Ch.43: And Straight On ‘Til Morning
Rumple was by a bush, watching Henry on the tire swing, when Katherine came up to Rumple.
“I have to talk to you about your son,” Katherine informed him.
“What about my son?”
“I think it would be best if we go somewhere else to talk,” she suggested.
She began to walk away at his side.
Once they were far away from where Henry and Granny and Charming and Snow were at, she finally began to tell him what happened.
“I’m sorry, but Bae is gone. Tamara opened up a portal after she shot him. She was trying to get away, but she fell through the portal. I almost did too, but he saved me. I don’t know if he’s alive or not, or where the hell he even is if he is alive. He could be alive, or he could be dead, but he was badly injured,” she informed him.
“I killed him. I brought magic to this world to find Bae. Now he’s dead. Magic always comes with a price and this is it,” Rumple said.
“It wasn’t your fault,” she assured him. “Look, this isn’t the only reason I came to you. Greg has the fail-safe trigger. He’s willing to die to destroy magic. If we don’t find it, everyone that’s not from this world will die, including you.”
“No,” he said.
“Look. A parent to a parent, even though I wasn’t much of one to my daughter, just as you weren’t much of one to Bae, he wouldn’t want you to die, whether he’s alive or not. I may have been willing to let people die in the past, but not now.”
He began to walk away.
She watched him go, realizing he wasn’t going to help. That’s when she realized that they were on their own.
Katherine went back to where Henry was and told him what happened to his father.
Greg and Hook went down into the mines and Greg informed him that according to the people that give them orders, even though neither of them never knew who their “commanders” are, said that the certain axe activates it. When Greg told Hook that, he told him, “I’m willing to die for my cause. Are you?”
Hook looked at him and told him he was, though Hook was having second thoughts. He didn’t want to die with this town, which he realized Greg was willing to do.
He watched Greg activate the trigger and then he and Greg left the mines.
A moment later, there was a miniature earthquake and vines began to grow around the clock tower and the diner shook a little.
Regina slowly sat up in bed and got up and went into the kitchen, just as Katherine entered the apartment with Charming, Snow, and Henry.
After Regina and Henry hugged, there was an earthquake.
Katherine looked at her.
“Regina, was that the—?” she began.
“Yes. The diamond,” Regina informed her.
“So, we’re all going to die,” Henry said.
“You were born here, so you’ll live,” Regina assured him.
“But, I’ll be alone,” he said.
“I’m so sorry, Henry,” Regina said.
“That’s not going to happen,” Katherine said. “You did this. You can make it stop.”
“There’s no way,” Regina told her.
“Then we’ll figure out a way,” Katherine replied.
“I already lost my dad. I don’t want to lose anyone else. We have to work together,” Henry said.
Hook walked in.
“From the mouths of babes,” Hook commented. “I’d say the lad has a point.”
Charming hit him.
“For the last time we met.”
“Blood hell,” Hook commented.
Charming pulled out his gun.
“Tell us why you’re here, before I use something else other than my fist.”
“I think threatening to kill me is a bit of a abundant, since we’re all about to die anyway,” Hook told him.
“No thanks to you,” Katherine said. “Regina told us you were working with them to get your vengeance against Gold.”
“Well, that was before he told me I had to die to get it,” Hook informed her.
“We don’t have time for this,” Katherine stated.
“Which is why I’m here. Staring death in the face has made me realize if there’s anything I want more than revenge, it’s my life. So, let’s stop this and then we can resume bickering.”
“There’s no stopping it. The best thing I can do is slow it down, but that will only delay the inevitable,” Regina informed them.
“It’ll give us time,” Charming said.
“Time for what?” Snow asked.
“Steal the beans and use them to get everyone back to the enchanted forest, before Storybrooke disappears.”
“How?” Katherine questioned, sensing a plan. “We don’t know where Greg is.”
“I do,” Hook said.
“Why should we trust you? You were willing to let everyone die just to make sure Rumpelstiltskin dies so you can get your vengeance.”
“I’ll go with him,” Charming said. “If he tries anything, I’ll shoot him in the face.”
“I’ll go with Regina to slow it down.” She looked at Snow. “Take Henry with you and get everyone ready for when we get those beans.”
“Wait. Henry. Before you go, I’m sorry for what’s happened. I tried to be better and I failed. I won’t let you be alone. I just want you to know that I love you,” Regina told him.
“I love you too,” he said.
They hugged and then he left with Snow and she left with Katherine.
“The things we do for our children,” Hook commented to Charming, before leaving with him.
Charming and Hook got to the docks, just as another earthquake hit.
“We’re running out of time,” Hook told him.
“Oh, is that what that means?” Charming said.
When Hook and Charming were walking through the building, looking for Greg, Charming asked him, “So, tell me Hook. All this time it’s been about revenge. Why all of sudden does it matter to you that you survive? What I’m fighting for is my family. What are you fighting for?”
“Myself. It’s a plan of motivation, I assure you,” he replied.
Once they found Greg, Hook got the beans from Greg, but Greg got away again.
Katherine was walking through the mines with Regina.
Soon, they came upon it.
“There it is. Once it stops glowing, its destruction is achieved. Then we’ll see the real carnage.” Regina went to stand in front of the trigger. “I’ll try and contain it as long as I can.”
“You won’t need to for long. Then we can get the hell out of here.”
“Slowing the device will require all the strength that I have.”
“You’re not coming with us, are you? When you said goodbye to Henry, you were saying goodbye.”
“He knows I love him, doesn’t he?”
“Regina, no. There’s gotta be another way.”
“Everything that’s happening, it’s my fault. I created this device. It’s only fair that it takes my life.”
“What am I supposed to tell Henry?”
“Tell him that in the end, it wasn’t too late for me to do the right thing.”
“Regina, please.”
“Everyone looks at me as the Evil Queen, including my son. Let me die as Regina,” she said, before starting to slow it down.
Katherine left, even though she didn’t want to.
Charming and Hook entered the diner where everyone was at, including Katherine.
“We did it,” Charming announced.
“You have the beans?”
“Yeah. We did it.”
Katherine turned to the crowd of people.
“Where’s my mom?” Henry asked.
“Regina can hold off the device long enough for us to escape it.” She paused, not liking having to tell him the news.
“But what?” he asked, sensed that there was something she wasn’t saying.
“She won’t survive. I promised her I’d get you to safety.”
“You can’t. She’s family. You don’t leave family behind.”
“This is what she wants. It’s our only chance. We have to take it.”
“We saved her from being killed by the Wraith. How is this any different?” Henry replied.
“The Wraith. We sent it through a portal. Why can’t we do the same to the trigger?” Snow said.
Katherine looked at her.
“We don’t know if it’ll work.”
“It could,” Snow replied.
“Yeah,” Charming said.
“It’s too risky. No one will go along with it.”
“They will. ‘Cause it’s the right thing to do,” Hopper said. “Look, Snow White and the Prince have always led us before, and we’ve always won. So, who’s willing to let them lead us again?”
Hopper raised his hand, as did everyone else.
Katherine agreed to the plan, even though she wasn’t sure if it would work and didn’t want Henry to be alone like she’d been ever since 1492 Bulgaria.
Hook took the distraction and took the bag.
“She wants to die. I say we let her.”
Katherine turned to him.
“You and I, we understand each other. Look out for yourself and never get hurt, right?”
“Well it works for me.”
“Until the day that it doesn’t. It might be stupid and it might be crazy, but we’re doing it. So, you can join us and be a part of something, or you can do what you do best and be alone.”
He handed the bag over.
“Quite passionate, Pierce. Why are you really doing this?”
“He just lost his father. I’m not letting him lose his mother too.”
“His father? Who was Henry’s father?” Hook questioned her.
“Baelfire,” Hook realized.
“Yeah,” she replied, before leaving the diner.
They found Regina in the mines.
“What are you doing here?” Regina asked.
“You were willing to die to save us. You’re a hero. Now we’re gonna be heroes,” Henry told her.
Charming and Snow informed her of the plan.
When Katherine looked inside the bag though, it was empty. She realized that Hook had taken it without anyone seeing that he had.
“I can’t contain it much longer,” Regina informed Katherine, looking at her.
Henry came over to Regina.
“I really wish I was strong enough to stop all of this,” Regina told him. “But I’m not.”
Henry hugged her.
Katherine approached after trying to think of a plan of what to do now.
She looked at her and Henry pulled away from Regina.
“You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are.”
She touched the glowing magic and began to do as Regina was doing.
After a few minutes, they were thrown away and the trigger deactivated itself.
Snow and Charming got up and Charming went over and helped Katherine up.
Regina got up and picked up the diamond.
“We did it,” Katherine stated.
“Yes. We did,” Regina agreed.
“Gotta hand it to Henry. He’s right about a lot of things,” Charming said.
“Yes, he is,” Katherine agreed.
When Katherine looked around for Henry, she didn’t see him.
When they went looking, all they found was his backpack. That’s when Katherine realized that Greg had taken Henry.
“You don’t even know where he is,” Charming told her, when they were briskly walking through the docks.
“I don’t care. I’ll track them both through hell and back if I have to. I couldn’t help Bae and I couldn’t save Nadia’s life, but I won’t let anything happen to Henry, whether I’m his mother or not. I’ve done many things in my life, but I’d never put a child in harm’s way.”
They arrived in enough time to see Greg throw a bean into the water, which opened up a portal, and Greg jump himself and Henry into the portal.
“No!” Katherine said, but she knew it was too late to stop Greg, because the portal was already closed.
When they were discussing of how to get them back, Rumple and Belle were walking through the docks and overheard.
Rumple informed them that they needed a bean in order to travel between worlds, so there was no way to get him back without a portal.
“So that’s it? He’s gone? No. I refuse to believe that,” Regina said.
Belle walked past them, seeing something in the distance.
“What’s that?”
Everyone looked into the distance.
“Hook,” Katherine said.
Hook soon arrived back at the dock with his ship.
“What are you doing here?” Katherine asked.
“Helping to save the town.”
“We already did,” Charming informed him.
When they informed him of the situation, Hook said that he’d help them find him with his ship.
“That’s great, but how will we find him?” Katherine inquired.
“Leave that up to me. I can track him,” Rumple told her.
Everyone boarded the ship.
Rumple gave Belle a rolled up paper.
“This town is no longer safe. They tried to destroy magic and they weren’t working alone. Follow these instructions. It’s a cloaking spell. It’ll keep the town safe.”
She took it from him.
He looked at her and told her, “I have to go with them. This cloaking spell will keep anyone from finding the town.”
“But how will you find your way back to me?”
He was silent at that question.
“You’re not coming back,” she realized.
“The prophecy. The boy is my undoing, but he’s also my grandson. I must save him. I must do this to honor Baelfire. He’s gone and I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye.”
She put hands on his shoulders, stepping closer to him.
“I understand, but I also know that the future isn’t always as it seems. I will see you again,” she replied.
She put hands around his neck, as they kissed. Then she let go and stepped back.
“Baelfire would be very proud of you,” she said, before walking away.
Rumple watched her go, before boarding the ship.
Meanwhile, Neal was on a beach, not awake, when Aurora and Eric found him.
“We have to get him help,” Aurora said.
Back on the Jollyroger, Hook approached Rumple.
“So, are you done trying to kill me?” Rumple asked him.
“I believe so.”
“Excellent,” Rumple commented. “Then you can live.” He made a globe appear. After dropping some of his own blood on the white globe, it showed where Henry was.
“Where is that?” Regina asked.
“Neverland,” Hook told her.
Hook through a bean into the water and a portal opened. Then he sailed the ship into the portal to find Neverland, as Regina grabbed a rope and Katherine and Rumple held on to a part of the ship, as did Snow and Charming on the opposite side of the side Katherine and Rumple were on.
Snow and Charming asked who Greg was working for and Rumple told them, “Someone we should all fear.”
Even though Rumple didn’t say a name, Katherine knew enough fairytales to know which fairytale they were going to be entering. She knew who, in fairytales, lived in Neverland, and that was Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, though she didn’t know why Peter Pan would want Henry.