Later, Whale succeeded and said that Greg would live. He was even waking up.
Katherine entered the hospital room.
“Nurse?” he questioned her.
“Sheriff. Katherine Pierce, actually,” she introduced.
“Thirsty,” he told her.
She poured him a cup of water and handed it to him. She then put his stuff that was in a zipbloc bag on the table by him.
“So, Mr. Mendel, I wanted to talk to you about the accident.”
“Did I hit somebody? Oh, my God. I hit someone. Is he okay?”
“Don’t worry about him. The damage was pretty minor.”
“Oh, thank God.”
“But I do need you to state what happened. In your own words. What you did. What you saw.”
“What? I didn’t see anything,” he denied.
“Come on. You were driving.”
“Yeah, but…I saw the road, of course.”
“I just think I might be able to put your mind at ease.”
“I was texting,” he told her. “I looked down, just for a second, and when I looked up, he was right there, and he was too close to avoid. I know it’s not legal in Maine.”
“It’s okay,” she assured him. “I’m just glad you were honest with me.”
“So, no charges?”
“No. No charges. I will let you go with a warning this time.”
“Thank you,” he replied. “So, when, when can I head home?”
“As soon as the doctor clears you. We don’t want to keep you.”
Katherine left the room and he sighed in relief.
Meanwhile, Rumple found out where Bae was by using the globe Cora had gifted him with.
Henry came down the stairs, asking what happened, due to the fact that they had all been out all night.
They informed him and he told them that since Frankenstein isn’t in his book, it’s from a different land; a land of different stories that aren’t even fairytales.
There was a knock on the door and Katherine approached. Before she could open it, Gold opened the door.
“Remember that favor you owe me, miss Pierce?”
“Of course.”
“I’m cashing it in. You do honor your agreements, don’t you?” he added, seeing that she didn’t want to help him right now.
Charming went to stand by her.
Henry went to stand between Katherine and Charming.
“I need to find someone,” Rumple told them. “So, we’re leaving today. Pack a bag.”
Snow went over to where they were.
“Where?” Henry asked.
“Wait. Find someone? Who?” Katherine inquired.
“My son. It has to be today, because every minute I’m here, is another minute I’m closer to killing Hook. So, it’s really on your best concern if I leave, and you’re going to come with me. Oh, and we have a long history, so know this and know it to be true. If any harm comes to Belle while I’m gone, I’m killing all of you. I’ll see you at noon.”
Rumple left.
Meanwhile, Greg called the person that had been trying to reach him and told her everything that had happened, and that he’d seen magic.