Ch.56: Bleeding Through
Regina went into the woods to make sure her heart was still where it was supposed to be.
Robin saw Regina and put Roland down and told him to go with Friar Tuck.
Regina approached.
“What happened?”
“I’m sorry. It’s gone.”
“Was anyone hurt?”
“Luckily, no. Again, I must apologize. You trusted me, and I let you down.”
“No, you didn’t. Nothing is worth the loss of a child. But now we have a problem. I’m alive.”
“I don’t follow.”
“She has my heart. And since she hasn’t crushed it and killed me, that means she needs it for something far worse.”
“Worse than murder? What is she planning?”
“It doesn’t matter. Because I’m going to stop her.”
Hook and Katherine were at Granny’s. They were the only ones there. After practicing on making the cup of hot cocoa disappear from the counter and reappear where Hook sat at a booth, she went and sat in front of him at the booth.
“That’s impressive,” he commented.
“You wanna see something really impressive?” She twirled her finger in the air a little and his hooked hand appeared on a coat hanger by the door.
“That’s bad form, Pierce. Tampering with a man’s hook.” He got up and went over and put the hook back on.
“Okay, seriously, what is up with you?”
“I apologize for my rudeness. It’s a long story. Too long for now.” He sat back down and then took a drink of rum from his flask.
“Okay. Obviously something is…,” she began, but the door opened suddenly and Belle rushed in and set an opened book in front of her, saying that she found out what Zelena’s up to and that they needed to tell Regina and the others.
After meeting together, they found out that Belle found out that Zelena was planning on time traveling to change the past.
After using what had killed Cora to talk to Cora’s ghost which failed while everyone was there, everyone except Regina and Snow left. Then Cora found a way to come through and they found out why Zelena was given away. Cora’s secret had been given away by Snow’s mother that Cora was pregnant before she ever got to marry the prince. The secret was also revealed that she was just a Miller’s daughter. So, being selfish, she gave Zelena up to give herself her best chance, because she didn’t want to be known as just the Miller’s daughter for the rest of her life.
Afterward, Regina sent Cora back to where she came from and Snow helped Regina clean up.
While they did so, they talked.
“Regina, I’ve seen what life has thrown at you and you still fight against the darkness every single day. Sooner or later, your heart will find its way to happiness. I know you and feel things deeply with or without it. You feel things with your whole soul. Don’t let anything hold you back,” Snow encouraged her.
Robin was by a fire, when Regina arrived.
He got up and walked over to her.
“My lady. I’m sorry. I let you down. Your heart was lost to Zelena on my watch. But I promise, I will get it back,” he said.
Regina didn’t say anything. She just kissed him.
He pulled away and looked at her. Then they shared a kiss.