After the weird dance I had with Nathan, the crowd of people soon disappeared. Each person went on his or her way. Leaving the Evans family, plus me, with them alone in that huge hall.
The family decided to go to a quieter place to talk, Rachel asked me to accompany them since she thought the situation didn't look good and I had to stay by her and Nathan.
Well... listening to a family's argument is not nice at all, but Rachel was right. Mr Evans was about to explode from anger and Miranda was just crying the whole ride to their house.
Rachel was looking anxiously at Nathan, who was staring out of the car window, looking quite calm. But knowing Nathan, I knew there's a storm inside him, he's just very good at hiding his true emotions and feelings.
Their father was driving the car, without uttering a word or looking at anyone, while their mother had stopped crying and was staring out of the window too.
And me... I was staring Nathan, then at Rachel, then at their parents, then back at Nathan and Rachel.
We soon arrived, it was dinner time but no body felt hungry or felt like eating, so we all were in the living room, the door was locked, and the family started talking.
"Nathan" Mr Evans said and sighed, his eyes on his son.
Nathan's eyes met his father's as he replied: "Yes"
"What happened? Why are you being accused of stealing from your university lab?" His father asked calmly, his voice was not like himself, and he had pressed his lips into a thin line.
Nathan rubbed his forehead with his thumb and index finger as he took a deep breath and replied: "I was using my supervisor's laboratory for my research, one day I was called into the dean's office and he told me that dental filling materials were missing from the lab, so they suspected that they were stolen"
"Do they have evidence that they were stolen?" Miranda asked, her voice shaky and squeaky.
"No" Nathan shook his head.
"But since you were using the laboratory, you were fully responsible for anything in that lab, correct?" Mr Evans asked, arching an eyebrow. The childish, fun Mr Evans was gone. in his place was a serious, curious, scary man.
"Correct" Nathan mumbled and looked away from his father.
My poor boyfriend...He must feel very bad now.
"Let me ask you a question" Mr Evans said as he took a deep breath, "have you really not stolen anything- and I mean anything... from that laboratory?"
Nathan's eyes widened, his jaw clenching, his fists shaking. He was furious."No Dad! I have stolen absolutely nothing from anyone or anywhere in my entire life. And you know that better than anyone else"
I swear I could see how hurt Mr Evans was for asking his own son such a question, also he looked hurt as soon as these words left Nathan's mouth but he soon recovered and said:"Still... you were responsible for that lab, and you lied to us"
"I didn't lie to you, I just hid it" Nathan exclaimed, "because I was already hurt by that incident, I didn't want to get hurt again by explaining it all over again to anybody else"
"We aren't just anybody son! We're your parents" Miranda said, and smiled sadly.
"Is that all the reasons and excuses you've got?" Mr Evans asked.
"No"Nathan answered.
"What else is there then?" His dad said.
"I... didn't want you guys to be disappointed in me..." Nathan mumbled and looked away. I don't know when or how I did it. But Nathan suddenly looked at my hand, I looked down at it too, and was surprised to see that my small hand was squeezing Nathan's large one.
I don't know if it was to comfort myself or him. But either way knowing Nathan liked it and it relaxed him, made me feel happy.
"We're always very proud of you, son." Mr Evans said in a low voice, the pain was totally visible in his eyes now. "I'm questioning you like this, because I want to know what happened and we want to help you"
Miranda nodded her head in agreement as more tears ran down her cheeks.
"I see you're not wrong, you haven't done anything for you to get expelled" Mr Evans continued. "I'll use my money, power and the connections I've got to help you. But that doesn't mean I'll let you go without any punishments, you have to paint the wood house we have, in one week"
"Dad! I'm not a kid" Nathan said, "What kind of punishment is that? I learnt my lesson, okay? Being expelled was enough punishment for me"
I squeezed his hand more, in an attempt to calm him down.
"This is not a punishment for being irresponsible" Mr Evans said in the same scary voice as before, "since you've already been punished for that. This is for hiding your problems from us. You've got one week, you'll paint every inch of it's exterior and interior white"
"Dad, that's too much, it's big and-"
"If you don't accept this light punishment," Mr Evans interrupted Nathan, "I will not take any step to help you get back to dentistry"
With that said, Mr Evans got out of the room, followed by Miranda, leaving me alone with Rachel and Nathan who were both too depressed to say a word...