Ch.40: Lacey
After Snow and Charming showed Katherine, the beans they were growing, they informed her that they were growing them to return to their land, so they could restore their land. By doing so, they thought it would get rid of the part of Snow’s heart that had become dark after what she’d done to Cora. After that, they left and Charming went to the diner to get some coffee for the dwarfs.
After Regina found out from Rumple that they were related, Regina went to find Katherine, whom was at the docks sitting on a bench, looking at the book.
“Reading up on Henry’s father? Or grandfather?” she questioned, as she sat down by her. “How long did you think you could keep that from me?”
“Well, I was going to tell you, but I was a little busy keeping you and your mother from killing all of us.”
“What is he doing here?” Regina wanted to know.
“Neal? He just wants to spend a little time with his son.”
“Funny. He didn’t want to spend time with him the first ten years of his life.”
“How about you stop worrying about everyone else and instead focus on being the person Henry wants you to be. Before you lose him for good.”
“For good? What does that mean?”
“Nothing. Unlike you, the rest of the world isn’t always scheming to get what they want.”
“You’re hiding something,” Regina said.
“I’m not. Look, there may come a time when Neal will want to go home back to New York and Henry might want to go with him. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t try to stop them if that happens. He doesn’t need his mother all the time like he used to. Besides, I had a daughter once myself, even if I didn’t get to raise her. You’re lucky that you were able to raise Henry. Mine didn’t even show up until she was grown up and a vampire, but whether I wanted to be her mother or not, I didn’t make her do as I wanted her to. I let her make her own decisions, because she wasn’t me. And Henry’s not you. Let him make his own decisions, because if you try to make him do something he doesn’t want to do, you’ll just push him away.”
Katherine got up and left Regina there.
That night, Regina found out about the beanstalk crops.
Later that night, Neal went to the Charming place with Henry. He layed him down on the couch since he’d had a couple Bourbons at the bar.
“Sounds like you two had fun,” Katherine stated, when Neal told her.
She sat down at the table and talked to Neal about the message August gave her.
“Storybrooke isn’t safe. From who?” she said.
“He always was good at being cryptic. You’ll figure it out. If there’s anything I’ve learned about you, it’s that you don’t stop until you find what you’re looking for,” he assured her.
That night, Tamara opened up the truck thing that was hooked up to the pickup truck, as she told Greg that he wouldn’t need much convincing.
“Why’s that?” Greg asked.
“Because if there’s anyone you can count on to do your dirty work, it’s a pirate.”
When it was opened, it was revealed that Hook was tied up to a chair with rope and a gag on.