Ch.59: Snow Drifts/There’s No Place Like Home
While Snow, Charming, the baby, Katherine, and Henry were at their apartment, Regina and Robin were having wine and eating at Regina’s place in front of the fireplace.
“To having your heart back,” Robin said.
They clanked glasses together.
“So, how does it feel?” Robin asked.
“Stronger than ever,” Regina replied with a smile.
They kissed and then he pulled away.
“What is it?” he asked.
“I just never thought I’d have this.”
“After I lost my wife, I felt like that for a long time,” he explained, talking about his wife Marian. “Her death was my fault.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I would have walked through hell to be with my Marian again. But when I finally admitted to myself that she was gone, and that she was never coming back, I had to let that guilt go.”
“My first love, Daniel, was killed because of me,” Regina informed him. “Because he loved me.”
“And that’s why you never wanted to open yourself up again?”
“Tinker Bell told me it was possible. I could love again. She led me to this tavern. To a man she said I was destined to be with. I never saw his face, but I did see his tattoo.” She took his arm and held it up to reveal his tattoo.
“It was me?” Robin questioned, shocked.
“Yes. I was just too scared to approach you.”
“Well, maybe things work out when they’re supposed to. Maybe it’s all about timing.”
While Belle was out, Rumple put the dagger in a cabinet and sealed it with magic.
When Belle came in, she informed him that she spoke to her father and he gave them his blessing. So, they then kissed.
Everyone was celebrating at Granny’s. Hook, Charming, Snow, Ruby, Henry, and Katherine were talking. When Snow mentioned a point of her life when she thought running away was a good idea, Hook made a comment.
“What’s he talking about?” Henry questioned her.
“Uh, should we read more stories?” Charming questioned.
Regina overheard and approached.
“Actually, I’d like to hear what the pirate is talking about.”
Robin followed at Regina’s side.
“It’s nothing,” Katherine said, not wanting everyone knowing about her plans.
“Are you planning on going back to your world?”
“Why would she go back?” Henry questioned.
“She’s not,” Regina assured him. Then she looked at Katherine. “Right, Ms. Pierce?”
“Actually, it’s complicated,” Katherine replied.
“Why would you leave? This is your home now,” Henry told Katherine.
“Henry, this isn’t the time or place…”
“I think it is,” Regina interjected.
“No. It’s not,” she replied, before leaving.
Hook set the nearly empty glass of alcohol on the table.
“I’ll talk to her.”
“Wait. Take this,” Henry said, and handed the story book to Hook. “It might help her remember where she belongs.”
Hook took it and left.
“It’s gonna be all right. She’s just stubborn,” Charming assured his nephew.
Suddenly, they saw a magic light coming up straight into the sky. That’s when Belle and Rumple entered and Rumple informed them that it was Zelena’s time portal. Then, when they went to the station, Zelena was gone.
When Rumple had killed Zelena, he’d forgotten about modern technically called video cameras, so the tape showed what he’d done.
Katherine was sitting on a bench by herself, when David called. She decided to ignore it, though.
“You’re making a mistake,” Hook said, approaching her.
“I don’t wanna talk to you about this.”
“Don’t listen to me then. Listen to the boy. He thought this might remind you of what you’re leaving behind,” Hook said, handing the book over to her. “Your friends. You broke the curse and defeated the wicked witch and Pan, but you keep running. What are you looking for?”
“Home,” she replied.
“And that’s in New Orleans? You have a fresh start here. You don’t have to run anymore from everyone that wishes you harm.”
“Look, I see your point, but I can’t have both worlds. Everyone is great here, but it’s about time I go back home to where I belong. I can’t go back to Mystic Falls, but I can go to New Orleans. At least there I have a chance at having a break from saving everyone and I’ll be able to have a possible happy ending there.”
“Why can’t you do that here with your new friends?” Hook wanted to know.
She took the book from him and opened it.
“Because of this. I see fairytales. I see stories of princes and princesses. That’s not me. I was never a part of any of this.”
“Then what are you a part of, Pierce?” he questioned, sitting next to her.
“Besides making new friends here and spending time with Henry, I don’t think I’ve ever been a part of anything.”
“But you could be,” he assured her.
She closed the book and looked at him.
“Look, running is all I know after the life I’ve led for 500 years. The first time, when I was running from Klaus as a vampire, I wondered if I was making a mistake. After all, the only reason he was hunting me down was vengeance. I’m the reason he slaughtered my family. If I hadn’t ran; If I’d just let him sacrifice me to break the curse his mother set upon him, my family wouldn’t have been slaughtered and Klaus wouldn’t have needed to make my life hell for 500 years. But I kept running. Because of the past, running is all I know to do. I learned something a long time ago, Hook. Home is the place when you leave, you just miss it. So yeah, I’m gonna keep running until I feel that.”
“So, you’re just gonna leave everyone, then? Don’t you even care about them? Or anyone in this town?”
“Of course, I care. I just have to do what I think is best for me. And…” She suddenly saw from behind them, a yellow stream of magic going into the sky. “What the hell is that?”
“I have no idea,” he replied.
“I’m checking this out.” She got up.
Hook grabbed the book and got up.
“Pierce, wait. Wait!” He chased after her and soon they were at the barn where it was coming from, which was the same place they’d taken Zelena down. “Whatever’s going on in there, it can’t be good.”
“It’s Zelena’s time portal. David left a message,” she replied, looking at her phone. She listened to the voicemail. Afterward, she said, “When she died, it triggered it.”
She headed for the door of the barn.
Hook grabbed her arm.
“Wait, we have to get out of here.”
“Not until we find a way to close it,” she stubbornly replied.
“Have you got your magic back?”
“Then we’re not bloody well messing with any of this! Let’s go!” Hook replied over the noise.
Suddenly, the door swung open and they got dragged inside. Katherine dropped her phone in the process, just as David tried calling her again.
Hook used his hooked hand to dig into the dirt and she grabbed hold of his hand to stop from falling into the portal.
“Hold on!” Hook said. He tried pulling her up.
“I can’t!” she replied, and lost her grip and fell through the portal.
Hook looked down into the portal.
“One of these days, I’m gonna stop chasing this woman,” he said, before letting his hook out of the ground and going through the portal after her.
Once they were both through the portal, the portal completely closed up.
Hook and Katherine landed on ground and they both realized where they were.
“No,” Katherine said.
“It appears we’re in the enchanted forest,” Hook said.
“Yeah, I got that.”
“The only question is when.”
She got up, seeing a flyer on a tree.
“Pierce?” he questioned.
“I have a pretty good idea.”
Hook got up and saw the flyer too, which was a flyer that said that Snow White was wanted.
She took the book out and opened it up.
“Why are you reading that now?” he asked.
“Because when we were falling through, I was thinking about Henry and the story we were all reading at Granny’s.”
“You think that time portals work like any other sort? They take you back to where you’re thinking of?”
“Not where. When.”
“Excellent deduction,” Hook commented. “Alas, it appears they share another quality. They don’t stay open for the return trip.”
“Nope,” she agreed. “We’re trapped in the past. I should have left Storybrooke the instant we defeated Zelena. This is exactly the kind of thing that does not happen where I’m from.”
“On the bright side, I’m sure real estate’s much more reasonable here.”
“I understand your frustration,” he assured her. “We’ve been in dire straits before. There’s no need to be antsy. We have our wits. We just have to focus on being constructive. So, any ideas on how to get back?”
“How would I know how to get back to the future?” she snapped at him.
Hook saw some people on horses.
“Black knights!” Hook said and they got behind a tree.
They watched from behind a bush, crouched to the ground, what was going on.
“That’s Regina,” Katherine softly said.
“Not Regina, luv. The Evil Queen.”
“She’s even worse without the sensible pantsuits,” Katherine commented.
“Uh-huh,” Hook agreed.
Katherine suddenly had an idea.
“We need to find Rumple. The sooner we get out of here, the better.”
“Aye. Agreed. But there’s one thing we need to do first,” he said, looking at some clothes hanging.
She looked at him.
“I don’t think so. At least not those clothes. I’ll find my own. Let’s get out of here first,” she said.
Hook and Katherine left their spot.
After finding some other clothes, which didn’t have any corset to them, and looked a lot like what she’d worn in the 1400’s, they went to find Rumple’s castle.
Soon, they spotted his castle.
When Hook told her that it was best he stayed behind, since he figured Rumple might wanna kill him if he saw him, Rumple appeared and magically began to choke him. She tried to tell him to stop, but he magically through her away and told her to let him enjoy his killing in peace, but she got up.
“Why would I listen to anything you have to say?” Rumple asked.
“Because if you don’t, you’ll never see your son again,” she replied.
Rumple let him go and Hook fell to the ground.
Rumple looked at her.
“And what do you know of my son?”
“His name is Baelfire. You’re planning to enact a curse in hopes of reuniting with him.”
“And who told you that? What are you? Some kind of witch?”
“No, I’m not a witch. I’m the one who breaks the curse so that you can find him.”
“Well, that’s speculation. Part of my plans. But I haven’t done it.”
“You will. And you will succeed.”
“If that’s true, then that means…”
“We’re from the future, mate,” Hook said, standing.
“But time travel hasn’t been done, mate.”
“Yeah, well, someone’s cracked that code,” Katherine informed him. “We need your help.”
“Help?” He chuckled. “You need my help? Then answer me one question. Do I find my son?”
He smiled. “Bae. I find Bae.”
After entering his castle, Rumple turned and looked at Katherine and Hook.
“Why haven’t I killed him?” he asked Katherine.
“If it makes you feel any better, it wasn’t for lack of effort. Let’s just say we buried the hatchet,” Hook explained to him.
“Yes. But why not in your skull?”
Belle came in and when she said her name, Belle asked her if they knew each other and Katherine had to cover up by saying he told them about her. Rumple then told Belle to go back and clean later.
“It’s a miracle you two fell for each other,” Katherine had to comment.
“What? First you tell me I let the pirate live. Now you’re telling me I fall for the help?”
After coming back so Rumple could work on helping them get home, Rumple informed them that only the person who opened the portal in the first place can reopen the time portal. And so, Rumple put them in the vault where he always put stuff that was unpredictable like Dark magic that even he didn’t dare deal with.
Hook opened a cabinet and took out what was a goblet-like thing with a handle.
Katherine saw him with it.
“Wait. Don’t touch anything. If Rumple’s afraid of this stuff, there’s gotta be a reason.”
He set it down on the table.
“I’m just trying to figure a way out.”
“I don’t think there is one. And what’s the point? You heard what he said, we can’t reopen the portal.”
“But you can. All he said we need is magic. Pierce, you can do it.”
“Not anymore. I lost it.”
“When Zelena died, all of her spells were undone. Your powers should’ve been restored.”
“Believe me, if I could make it work, I would. You think I’m faking it?”
“I think not having magic makes it a hell of a lot easier for you to run back to your world and pretend that none of this ever happened. Now, listen to me, Pierce. It’s time to stop running.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Katherine answered. “Yes, I run away. That’s how I’ve always survived. But believe me, I want this to work. I want to go back. I want to stop running.”
“What’s changed your mind?” he asked.
“Being in this place. I guess it just sort of reminded me of who I am now and what I’m missing. Storybrooke is my home now.” When she saw Hook smile, she had to ask him, “What?”
“Look down,” he replied.
She did and saw the wand she was holding Rumple had given her, glowing with magic.
“I’d say you’ve got your magic back,” Hook added. “Now, shall we go?”
She concentrated and the portal opened up and they were back in Storybrooke.
Once they were back in the barn, the portal closed.
Hook got up and then helped her up.
Katherine entered the diner with Hook.
Katherine went over to where Charming and Snow were, Snow holding the baby.
“Hey. You weren’t answering your cell. We were worried,” Charming greeted.
“I’m fine,” she assured him. “I’m home.”
“Do you mean you’re not leaving?” Snow asked.
“Yeah. I’m not going anywhere.”
After informing them what happened, Snow and Charming announced that their baby’s name was Prince Neal.
Hook left the diner and went to sit at one of the tables outside.
Katherine left the diner shortly after and went to sit by him.
After asking him if he thought Rumple was right that everything would go back to normal, Hook said that he was and then added, “Otherwise, I’d remember that bar wrench I kissed.”
“How does that prove anything?” she questioned.
“I know how you kiss. I’d have gone after her. But I didn’t. My life went on exactly the same as before.”
“Yeah, must’ve been the rum,” she commented.
“Everything’s back to normal. You’re a bloody hero, Pierce.”
“So are you,” she replied.
A moment later, they were kissing.
In the woods, Rumple and Belle were having their wedding of just them and her father and Hopper. After their vows and Hopper’s introduction, they kissed, married at last.
Robin, Regina, and Roland walked together to the diner. Roland ran to the door of Granny’s, but Robin and Regina stopped to kiss. Then they followed Roland inside.
Back inside the barn, the goblet Hook had had was on the ground and blue magic formed until Elsa now stood in the middle of the barn. She made the goblet turn into ice and then began to leave the barn. As she walked, ice followed in her path.