I wanted to just stay in my bed and cry myself to sleep, and that was what I did the next hour. I locked my room and cried myself to sleep. I didn't actually sleep that much and I woke up now and then, but when I woke up I knew I was refreshed.
I took a quick shower and walked out of my room after putting some concealer under my eyes. I couldn't study today. I had my very first exam next week and I couldn't study for it.
So instead I decided to just busy myself with other things, I grabbed my secret notebook and was about to go out of my room, when I decided against taking that notebook out, and out it back in it's place.
Instead I grabbed the first unread book I saw on the bookshelves in my room and went straight to the guest room.
Rachel's books and notebooks were all over the ground, she was frowning at the book in front of her, with a pencil between her teeth, and a pen in her right hand. Her red hair was very messy and she looked tired.
Nathan was in the guest room too, he was sitting on the sofa with his hand behind his head, he had the remote control in his hand and he too was frowning but at the television. It wasn't hard to notice the thick tension in the air, Rachel is never quiet around his brother, or with his brother, or about his brother. She always talked about him with us, and she was always cheery around him and she loves him very much.
This was weird. Even Nathan didn't look well, I wonder what has happened. But then it's not my place to interfere, they're siblings after all. They'll eventually get over it. That's what my father always said, when I asked him: how it would feel to have siblings. Since I had none.
I sat down on the sofa beside Nathan and opened my book to read, neither Nathan nor Rachel seemed to notice or care about my presence. Both of them seemed to be in deep thought, so I remained quiet, leaving them to their own thoughts.
I was glad for the silence. My mind was already occupied with it's own crap, so the silence was nice.
We remained quite, until the doorbell rung. I got up from my seat and went to open the door, when I opened it I saw none other than Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Rachel and Nathan's parents. They both looked very cute together, Mr. Evans looked somehow like Nathan, but with grey hair and his skin tone was paler than Nathan's. Mr. Evans was wearing his suit like always and he was smiling politely at me.
Mrs. Evans on the other hand looked like Rachel, but of course her hair was dyed a dark color instead of red. She wore formal clothes too, she looked very pretty that sometimes I was jealous of her. And she too was smiling at me.
"Hello, Jessie" Mr. Evans said, and pulled me into a hug.
"Hello sir, and ma'am" I replied and smiled back as politely as them, Mrs. Evans pulled me into a tight hug too, and kissed my cheeks, which I was sure now had lipstick on them.
"Hello darling" Mrs. Evans chirped.
"Come in" I said, stepping aside so that they can come in. They stepped in and I lead them towards the guest room where their children were. Rachel grinned as she saw her parents and greeted them each excitedly. Nathan though, was stone cold in his place, having a blank expression on his face.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans let Rachel go and they both stepped towards their son, Nathan smiled, which didn't reach his eyes and greeted them both too. Each of his parents sat down on either side of him, and they looked very happy to see their son again.
"Why did you not tell us you're back?" Mrs Evans exclaimed, her dark hair shining under the sun.
"I liked to stay with Rachel these days, that's all" Nathan said and shrugged.
"You came back early this Christmas" His father declared.
"I was just tired, that's all" Nathan mumbled, his parents nodded their heads and smiled at Nathan.
"How's your research?" Mr. Evans asked.
"It's okay, Dr. Harper is my supervisor" his son replied, Mr. Evans and sighed, seeming very proud of his son, then his head turned towards the silent Rachel, who was still busy with her books and she still had the pencil between her teeth.
"Rachel?" Mrs. Evans called her.
"Mmm?" Rachel murmured.
"You're unusually silent, what's wrong?"
"Nothing... I'm just freaking about tomorrow's exam, that's all"
Her parents stared at each other and smiled, I'm sure seeing Rachel like this, busy with studying and stressing out about exams was their dream, and I admit it was my dream too.
"Jessie, dear. How have you been?" Mrs. Evans asked.
"I'm alright, thank you" I lied and forced a smile, She fell for it and smiled back.
"I hope all of you are free this Saturday?" Mr. Evans asked.
Me and Rachel stared at each other in surprise, she shrugged her shoulders and turned back to her books.
"Why, dad?" Nathan asked.
"We'll throw a birthday party for you, Nathan." His father answered casually.
"Oh." Nathan said, and bit his lower lip.
Umm... is it me, or Nathan isn't as excited as expected?
"Yeah, I'm free" Rachel muttered out of nowhere.
"Yeah, I'm free too" I lied again. I feel really bad now.
"Great!" Mrs. Evans clapped her hands together, and smiled.
"It's not needed, mom." Nathan murmured.
"Nonsense. son! You'll turn twenty five" His mother stated.
Nathan sighed and ran his hands in his hair "But-"
"It's your birthday, Nathan. And we're throwing this party for you, end of discussion"
Nathan opened his mouth to protest, but closed it and pressed his lips to a thin line. But I, was kind of happy. I have been very stressed and busy for the last few days. I badly needed this party to clear my mind, and also to have some fun with my old friends.