True to Jessie's words, I noticed Dave is staring at Rachel a lot. Like a lot. He's staring at her when she's eating, when she's laughing or smiling, when she's rolling her eyes when she's being sarcastic, or doesn't like something.
It's not that he's staring, It's the way he's staring at my sister that makes me feel guilty.
He's smiling whenever Rachel is smiling or is happy. His eyes twinkling whenever Rach comes into the room he's in. And he actually doesn't mind Rachel's rude attitude towards him. He actually seems quite amused by it.
Jessie is right. Dave likes Rachel a lot, but he has never told me about it. Well... it would be weird to tell your best friend that you like his sister. Open minded or not. That's considered unforgivable among guys.
I can't believe I acted so stupidly yesterday when Jessie told me about what she told me. Dave was not flirting with my sister after all, not in front of me, and not behind my back. Now I'm searching everywhere for Jessie, to apologize to her but I can't find her. Or maybe she doesn't want to be found I'm not sure.
Is she perhaps avoiding me?
I searched her room, the entire apartment, I went to the library she studies in and even asked Samuel and Emma if they've seen her. I searched everywhere I suspected she'll go. But she was nowhere to be found.
I was supposed to make her happy, not sad. I quickly left the library before I have a fight with Emma and continued searching for that girl. It was not a very good idea to search for Jessie in the library, since she would not have gone to a place where Emma is anyways.
I finally gave up and went back home, feeling exhausted and a little bit angry at Jessie. Rachel and Dave had cooked a delicious looking meal for dinner which was a total surprise, I mean, I thought they don't get along well?
We were in the middle of having dinner when Jessie came into the kitchen, pulled out a chair, and begun eating. Without talking, and completely avoiding my gaze. I kept staring at her but she was too busy and struggling with the slice of pizza in her hands that she wasn't even aware that I was glaring at her, and questioning her in my mind.
Like: Where were you?
Why are you avoiding me?
Why are you not even staring at me?
All these questions I wanted to ask made me forget the real purpose of looking for her all day. Which was to apologize to her.
"Thank you guys, it was so delicious" Jessie said cheerfully, "I'll go to my room now, you guys won't mind doing the dishes, right? I have many things to do."
"Of course not, go right ahead and rest Jessie" Dave said with a polite smile.
Maybe a reason why Rachel doesn't like Dave is because he is so much kinder than me, and Rachel has that weird thinking that a person needs to be both kind and rude, like herself obviously.
Anyway. Jessie walks out of the kitchen and to her room without looking at me. I thanked Dave and Rachel too and followed Jessie to her room.
"Jessie?" I called her as I run after her. In hopes of catching up to her and talking to her before she goes into her room. I grab her shoulders and turn her around. Jessie frowns when she sees me, then her frown disappears, so that all there is on her face is an expressionless mask.
"Umm... can we talk?" I say calmly, and remove my hands on her shoulders.
"Sure!" She says and waits for me to patiently, with a raised eyebrow.
"I wanted to apologize to you" I said, and bit my lip.
However Jessie's expression didn't alter and she still had that blank expression on her face.
"What for?" She asked.
"For yelling at you, and for not understanding you.." I answered and sighed, feeling quite embarrassed bout my behavior. "I'm very sorry. I just... it's just that Rachel and Dave both mean a lot to me, I was also very worried about Rachel being hurt."
"What are you talking about?" Jessie asked, frowning in confusion.
"I'm talking about our fight, Jess" I said and sighed in frustration.
"When did we have a fight?" She asked, her frown deepening.
"Yesterday!" I exclaimed, and frowned too. "Okay. I know I hurt you, but there's no need to avoid me or pretend we haven't had a fight."
"I have never avoided you" Jessie mumbled, looking a bit sad.
"Then where were you all day?" I asked, my voice a little louder than I have intended to. So I cleared my throat and repeated that same question in a calmer, more gentle voice.
"I was in the bathroom, taking a shower." Jessie said, and made a face, like it was the most obvious thing.
"You were taking a shower?" I asked in disbelief, "all day?"
"Yeah!" She answered, with the same ' why didn't you know' expression.
"Wait, wait... you were in the bathroom... taking a shower all day? I asked, my temper about to rise again, but I kept telling myself that I can't have another fight with my girlfriend. Fake or not.
"Yeah.." Jessie said, she looked totally confused now. It was as if she didn't know why that is such a big deal. She then smiled sweetly and walked closer to me, until she was only inches away from me.
"I don't know what might have happened yesterday," Jessie said cheerfully, "but I forgive you, and I'm sorry."
She walked even closer to me, making me gulp and gave me a peck on my cheek. Then she left me standing there, in front of her bedroom door, dumbfound and confused.
What did just happen?