I couldn't sleep last night. All I was thinking about was what Nathan told me, and I couldn't erase Samuel's sweet smile from my mind.
I have been thinking about it since last night, could Nathan be right? Do those guys not want me because they think I'm easy? If what he said is true, then isn't being single better than being asked out by those proud, arrogant guys.
Gosh, I sound like Rachel and Emma. I don't think being single is okay, because it's not. What's okay about being lonely?
But what Nathan said is unbelievable. There should be a guy who would accept a girl asking him out, right? After all. there are different personalities among millions of guys living in this world.
After thinking about Sam the past few days, I realized we have gotten closer, we're definitely good friends now, there are times when we kind of flirt with each other, since Emma was busy with family problems these days, me and Sam spent more time together in the library, then we would go to a restaurant or cafe and have lunch or dinner together.
Sam never said or did anything which might hurt me, and when he thought he does, he immediately apologizes. He is definitely the type of guy any girl could wish for.
So what was I waiting for?
I know right.
After thinking about it all night, I decided I will ask out Sam today. So I woke up earlier than before, today was Saturday which meant Sam will be in the library all day. I took a quick shower, and changed into my best jeans and my favorite sweater. Then I put on a jacket, and straightened my hair, I applied some makeup and was ready to go.
I walked out of my room in a hurry and nearly bumped into Rachel.
"What the hell girl? What's the rush for?" She complained. I stared at Rachel's appearance and couldn't hold back my laughter.
She had green mask on her face, a towel was wrapped around her head, she had a toothbrush in her hand, when she put it in her mouth she looked even funnier, above all she was wearing her green pyjamas.
She kind of looked like a... ummm.. frog.
"Stop laughing!" She exclaimed angrily, I stopped laughing but was still grinning.
"You should see yourself in the mirror" I mumbled.
"I already did" She said, and rolled her eyes, then she passed by me while bumping her shoulder with mine.
I just shrugged it off and walked out of the house.
I entered the library and slowly walked to where Sam was reading his book, he was frowning, and biting his lower lip, looking too occupied with the book.
"Hi" I said, and took the seat beside him. Sam's expression softened, and his face lightened up when he looked up from his book to see me sitting by me.
"Hi, Jessie" He greeted back and closed the book he was reading, he carefully put it aside and leaned closer to me "What's up?"
"You know.. the usual. Studying, exams, and reading books" I answered, having a painful feeling in the tip of my stomach, when I suddenly remembered I will be asking him out today. "And you?"
"My mother wants us to go on a trip for Christmas, so I may not be here for nearly two weeks" Sam said, smiling at me.
"Oh." was all I said, I looked away from him, my breathing was fast, and my heart was beating furiously in my chest, to the point of hurting me.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked worriedly as he touched my arm to get my attention, I stared at him and saw his worried expression.
"I'm okay" I replied, and tried to smile at him. Sam smiled back and let go of my arm.
"You don't look okay, are you not sick?" He said, I shook my head no, but deep inside I was very nervous and I was feeling very sick.
Before Sam continue reading his book, I grabbed his arm abruptly, he stared at me for a while, then at my hand which was holding his arm very tightly.
"What's wrong?" He whispered, because the people around us were glaring at us for talking loudly.
"I.. uhh.. can we talk outside?" I whispered.
"Yeah" Sam whispered, and got up, slowly walking outside of the library with his book left behind. I followed him. We were soon outside of the library, in a small garden in front of it, which was full of beautiful flowers of all colors and kinds, but since I was pretty nervous and anxious, I couldn't enjoy the small garden's aroma and sight like before.
"What's the matter?" Sam asked. He had his hands in his trouser's pockets, at that moment, I knew I had to do this. If not, then I suppose I'll regret not trying forever. I will die regretting not asking out of the best guys I have ever met.
"It's... umm... I like you" I blurted out, then I swallowed the lump in my throat and waited impatiently for Sam's reaction, he smiled and scratched his beard.
"I like you too Jessie" He said, I felt my heart skip a beat, but I was soon disappointed by what he said next "You're a great girl, and a great friend, I have never met anyone like you"
I sighed and breathed out, trying to calm myself "Not like that"
Sam's smile dropped, and he frowned in confusion, I licked my lips and stared right into his eyes.
"I like you more than a friend, Sam" I said, "Are you free tomorrow? I-I want us to go on a date"
Sam didn't say anything for a while, and his expression was unreadable, I had no idea what he was thinking about, and I was actually freaking out. But I tried to be patient, and I waited patiently for him to talk.
"I didn't know you're that type" Sam muttered, I furrowed my brows in confusion, Sam's expression was changed, he didn't look like the Sam I knew, he looked like someone else, and he looked mad.
"What.. do you mean?" I asked, Sam snorted and looked away.
"You know exactly what I mean" He gritted his teeth, still wearing that angry expression on his face.
"I.. I don't know, please tell me" I said, Sam walked slowly towards me and grabbed my arm painfully, pulling me to closer to him, I gasped but didn't try free myself from him, I was too scared to even utter a word.
Who is this person? What has he done to Samuel?"
"The type who steals their friend's boyfriend" He hissed, everything was so confusing to me, and I didn't understand anything he said.
"Don't play dumb with me Jessica King!" Sam interrupted me " You knew I'm Emma's boyfriend, but still want to go on dates with me? Who do you think you are to come between us?"
"What?!" What is he saying? He's Emma's boyfriend? But Emma said she doesn't like him. This guy is lying. He has to be lying.
"I said, don't play dumb with me King!" He shouted making me flinch "Don't give me that look, you're the worst type of person, how could you let yourself do this when you already knew me and your best friend are madly in love?"
But Emma is my best friend, she tells me everything going on in her life, she even talks about her mother's boyfriends, for god's sake.
How is this possible?
"I didn't kn-"
"Do you think I'll dump her for you? Do you think I'm that shallow? Stay away from me, Jessie. Don't you ever come near me, do you understand?" He interrupted me again.
I didn't know I was hurt by whom more? My best friend who lied to me? Or my crush who rejected me like this, and told me I'm not the type he would dump his girlfriend for.
With that said, Sam left me there crying my eyes out. I didn't know how I got home, since I couldn't see the roads because of my tears, and I was definitely not myself.
Nathan was right. Guys should definitely make the first step in love.