We struggled with opening the door of the house, so we had no choice but to break the lock of that old and dirty door. The inside was worse than I expected, there were broken bottles everywhere, the furniture were covered in dirt and dust.
Some of the windows were broken, there were many papers, cans, and even broken dishes. Of course the spiders haven't left the inside alone, since there were many spider webs, blocking my view of the windows, and the actual color of the walls was unknown due to them.
At first we decided on painting each room by turn, so we emptied a room which looked like the kitchen, and we started cleaning it.
"Man it's hopelessly dirty" Dave complained as he put on his disposable mask and gloves.
"You should all thank ME..." Rachel said as she flipped her new blond-blue hair, "... for being so thoughtful that I brought all these necessary equipment"
Dave smiled and dipped his roller brush in the paint, making me roll my eyes. Seriously what does he see in my crazy sister anyways?
Rachel doesn't even like him, she would probably chop his... thingie if he doesn't obey her orders (one of the reasons why so many guys left her). Let's be honest, I wouldn't date Rachel, if she wasn't my sister.
Sure enough, after not more than fifteen minutes, Rachel was chasing Dave around the house threatening him with her roller brush to take back what he just said about her hair (He had told her she looks like ice cream, since she changes her hair color quite a lot).
Something I will never tell Rachel.
Because I don't want to be in Dave's current position obviously.
Me and Jessie were just laughing at the two of them, we laughed even harder when Rachel finally caught Dave and painted both of his cheeks white.
I frowned when I suddenly realized Jessie is unusually quite, so I walked to where she was, painting the wall and smiled at her when she looked at me. She smiled back at me and continued what she was doing.
Her hair had little drops of dried paint in them, as well as her forehead, her cheeks and her nose. Making her look very cute.
"Are you okay?" I asked, looking away from her when I noticed I was kind of checking her out.
"I'm okay" She answered without looking at me.
"You're very quiet" I declared and frowned, I hate it when she's this quiet and none of us know what's wrong with her, or what she's thinking about.
"I'm fine Nathan" Jessie said as she looked at me and smiled warmly."don't worry. I'm just too focused on painting this wall, that's why I can't actually think of anything to say"
"Uh-oh! I forgot you can't do multi tasking" I said and smiled back at her.
"They're very cute together" Jessie said quietly as she motioned to where Rachel and Dave were, now Rachel was frowning as she was trying to wipe the paint from Dave's cheeks.
I looked at Jessie who was still staring at me, seeming conscious and nervous and waiting for my reaction.
"They are" I admitted and sighed. "Though I can't understand what the hell Dave likes about Rachel so much"
I shrugged and started helping Jessie out with my own roller brush, painting the side of the wall close to her.
"Well, she's..." Jessie hesitated for a second or two, probably looking for the right word to describe her friend, "... cute"
"I snorted and shook my head, "You mean EVIL!"
"Well... she is evil" Jessie mumbled and bit her lips as if she was scared of Rachel hearing her. That little reaction of her made me laugh out loud, Jessie looked startled at first but she too laughed out loud next, and together we continued to laugh at Rachel and Dave who were both soaked in paint now.
We finished with only one room when it was suddenly sunset, Dave drove back to town to bring us dinner, while the three of us continued painting. The room looked fresh and new again, so we moved on to the bedroom, well... one of the bedrooms, since I was planning on staying here this entire week, just so I can finish it on time.
Now that the kitchen was finished, all I needed was a bedroom and that was all. Jessie was helping me paint the wall while Rachel was cleaning the furniture and washing the bed sheets and curtains for me.
The good news was we would be finished with two of the rooms in one night, the bad news was I was sneezing and coughing, also I had a headache and was feeling very cold.
"Told you you'd get cold jackass!" Rachel said and pouted.
After dinner we started painting the bathroom, since Rachel said I'm going to need it too.
As I stared at these friends of mine, and spent time with them I realized I may be not lucky for having so much problems at the moment, but I'm definitely lucky for having such amazing, supportive friends.