A few days has passed since I had come back to my hometown.
I checked my phone every second for Dr. Harper's phone calls, or maybe Mrs. Hall's calls. But nothing. I was freaking out, it's true only a few days has passed but I couldn't help wish the results of the investigation came back sooner.
I didn't mind waiting, but not these days. Waiting for these kind of things really sucked.
I wanted to get over it. I was innocent so I just wanted them to call me and tell me to go back to Florida and continue doing my research these remaining ten days, until after the New Year's Eve.
Since Rachel couldn't just keep her mouth shut, my parents found out I have come back sooner to visit, than expected. So they my phone kept ringing and ringing all day. They wanted me to o stay with them. As if I wasn't already feeling guilty for lying to them.
I just told them I wanna stay with my sister for a while, since I missed her.
At first they complained, but after Rachel told them she wants me to stay with her for a few days, they agreed but on the condition of spending Christmas and the New Year's Eve with them.
As long as they don't find out why I'm back in Kentucky, everything's fine with. Also I was a little bit more comfortable staying here, rather then my parent's house.
Don't get me wrong, they are very sweet and kind, but my father will make me watch every baseball match which is playing on TV with him, and my mother will keep feeding me until I'm about to explode, oh and let's not forget about my little secret, which has to be hidden from them for a while.
I was too worried about my own life, that I didn't realize destiny was playing a very dangerous game with me.
Me, getting in trouble (which never happened to me in my life), coming back sooner to Louisville, having a loveless life, not believing in love, etcetera etcetera... All of these had to do something with what was about to happen soon.
And I was too stupid to notice it.
It all happened on Tuesday, everything which happened from that day on changed my life, it made me another person, it taught me very good lessons, and it changed the way I saw things and people.
Since I was the only person in Jessie's apartment which had nothing to do, I cooked for them, cleaned the house, bought groceries and other necessities, shortly I did some of the house works.
On Tuesday, after coming back from buying lots of colorful and delicious groceries. I unlocked the door with the key Rachel had given me.
I stepped inside and went straight to the kitchen, I found Jessie reading a book, while holding a cup of coffee in her hands. She was too focused on the book on her lap, that she didn't notice me coming.
So I cleared my throat to get her attention, Jessie looked up from her book, she stared at the heavy bags in my hands and smiled.
"I didn't believe Rachel when she said you're even buying us groceries" She teased. I smiled back at her and shrugged.
"You're both busy so I thought why not?" I mumbled. Jessie nodded her head and continued reading her book.
"Would you like a cup of coffee?" She offered.
"Thank you" I said, while separating the bags and putting each of them in their right place.
Jessie was preparing coffee for me so I sat down in her seat, and held the book she was reading in my hands.
The title read; Vanity Fair.
I liked reading books but I was too busy with dentistry and volunteering that I barely had time to even relax.
I raised my right brow in astonishment, and smiled to myself. Then I slowly opened the book and put it on a random page, by the way the words were written I could guess it's classics.
I slowly turned the pages, until I found a small piece of paper between the pages of the book. It was a phone number with the name Samuel Davies under it, a small red heart was also drawn beside the name.
I quickly put the paper back in its place and closed the book just in time, Jessie handed me a cup of coffee and took the seat beside me.
"Rachel is very happy that you're back, she's been complimenting you all day when Emma was over" Jessie said.
"Yeah... She's like that" I said and took a sip from the coffee "Thank god Emma's someone I already know, otherwise it would have been very embarrassing for me"
"She's just proud of you that's why she's being annoying" Jessie said, making me smile.
"Yeah, annoying is the right word for her" I said, still smiling at the thought of my annoying sister.
"You guys must be very happy that you have each other" She said sadly, I stared at her for a while, then remembered that Jessie has no siblings.
"Yeah, we are happy that we have you too" I said, meaning every word I uttered.
"Thank you" She said, her usual happy smile back on her face.
"Umm... I think you have a crush on a guy named Samuel?" I couldn't help but ask, I was not the type to beat around the bush, so had to say everything directly, and firstly I needed to make sure she has a crush on that guy or not.
Jessie confirmed my thoughts by just her reaction, she gasped, her eyes widened, as her lip trembled, she looked away as if in search for the right words to say.
"H-how do you know?" She stuttered, I pointed at her book. Her eyes widened one more time, she took the small paper with Samuel's phone number in it, and tore it to pieces.
"Please don't tell Rachel" She begged,"I don't want them to know yet, I have my own reasons but I can't let them know, at least not now"
"Well... that has nothing to do with me, why would I go and tell everyone about my friend's personal life?" I said.
"Yeah... thanks..." She mumbled, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes darkened.
"You know we've been friends all these years and I love you as much as I love Rachel , right?" I asked. Staring right into her eyes.
"Yeah..." She muttered.
"And you know whatever I say is for your own good" I told her "Listen to me carefully Jessie, you asked out many guys before him. And they never accepted you. It's not because you're not pretty or kind or have a problem with your personality, it's never you. It's because guys want a challenge, and you're not making it a challenge for them, guys want to feed their ego. You're not playing hard to get, you're not feeding those guys' egos, that's why they don't accept you. You need to get rid of your feelings before it gets out of hand, guys are supposed to do the first step in love, trust me Jessie"
With that said I left Jessie to her own thoughts, and walked out of the kitchen. I know what I told her was hard, but that's the bitter truth , Jessie has to understand real life differs very much from the novels she's reading.
Real life is a not fairly tale. Princes don't exist in this world.