I stared at Jessie, who was smiling from ear to ear. And I couldn't help but smile too.
The boring movie was finally over. Jessie stretched her arms while yawning. Making me chuckle. I grabbed the empty bottles of cola, and was about to get up. When I suddenly felt someone resting a hand on my arm.
I turned around, smiling at Jessie, "Do you need anything, Jessie?"
"Umm... I just wanted to thank you." Jessie said, blushing slightly. "For everything, I mean. And... I want to apologize... for ruining your party."
"Don't mention it." I said, my lips still curved up in a smile. "I haven't done anything worth bragging about"
We were soon on our way to where Rachel and Dave were sitting, in the back of the cinema.
The lights were on, and people were all rushing and pushing each other to go out of the place, which smelled like a mixture of socks and popcorn by this moment.
I heard Jessie let out a gasp. "Arghhh"
I turned around to find her hair has fallen all over her face, she looked like she has bumped into someone ( a guy with white- blonde hair), since she was literally in his arms.
The guys arms supported Jessie, as she found her balance, and blushed crimson red, when she noticed her face was only inches away from that guy's.
Jessie blushes very easily, in fact she blushes every time.
All the time.
I need to tell her to control her feelings or herself when I find the chance. She needs to stop that blushing any time she sees a person from the opposite gender.
"S-sorry" Jessie stuttered. Without lookig into the guy's eyes.
"Are you okay?" The white-blonde haired guy asked, his voice lacking any emotions. But he obviously seemed to be trying to be polite.
"I'm fine" Jessie said, with a reassuring smile.
I walked to where she was standing, and looked at her from top to bottom.
Alright. She's fine.
"You okay?" I ask her anyways. Because that's what normal people do when something has happened to their friend (not that anything has happened to Jessie, she's fine).
"Yeah, I'm fine" Jessie answered.
It was when I looked up and took in the white-blonde guy's face, when I knew faith is definitely playing a dirty game with me.
There, standing in front of me was none other than: Harry Hikings.
My worst and only enemy.
He is the reason to every suffering in my life. Me and Rachel's suffering, to be precise.
He played with her heart.
He destroyed her.
"Oh.... Hello old friend!" Harry said with an evil smirk on his face. "Who's your beautiful friend?
His eyes were fixed on Jessie, he looked at her from head to toe, in his own disgusting way. But I knew I was the only one who could see right through him. Jessie was blushing again, and she tried hard to hide her smile.
Oh, for the love of god! How can she smile at anyone who calls her beautiful?
I was right, she is desperate for any guy's attention. Her feelings for Sam were so unreal.
"I'm Jessie." She said, as she took Harry's stretched hand. Clearly, ignoring me standing here glaring at her.
"It's very nice to meet you, my lady. Harry said and took her hand to his mouth to kiss it. "Harry Hikings at your service"
Harry is definitely the type of guy who knows how to impress women.
He acts all gentleman with every woman he meets, he bows, kissed their hands, holds out the door for them, even their hand bags while the girls are in the rest room.
But most important of all, he knew exactly how to break their hearts. Or worse, how to break them.
"It's nice to meet you too" Jessie says, having her widest smile every playing on her lips.
See? This is what I'm talking about. He has already impressed Jessie. But well... Jessie is just too simple, and kind hearted, she wouldn't be able to see right through this guy. I don't want to interrupt them. Because even if I tell her what kind of guy Harry is, Jessie wouldn't believe me.
This is why Harry is able to break so many hearts. And well... Nothing is going to happen to Jessie, right?
I hope not...
"So, how are you?" Harry keeps trying to get Jessie's trust. Because that's his way of getting them to like him, or worse, fall in love with him.
"I'm fine" Jessie says, as she blushes crimson red AGAIN.
Harry likes to have targets when it comes to girls, when he reaches his goal for them he throws them away, like pieces of garbage.
"I think I've met you before..." Harry's voice trails off, as he frowns and thinks hard of where he's met Jessie.
Oh god, please. Plesse, please, please... Please let him not remember, or ... Let him think, he has imagined it.
"Ummm... I don't know..." Jessie mumbles, as she frowns too and then suddnely her eyes widen. Harry's eyes widen too, as he points a finger her way.
Oh, no!
"You study English literature?"
"You're in school of English literature?"
They both exclaim at the same time. And they both grin at each other, as if they have accidentally found a very valuable treasure.
No, no, no, no, no....
I need to think of something, and fast. I need to find a way to not let Jessie be Harry's next target.