Ch.57: A Curious Thing
Robin and Regina were kissing outside a door in a hallway.
Regina pulled away.
“What do you see in me?”
“Hopefully the same thing you see in me. A second chance. And you’re quite a good kisser.”
She chuckled and smiled.
“Just wait ‘til I actually have my heart back.”
“What is that like? I mean, can you…”
“Feel? Yes, I can. Just not fully. It’s difficult to explain.”
“Then don’t.” He took her hand and rested it where his heart was. “Use mine for the both of us.”
They began to kiss again.
A moment later, the door opened that was a distance away and she pulled away to see her son.
“Henry. Good morning.”
He passed by them.
“They’re waiting for me. I should go,” Regina told Robin.
“Wait,” he said, and then kissed her again. He then pulled away. “Good luck.”
They kissed again and then pulled away.
He watched, as she left to go inside.
Regina entered the apartment.
Snow noticed how she looked.
“Regina, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you look smitten.”
Regina approached where everyone was sitting at.
“Well, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say Haagen-Dazs is smitten with your stomach,” she replied, since Charming had his hand on Snow’s stomach.
Charming took his hand off her stomach after Regina said that.
“Can we get started?” Regina asked them.
“We were waiting for Hook,” Katherine told her.
“I don’t have time to wait for the handless wonder. We have to figure out how to destroy my sister.”
“For once, I agree with Regina,” Charming said. “Stopping her plan is the priority.”
“There’s one thing about this plan that doesn’t fit. Regina,” Katherine informed them.
“I’m the point of it. So, she can take my life for herself.”
“Yes, but this isn’t the best plan.”
“Well, no one’s ever succeeded in traveling through time. Perhaps something from this world makes it possible.”
Charming got up from the couch and began pacing a little.
“Zelena’s smart. Strategic.”
“Yeah, well, so am I,” Katherine replied. “We defeated you, because all it took was for me to believe I could break your curse and believe that anything is possible with magic. Before, I knew magic existed and everything else apart from fairytales, but I never took a leap of faith.”
“It’s the belief,” Regina realized. “How did you believe?”
“The story book and the fact that I’m from the world where anything and everything is possible. Plus, because throughout my lifetime, I’ve known witches were real because I always dealt with them.”
“It’s the key. Either way, it’s our best bet.”
“She’s right,” Snow told Katherine.
“I know. Let’s find it.”
Zelena was in the woods with Hook.
“Why haven’t you used those luscious lips and kissed Katherine?”
“Well, a fella likes to be courted.”
“This isn’t a joke! I need to have her magic removed. If Snow’s baby is born before your kiss, I’m going to have no other option. I’m going to have to start killing people, people that Katherine loves. Starting with the boy. Take away her magic, Captain. Or the next rose will be for the little brat’s grave,” Zelena replied, since she was holding a rose.
After searching for the book and Snow finding it in the same place that Katherine had looked but hadn’t seen it, Snow was wondering what was going on. Charming and Regina had just left with the book. So, Snow asked her what was going on and told her that whatever was going on wasn’t like her.
“None of this is like me. Or at least, it never used to be.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about wicked witches and time traveling holy wars.”
“So, you’re going to be leaving? Charming told me you were thinking about it.”
“I probably will, but not until we’ve taken care of Zelena,” she replied.
When Hook was at the docks with Henry and Mr.Smee, a winged monkey suddenly began to fly towards them, so they ran to the boat house. Hook was able to get a couple of them with his gun, but ran out of bullets when another one was coming towards Henry.
After using GPS to see where Henry was, Katherine and Regina and Charming and Snow got to the boat house and Katherine killed the winged monkey.
A moment later, Zelena arrived and had Henry, but Katherine was able to use magic to make Zelena let Henry go by making his skin burn Zelena’s hands. Henry went over to where the others were and Regina attempted to use magic on Zelena, but Zelena through her, knocking Regina out.
“Enjoy this moment together, ‘cause you don’t have many left!” Zelena told them all. Then she vanished in green smoky magic.
“Henry, are you okay?” Katherine asked him.
“Yeah. Yeah.” He knelt by his mother. “Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Please, wake up! Mom!”
Regina finally woke up, which relieved everyone. For a few moments, they’d thought that something was wrong.
“Henry,” Regina greeted.
Regina got up and hugged him.
“Henry! Oh, Henry!” She pulled away. “I love you, Henry.” She kissed him on the forehead.
Soon, they found out how to defeat Zelena.
“Zelena’s weakness is Light magic. You’re the only one that can defeat her,” Snow said to Katherine.
After Robin showed up Regina, Robin, and Henry left the boat house.
Katherine turned to Hook.
“Are you going to tell me what Zelena was talking about?” she questioned, since when Zelena had arrived, she’d said that it was Hook’s fault because Hook had failed. “She said you failed her.”
“Don’t listen to her.”
“Killian, what’s going on? Were you working for her?”
“The witch tried to back me into a corner. I did everything I could to resist her plans.”
“So, whose idea was it to kidnap Henry and stick him on a boat?”
“It was mine. I was trying to save him.”
“From what? What is she doing?”
“She cursed me. My lips, actually.”
“Your lips? Why?”
“She wants to steal your magic. She thought I was the best way of doing that. She knows what we all know. That you can defeat her.”
“It should’ve been my decision or Regina’s to protect Henry. Whether she forced your hand or not. I can’t trust you now. How can I?”
Charming and Snow came up to them.
“She’s right not to,” he told Hook.
Later, Henry and Katherine were at the graveyard, since Henry wanted to go to his dad’s grave, Charming and Snow watching.
Suddenly, Snow felt the baby.
Katherine and Henry rushed over, hearing her.
When they asked if she was okay and what was happening, Snow told them, “It’s the baby. It’s coming.”