After tidying up the apartment for a while, And finishing washing the dishes, Rachel showed me my room which I'll be staying in for these two weeks, or a month. I'm not sure yet, it depends on what Doctor Harper is going to tell me next time he calls me.
Rachel went to her room to study, while I unpacked and lay on the bed to take a nap.
I was so tired that I fell asleep the moment I closed my eyes. I didn't know how much I slept, but when I woke up someone had put a blanket on me, and the room was kinda dark.
I slowly got up from the bed, made the bed and grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe and my towel and went straight to take a shower.
I enjoyed the feeling of the warm water on my skin, during my times at Gainesville I always took cold showers in order to stay alert, I enjoyed warm showers very much but I had to avoid them otherwise I'd fall asleep right after taking it.
I put my clean clothes on, and walked out of the room, the moment I got out of the room I heard chattering and laughing. I guess Jessie has come back.
I walked to where all the noises were coming from, which was the kitchen. I was right, Jessie and Rachel were busy preparing dinner, there were three large empty plates on the table.
The table was prepared very beautifully, there were different kinds of salad and soup on it, a bottle of wine right in the middle, Rachel and Jessie were moving around the kitchen professionally, they were handing each other plates, ingredients, and other stuff. They were also talking and laughing together.
I smelled something delicious but couldn't quite guess what it was, since the kitchen was full of different nice aromas. I could smell chilly, garlic, mushrooms, and I could definitely smell something like a pie in the oven.
I cleared my throat to let them know of my presence, Rachel and Jessie both turned around, and they both smiled when they saw.
They are so alike, yet they're so different which is very creepy.
"You're awake finally" Rachel said, and turned away from me to continue whatever she was doing.
"Nathan, I'm so glad to see you" Jessie said, with a warm smile on her face, she then walked towards me and hugged me tight, I hugged her back and chuckled when I smelled all of those different aromas I mentioned earlier on her.
"I'm glad too Jessie, how've you been?" I mumbled into her hair. She pulled away and stared at me while keeping her smile on her face.
"I've been great. How've you been?" She asked, then suddenly frowned and turned towards Rachel "Rachel take out that pie it's about to burn"
"I've been great too" I replied, as Rachel told us to come and have our dinner.
The three of us sat down, I didn't know what dish to eat, because the table was full of delicious looking meals. But I started with the soup first.
Rachel poured each of us a glass wine, she looked very happy to have an excuse to drink, but I'll let it pass this time, maybe I shouldn't push her that much.
"To our friendship" She said as she raised her own glass, me and Jessie raised our glasses too and brought it close to Rachel's.
"To our friendship"
"To our friendship"
We both said together, then I drank nearly half of the glass because I was thirsty. And continued eating.
"Rachel said you got permission to come back earlier this year" Jessie said, while staring at me waiting for my repose.
"Yeah I did" I replied shortly, careful to not let my emotions show.
"That's great, I don't remember the last time you I saw you" Jessie said and smiled.
"You're right" I smiled back at her "I missed my family, and my hometown"
"I bet" Jessie said "You'll be staying here with us?"
"Yeah. I hope you don't mind, my parents will nag me all the time if I stay with them" I replied.
Jessie smiled, and shook her head "of course I don't mind. You're very welcome to stay here"
"Thank you" I said. She just smiled and continued eating.
After having our dinner, Jessie insisted she will wash the dishes by herself, Rachel on the other hand made us some coffee and handed me a cup.
We both sat down by the table, while Jessie was washing the dishes. It was great to meet my old friends again and talk the old times.
So that's what we did, Jessie and Rachel talked about our old memories together while I listened. I smiled at some of the memories, laughed at some, and got sad for some.
But overall I enjoyed every second with these two girls, Rachel and Jessie were talking about our times in the kindergarten.
That night I left to bed early, and fell fast asleep. Before I fell asleep I prayed not have any nightmares, and I prayed not to remember my problems back in Florida.
My latter wish was not granted, but the former was. I slept without having any nightmares.
The next morning I woke up having a smile on my face, I was certain everything will be okay. I didn't check my phone like I used to do.
Instead I decided to remain being positive and enjoy my time staying here.