Ch.58: Kansas
While Snow was having the baby, Charming in the room with her, Katherine and Regina had just created a protection spell.
“You really think this protection spell will hold her off?” Katherine questioned, since Zelena was so powerful.
Regina walked over to where Katherine was.
“Depends on if your brand of magic is stronger than hers. If it is, no one wielding dark magic will be able to get in here.”
“That doesn’t sound like a vote of confidence.”
“It isn’t. But we’re out of options.”
Katherine heard Hook from behind her.
She turned around to look at him.
“I heard the little royal was on his way.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be here right now.”
“I want to help.”
“If you really wanted to help, you would have told me when Zelena cursed your lips.”
“I had no choice. She threatened you and everyone you care about. I was trying to help.”
“Telling me what was going on would’ve been help.”
“And a death sentence for the boy.”
“Henry’s safety is me and Regina’s concern and everyone else’s. Not yours. Which is why I’m taking this fight to Zelena. This ends today.”
She turned around and began to walk down the hallway, when Charming came out of Snow’s hospital room, closing the door.
“Katherine, wait. You don’t have to do this alone.”
“Yeah, I do. You need to stay with Mary Margaret,” Katherine replied, standing in front of him.
“Yeah, I know, but you need help. Take Hook. He’s going with you.” Charming turned around to look at Hook. “You’re going with her.” Then he turned around to look at Katherine again.
“Thought you didn’t trust me, mate.”
He turned to look at Hook again.
“Zelena backed you into a corner, you did the best you could.”
Hook approached and looked at Katherine.
“See? Even the prince gets it.”
“I’m sorry. I’m doing this alone,” Katherine told Charming.
“No, you’re not. This isn’t about you. It’s about all of us.”
“What is he going to do? I have magic. He’s got one hand,” Katherine argued.
“You know I’m good in a fight,” Hook commented.
“At the very least, he can draw fire,” Charming said.
“What, now, I’m cannon fodder?” Hook inquired.
“Fine. He can come,” Katherine said, but wasn’t happy about it. It wasn’t the fact exactly that he wouldn’t be much help in a magical fight, but the fact that she didn’t want to see him get hurt during a fight with Zelena.
“Fair enough,” Hook commented. “Shall we?”
“Hang on. Give me a sec,” Katherine replied, seeing LeRoy and Henry down the hall. She approached. “Hey, kid.”
“Hey, Katherine. Is the baby here?”
“Not yet, but it will be soon. I have to go. I have to take care of this witch. Then I’ll be back.”
“I know. I’m not worried. Defeating bad guys is what you do.”
Regina came over to them and told Katherine, “Go. I’ll keep him safe.”
Hook was still standing in the hallway, when he called to her.
“Pierce, you ready?”
Katherine walked back over to Hook.
“Yeah, let’s end this.”
While they waited for the baby to come, Henry stayed in the waiting room with Hopper.
Katherine and Hook were walking towards the farmhouse where Zelena was at.
“Once I’m done melting this witch, I’d like to go back where I belong. Maybe go to a town called New Orleans,” she informed Hook. “I’d like to be happy like I used to be.”
“Well, like it or not, a big part of you belongs in this town.”
“Yeah, the part that’s always in danger,” she replied to him. “I’m leaving.”
“You talk about danger all you like, but it isn’t that. So, tell me, what is it? Why are you so scared of staying? I think it’s because you can see a future here. A happy one.”
“Let me guess. With you?”
They were at the farmhouse, as they looked at each other.
Zelena began to approach.
“Aw. You two are so adorable. But instead of looking for each other, maybe you should be focused on me. Although, without magic, that could prove to be a challenge.”
“Next time you try to take my power, why don’t you try enchanting the lips of someone I’ll actually kiss?”
“See, Katherine, you’ve got a decision to make. You can keep your magic, which makes you, oh, so sad. Or you can save the man that you can’t wait to run away from,” she replied, and then magically through Hook into a round steel container that was full of water.
She rushed towards him.
“Choose wisely,” Zelena told her.
She tried to get him out.
“Try all you like. You can’t free him,” Zelena said, and Katherine looked at her just as Zelena disappeared.
Katherine was finally able to pull him out. She layed him down on the ground and knelt by him.
“Hook! Hook, wake up! Killian! Killian, come back to me.”
Since it wasn’t working and she didn’t want to lose him, she didn’t have a choice but to do it.
She bent down and kissed him, giving him some air, and then looked down at him, waiting to see if it worked or not.
“Come back to me,” she pleaded.
A moment later, he woke up, coughing up water and gasping.
When he was finished, he looked up at her.
“Pierce? What did you do?”
“I saved your life,” she replied.
Zelena entered the hospital and magically knocked Robin and his merry men out and then Belle.
Regina heard the commotion and had Hopper and Henry go lock themselves in a closet together, so she could keep Henry safe.
Zelena appeared in the hallway.
“Take another step and I’ll roast you,” Regina threatened her.
“Please,” Zelena said and through her against a wall, knocking her out.
After the baby was born, Charming announced to Snow that it was a boy.
After magically taking the baby from Snow and freezing Charming, she looked at the baby.
“So pure and so innocent,” she commented. “And now, mine.” She disappeared and Charming unfroze.
After disappearing, Zelena went back to the farmhouse.
Charming left the room with his sword.
“Where are you going?” Regina questioned him.
“To get my son back.”
“You’re gonna get yourself killed. David, think about this.”
“What’s there to think about?”
Henry looked at Regina.
“Don’t let him get hurt.”
Katherine entered the hospital and saw that something was up with them.
“What’s going on here?”
“What happened? Did you find Zelena?” Charming asked.
“I did, but I couldn’t stop her.”
“She took my son,” Charming informed her.
“Because I failed?”
“We’re all still here, so you haven’t failed just yet,” Hook assured her.
“Hook’s right. Come on,” Charming agreed.
“No, wait. Zelena took my magic.”
“How the hell did that happen?” Regina blurted.
“I didn’t have a choice, okay?” Katherine replied. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let Hook die. I’ll find a different way to defeat her.”
“There is no other way,” Regina told her.
“That’s not true. You can do it,” Henry told Regina.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think I can survive round three with my sister.”
“Only the strongest light magic can defeat her,” Charming said.
“Zelena only beat you because you were using dark magic against her,” Henry told his mother.
“Okay, but that’s all I have,” Regina replied.
“No, it’s not,” Katherine interjected. “True love’s kiss is light magic, too.”
“See? You can do it,” Henry said to his mother.
“Henry, I don’t even have my heart right now.”
“That doesn’t matter. I know you still love me. I know there’s good in you.”
Robin came from a hallway behind Regina and went to stand by her.
“He’s right. I know you can beat that witch.”
“But I don’t…”
“You have to,” Katherine told her.
“Once upon a time, you were a villain, mom. But you’ve changed. You’re a hero now. And defeating bad guys is what heroes do. I believe in you. Now, you need to believe, too.”
Zelena stood inside a building which had a symbol in the dirt. Around in a circle of the symbol were the baby, part of Charming’s sword which had Charming’s courage, a brain made of gold, and Regina’s heart. She raised her wand and the symbols around the circle combined together in different colors of magic.
Suddenly, everyone was there, approaching.
“Who’s going to stop me?” Zelena questioned, seeing them. “Certainly not the Savior.”
Charming saw his baby.
“Go. Get him. We’ve got your back,” Katherine assured him.
“And I’ve got your heart,” Robin told Regina.
“Zelena, stop now,” Regina ordered her, as Katherine stood a distance away for safety, her gun pointed at Zelena. “We’re not going to let you succeed.”
Zelena through Robin and Charming against a wall that had hay.
Hook stood ready with his sword.
“Please, no more water.”
Zelena through Hook and Katherine. Then she turned her attention to Regina.
“Come for another beating, sis?”
“No, I came for some jewelry,” Regina replied. She tried to grab the necklace from around her neck, but Zelena tossed her a little.
Regina got up.
Zelena tossed Charming and Robin again. Then she turned to Regina and magically lifted her off the ground and magically began to choke her.
“Only light magic can harm me. And you’re as dark as they come. It was your destiny to be this way. And it will also be your undoing.”
“Don’t tell me what I can be,” Regina replied.
“I tried to be good once, but it wasn’t in the cards. This is who I am, and it’s who you are!”
Robin grabbed Regina’s heart.
Regina saw that and said, “You’re wrong, sis.” Then light magic began to show in her hands.
“What are you doing?” Zelena questioned.
“Changing,” Regina said with a smile. Then she blasted Zelena out of the circle and Zelena landed on the ground.
Regina approached.
“I make my own destiny.”
Regina took the necklace off Zelena and the colorful magic disappeared and the time travel spell completely stopped.
Charming grabbed his baby from the basket.
“David, the baby. Is he okay?” she questioned.
“Yeah, he can handle anything.”
Charming and Katherine, Charming holding the baby, began to leave.
“You failed,” Regina told Zelena. “You’re not going anywhere.”
Zelena was in a jail cell, Regina at the police station watching her.
“Why, Regina? Why not just kill me and put me out of my misery?”
“Because I know why you did what you did. We’re much alike. Our mother ruined you, too. I know what it’s like to not have the life you wanted. The life you feel you deserve.”
“Oh, boo-hoo. You had to be Queen. You know nothing. I saw it all. You had everything.”
“Did I? So, you missed the part where I lost the love of my life.”
“Mother did all of that for you to achieve greatness.”
“Not long ago, I was a lot like you. I wanted to kill someone who wronged me. And I failed. Had I killed Snow White, I wouldn’t be in this world. I wouldn’t be with these people, and I wouldn’t have my son, Henry. So, no, Zelena. I won’t kill you. Instead, I’m gonna give you what I got. I’m gonna give you a second chance.”
“What if I don’t want it?”
“Well, that would be a mistake, dear. Take it. Use it. Evil isn’t born. It’s made. And so is good.” Regina stood up from the chair. “If I were you, I’d consider creating a new destiny. Because if you don’t, I’ll be right there to take your heart and crush it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should put this somewhere safe,” she replied. She said that last part, as she held the necklace up.
Regina went to her vault and put the necklace in an empty box and put it back in its spot, before leaving her vault.
Belle and Rumple were talking in the shop, standing in front of each other.
“I will never comprehend why you continue to stand by my side,” Rumple said.
“I love you. I always have. Promise me one thing. Promise me you won’t go after Zelena. I know you’re better than that.”
“Oh, Belle,” he said and then added, “I am now, and for all the future, yours.”
“Wait, what are you saying?” she inquired.
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes. Yes! Yes!” she replied, and then kissed him.
He kissed back.
Charming entered Snow’s hospital room with the baby and handed him to her. Then he kissed her forehead.
Katherine watched from the threshold.
Katherine gave a smile, which Hook saw, when he approached from the hallway.
“Never thought I’d see one of those.”
She turned around to look at him.
“It’s called a baby.”
“No, Pierce. A smile.”
“We won,” she replied with a smile.
“With all the chaos, I never got a chance to say thank you.”
“Did you really think I’d let you drown?”
“Given our history, can you blame me for being uncertain?”
He gave a smile and she smiled back.
“Has your power returned now that Zelena’s been defeated?”
“I’m sorry, luv.”
“It’s okay. I won’t need it anymore,” she replied, before walking away from him.
Rumple hadn’t promised Belle that he wouldn’t kill Zelena, so technically he wasn’t breaking a promise. Because of everything Zelena had done, Rumple went to Zelena’s cell and killed her with his dagger. When she died though, she technically wasn’t dead, though Rumple didn’t know that, as he walked away. Instead, her essence, went back to the world she was from.