I stared at myself in the mirror and frowned, god I looked like hell. I needed a good shower and shaving. I hadn't realized that I had completely forgotten to shave my beard the past few days.
So I brought my shaving gel and razor from my current room and starting shaving the little stubble which could definitely be seen on my face.
After shaving it for the second time, I washed my face with the warm water, and wiped it with the towel around my neck. Now that my face was dry, and shaven I stared at myself again in the mirror and grinned.
That's better. I look appropriate to look at now. I put on some jeans and a sweater on after taking a nice warm shower and walked out of my room. I left my cellphone in the room, so as not to be reminded of the little problem I have back in Florida.
I heard Rachel talking in the guest room, so I walked towards the voice and found Rachel's arms around someone who looked like Jessie.
Jessie was sitting on the floor, with her arms around her knees hugging them tightly, she has put her head on her knees and was sobbing, Rachel was sitting on the ground too hugging her best friend, she didn't look good either.
I frowned and walked slowly towards them.
Jessie kept sobbing, as Rachel was whispering soothing words in her ears, which looked like it was no use.
"It's alright, Jess..." She kept saying "I'm sorry... I didn't know"
But Jessie kept crying without saying anything, she didn't even look up once to stare at us.
"It's okay... I will kill that bit- I mean guy" Rachel said angrily, but Jessie didn't say anything at all.
I cleared my throat to get their attention, Rachel looked up and stared at me, she sighed and clearly looked very hurt. But Jessie was still in her exact position, crying and not looking up from where she was sitting. Whatever has happened, might have had been bad.
"Um... what's wrong?" I asked, feeling awkward that I have happened to intrude on these best friends, well I didn't intend to, but I was worried too.
"It's Emma..." Rachel mumbled, I don't really know Emma that much, but I know she's their best friend too. How can girls have more than one best friend? I can't quite understand that... If you trust more than one person, you'll eventually end up getting hurt, and destroyed.
"What has happened to her?" I said, looking between hurt looking Rachel and Jessie's crying figure.
"She had a boyfriend without telling either of us" Rachel muttered. and I frowned.
"What's the problem with that? Isn't that her own personal life?" I said, the moment those words left my mouth, I felt bad for Jessie. Here she was crying, and I couldn't think of any other thing to say except that. But I have a point, don't I?
"It's not just that" Rachel said.
"Then? What's the problem?"I asked.
"The problem is," Rachel begun "Jessie had a crush on that guy, so she asked him out, apparently Sam, who is the name of Emma's boyfriend, was not aware that Emma hasn't told Jessie about their relationship. So Sam thinks Jessie has wanted to have an affair with him"
"What?!"I exclaimed, not believing what my sister just told me, is that bastard for real?
"Basically... Emma was kind of a jerk to us, because if she has told us that she's Samuel's girlfriend, then Jessie would not have had feelings for him, or at least she wouldn't have asked him out"
"She told me she doesn't like him" Jessie finally spoke up, she raised her head but didn't look at either of us.
"That bit-" Rachel begun angrily, but Jessie interrupted her.
"Rachel please... I told you not to call her any names" Jessie mumbled.
"It's not her fault, I hid my feelings from you and Emma too, it's kind of my fault too"
"But still... that Samuel guy shouldn't have treated you that way"
"It's not his fault too, he just misunderstood"
"Still.. he is such a jerk, and Emma ughhh... I'm going to fucking kill that bit-"
"I told you not to call her names, and don't tell her anything about this matter too, I don't want her to get hurt, let's just... let's just pretend this hasn't happened at all, let's be like the old times again, please Rachel"
"I'm tired, I need to go and take a nap"
Rachel opened her mouth to protest but she changed her mind and closed it abruptly, Jessie stood up slowly then walked out of the guest room towards the kitchen, she drank some water and walked to her room.
"Poor girl" Rachel mumbled.
"It's her fault too" I shrugged, and was about to walk away from her to go to my room when I was suddenly turned around forcefully to look at Rachel's mad looking expression.
"What the hell did you just say?" Rachel snapped "It's her fault?"
"Yeah" I muttered "She's desperate for love, that's her problem"
"She's not desperate for love" Rachel made a face and imitated me "She loves too much, that's something someone like you wouldn't understand"
"Some one like me?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, someone who doesn't know anything about love" Rachel snorted.
"But you're an expert in love yourself?" I said. Rachel swallowed and pressed her lips tight.
"At least I have been in a relationship" Rachel muttered "And I wasn't dumped for cheating!"
I sighed and looked away, that was low from Rachel. Why did she have to bring that up? I have buried her memories in my heart, even when she hurt me. And I don't actually like talking about her with others.
"I never cheated, she just didn't have a better excuse to break up with me" I mumbled.
"The point is... you don't know what love is Nathan." Rachel begun again, "But Jessie keeps loving without thinking about the consequences"
"I still call her desperate" I said "She thinks it's love, she might think she has been in love with all the previous guys she had a crush on, but she is just desperate for love and attention"
"Don't call her desperate" Rachel exclaimed "She isn't, and she wasn't crying because he has rejected him, she was crying because Sam told her he wouldn't want to cheat on Emma for a girl like her, I know you never liked somethings Jessie did, but at least try to understand her, how would you feel if you were the one who have been told that to? But I guess you're just like that bastard , you all underestimate her love, and none of you deserve Jessie's love! So if you can't make her feel better, don't make her feel worse, leave her- the-hell-alone"
With that said, Rachel retreated back to her room, leaving me to my own thoughts about she just said, did I misjudge Jessie?
Did I underestimate her and her love?
I thought I just told the truth, love is greater than what Jessie feels. Hers is definitely not love. You can't just fall in love with someone you don't know. or you've only met for a few days.