“What happened?” I blurted out the moment Dr Bailey walked out. I ran towards him, followed by Dave and Nathan.
“Is she okay?” I asked, digging my nails into the palm of my hands.
“Relax guys, she’ll be okay” Dr Bailey smiled and replied. “We need to check her condition for a few hours then you guys can talk to her.”
I smiled from ear to ear and looked at Nathan who was standing there with a poker face. James and Mr. Hikings on the other hand were sitting in a corner engrossed in their own conversation, which was hard to hear.
“Hey! Nathan, everything will be okay” Dave told my brother and patted his back.
“I hope so…” Nathan mumbled and took a deep shaky breath.
“Listen to me…” Dave continued, and I used this chance to see if James and Harry’s father were okay or if they need anything.
Umm.. okay I actually want to eavesdrop on them. Not because this is something I usually do, I swear, it’s because I’m curious and I can’t think straight. And curiosity is just so bad for health. I slowly walked towards them, leaving Dave, Nathan and Harry alone.
I couldn’t hear anything at this distance so I hid myself behind a chair which was closer to them, I sat down on the dirty cold ground and listened carefully.
“… didn’t know things like that were supposed to happen, and I’m sorry for your daughter”
“It’s fine Tom. You don’t need to apologize, even I didn’t know Gabriella was not okay and I was living with her”
I actually searched the entire town for you, I couldn’t sleep for one full month. I felt like dying, I saw Gabriella in my dreams for years. She was giving me this weird look as if to tell me it’s my fault”
“It’s not your fault and you know it”
“I thought it is. I never meant to hurt her, I loved her a lot”
“I loved her too, Tom. Who could resist Gabriella?”
“I bet she could get any man she ever laid eyes on"
“She was surely charming”
“Rachel! What do you think you’re doing?”
I gasped and tried to stand up immediately, not noticing the wet floor by the vase of flowers. My right foot slipped and I fell hard on my butt and looked up angrily at Harry.
“Here, let me help you” He extended his hand for me to take.
“I don’t need any help!” I snapped and stood up. Harry rolled his eyes and removed his hand.
“Whatever…” He mumbled. “Dr Bailey said Jessie wants to see you”
“Really?!” I squeaked and grinned like an idiot, Jessie didn’t want to see me before her therapy, she refused to talk to me and Nathan. She only talked with Dave and James. Hearing Jessie wanting to see me and talk to me was a huge relief.
I licked my lips and adjusted my pink floral dress. Then took a deep breath and walked past Harry. I gasped when he grabbed my wrist and made me stop in my tracks.
“You’re an amazing girl, Rachel. But you had to know better.” He said, staring deep into my eyes.
“W-what do you mean?” I asked, avoiding eye contact.
Harry sighed and smiled warmly at me. “ I mean I’m very bad commitment things, and you’re such an amazing girl, that’s why I didn’t want to hurt you”
“But you dated several girls!” I blurted out.
“I dated girls whom I liked, and I told them I can’t commit, so they all left me. Plus my major mission was looking for Jessie” Harry said, biting his lower lip in thinking.
“Why are you telling me these?” I asked, my brows furrowed.
“Because I want to say I’m sorry you got hurt because of loving me, but I never meant for that to happen” Harry explained, “and since I found out Jessie is my sister we’ll be seeing each other a lot, so I hope no hard feeling will remain between us.
I nodded my head in agreement, “You’re right. I’m sorry too. I was so hurt that I put the blame on you. It’s easier to put the blame on other people you know, it hurts less.”
“ I know” Harry smiled his sweet attractive smile which I used to love so much. But surprisingly it didn’t make me feel butterflies in my stomach anymore. Which is something I’m glad for.
“So… friends?” Harry asked, extending his hand again. I smiled and took his hand.
“Friends!” I said and shook his hand. Harry stared at his father and James, his face darkened.
“Don’t eavesdrop on them again” He said, making cold sweat dripping down my body. “They both loves the same woman, and they both lost her, also they both feel guilty for losing her. Only the two of them understand each other. And finding someone to understand you is just phenomenal”
“Yeah” I agreed and stared at the two broken men, whom I can never wish to be in their position.
“Between… that guy adores you and he’s a good catch” Harry said in a sing-song voice, winked and retreated. Just like that! I frowned and followed him, glaring at the back of his head.
The moment we reached Jessie’s room, Dr Bailey’s face lightened up.
“She’s been eager to see you guys, saying she misses you over and over again.” He said as I blinked a few times.
“Really?” I asked stupidly, staring at Dr Bailey, eyes wide and mouth wide open.
“Really!” He replied, smiling politely at me.
I felt like flying right then, right there. When they told me Jessie is refusing to see me or Nathan a few days ago I was devastated. I already learnt my lesson, and I also learnt that I just can’t live without my sweet, kind, innocent best friend.
I couldn’t help but stare at Dave who was smiling and nodding at me in encouragement. I smiled back at him then stared at Nathan next. He smiled too but didn’t quite reach his eyes.
I felt my heart skip a beat for these two. I just wish things were different, it was late to wish for impossible things, such as; wishing I could go back to the start and fix everything. What I can wish for right now is for Jessie to get better and live the rest of her life happily.
I took a deep breath, adjusted my dress again, and reached for the door handle. I slowly opened it and entered the room.
I was actually surprised by the size of the room, it was quite big for a hospital room. But then James would choose the most comfortable room and bed for his daughter. I closed the door behind me and slowly walked my way down the room to where the bed was.
Jessie was laying on the bed, her face slightly yellow, her hair a bit messy, otherwise she looked the same as always. Her eyes were closed and she looked so peaceful that for a moment I didn’t want to wake her up. But my need to talk to her was more, so I put my hand on her hand, and rubbed it in circles gently.
“Jess…” I whispered.
Jessie slowly opened her eyes and tried to smile but failed.
“I’m so glad that you’re okay” I chirped and sat down on the chair beside her bed. I took her hand in my hands and squeezed them, not being able to resist the tears running down my cheeks.
“I’m fine… Rach” she mumbled, finally smiling a bit.
“I’m so sorry… I never knew… I swear…” I said, sobbing loudly. Jessie’s smile widened though, and she patted my hand with her weak hand.
“I knew you’d be freaking out like this, that’s why I called for you” she said, staring at me with worry in her eyes.
“Are you okay?” I asked, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. What was I doing? Jessie wasn’t already feeling good. The last thing I want is to hurt her in any way ever again.
“I’m okay silly, I actually had the therapy yesterday. Not today.”Jessie said biting her lower lip.
“Oh! Why did Dr Bailey not tell us that?” I asked, frowning and crossing my arms over my chest.
“My father actually requested to keep it a secret” she replied.
“Why?” I asked, staring at Jessie’s yellow face and dried lips.
“They thought I needed rest, that was all” she replied, shrugging sheepishly.
“That’s a good idea” I nodded in agreement.
“I missed you Rach. Can you hug me please?” She suggested. I grinned and slowly put my arms around her to hug her tight, she hugged me back and giggled.
“I missed you too Jessie” I mumbled into her hair and pulled away.
“I’m sorry for everything Jessie, I never meant to hurt you in anyway. Nathan didn’t agree too first-“
“Rachel, please! Don’t talk about that subject with me” Jessie said in a hurt voice. “And don’t mention that name in front of me ever again”
“No buts please! I’ll pretend that mistake has never happened. In return don’t remind me of that topic again, and don’t mention your brother’s name with me. I forgive you because I have come to know you for many years, and I somehow, after thinking about it for so long, understand you. But please… let’s bury this subject forever. Also… tell your brother to leave my apartment and not appear in front of me again”
“Any relationship based on lies will end up disaster, so please let’s get back to the way we were, without that guy in our lives.”
That guy? She’s calling Nathan ‘that guy’? What kind of sick world is this? How can a love this great get destroyed just like that?
But then Jessie is right. For the first time ever Jessie is being the realistic one. What am I even thinking, after all of the occurrences, it’s just beyond the bounds of possibility.
“Okay…” I muttered, and cleared my throat, “so when will you get out of here?”
“Maybe in a week or something, I just need follow-ups. Could be done at home.” She replied, looking relieved for the change of subject.
“That’s great Jess. I hope you get well soon” I said and smiled.
“Thank you Rachel, I’m glad I have you, and Dad and umm.. my brother” Jessie mumbled and blushed crimson red.
“Did James tell you?” I asked, grinning. Jessie has always envied me for having a brother. Maybe she’d feel less lonely now that she found out she has a brother.
“Yeah. I only know it’s Harry. My father will tell me the rest of the story” She said and smiled.
“Cool!” I mumbled and stood up.
“I got to go now” I said.
“Sure! But come back later, okay?” Jessie requested.
“Okay Jess” I replied, kissing her cheeks. “Take care, Bye!”
“You too! Bye!” Jessie said, and closed her eyes again. I walked quickly out of the room and closed the door behind me.
I took deep breaths, while standing there for while. No matter how many times I told and tried to convince myself that it’s not my fault, deep down I knew that I was responsible for screwing up one of the greatest love stories of the human kind.