Ch.30: Into The Deep
When Henry woke up, he informed Charming and Regina that Katherine was definitely alive. He had been able to talk to her and she was with Hook, and they were looking for a way to stop Cora. Katherine had used her Traveler magic to find anyone in her dreams whom was in Storybrooke, to get the information to.
Granny had just brought Gold and Belle’s order over which were french fries and a couple hamburgers.
“It smells delicious,” Belle said.
“It is delicious,” she assured her, and eyed Gold. “And it didn’t take Dark magic, either.” She looked at Gold. “Oh, and I charge extra for the pickles.” Granny then left.
“I have a complicated relationship with her, as I do with most people,” Gold told Belle.
“Well, it did take me a little time to get to know you,” Belle said.
After he suggested Belle to use ketchup with her food, Regina entered. “Gold.” She stood at their booth. “We need to talk.”
“Do we?” Gold asked. “Belle, you remember the woman that locked you up for twenty-eight years.”
Belle began to get up from the booth.
“No, stay. Anything she has to say won’t be a secret from you. Anything she wants, she won’t get.”
“I’m actually coming for the one thing that might unite us,” Regina informed him.
“And what in earth could that be?”
“Cora. She’s coming from our land. I need your help to stop her.”
“But she is dead,” Rumple said. “You told me you saw the body.”
“Apparently, you taught her well. She’s not and she’s on her way here, and I don’t think I need to remind you of how much unpleasant that would be for both of us.”
“For you. I can handle Cora.”
“That’s not how she tells the story.”
“I won in the end.”
“Maybe, but there’s a big difference this time. This time, you have someone you care about. This time, you have a weakness.”
Belle didn’t understand exactly what they were talking about, so she asked, “I’m sorry. Who is this woman?”
“Someone you’ll never meet,” Rumple assured her. He looked at Regina. “So, you say she’s coming. Where is she now?”
“With her,” Regina said, figuring she didn’t need to say that she was in the same land as Katherine was in.
They got Henry to lay down in the back of Gold’s shop.
“So, Cora’s pretty powerful,” Henry said, having heard about her, but she also was in his story book.
“Not as powerful as I am,” Rumple said.
“Debatable,” Regina said.
“Actually, it’s not,” Rumple said.
Charming sat on his bedside.
“You sure you’re ready to do this, kid?”
“I was born to do this. I’m done reading about heroes. I wanna be one.”
“Well, sometimes being one is knowing when to not run into the fire,” Charming informed him.
“I’ll be okay,” Henry said.
“Look, whatever he faces in there, will be far less dangerous than if we fail,” Rumple told him.
Charming looked at him, as he said that.
“I can do this,” Henry assured Charming.
Charming got up. “Get on with it. Fast.”
Rumple sat down by his bedside at Henry’s level.
“Alright, Henry. Just relax. Soon, you’re gonna drift off.”
“What do I tell her?” he asked.
“Just listen to my bedtime story, and all will be clear.”
The story Rumple told him was about the quill Charming and Snow used to trap Rumple in the cell once, which told Charming and Regina behind them what was needed to stop Cora. The ink that was made from the rarest squid.
When Kat went back to sleep, she and Henry had another talk, which informed her that she needed to find the jail cell Rumple had been kept in long ago, which would have the ink from the quill, in which would trap Cora. After this news, she got woken up and saw that it was obviously Hook, since he was the only person she was traveling with.
“We gotta go, luv.”
She got up and he helped her. Then she saw why. It was the people that she’d seen that had been dead. That’s when she realized that they’d been dead, but somehow had risen from the dead.
“Actually, there’s a little something you don’t know about me,” she replied.
“And what would that be, luv?”
She knew it probably wouldn’t last long, since she wasn’t sure how they had risen, but she magically snapped their necks, just as she’d seen witches in her world do to vampires.
“Now let’s go. I got in contact with Regina’s son, Henry. We can stop Cora by using some ink from Rumpelstiltskin’s cell. I assume you might know where that is.”
“Aye. Snow White and Prince Charming’s castle,” he replied, and knew exactly what kind of ink she was talking about.
They began walking, Hook leading the way, Katherine walking beside him.