Meeting Nathan's parents was so exciting for me that I had a huge smile on my face the entire day, from the moment I woke up in my bed to find Nathan's note by the side of it, telling me to be ready at five sharp, and that he has prepared breakfast for me, to when I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and dressed up to visit Dad.
I went to his favorite stores and bought him some clothes, then I bought him fruits, vegetables and his favorite biscuits. Finally I was ready to go.
I knocked on the door for a few seconds before he yelled "I'm coming!" and sure enough my father appeared soon on the doorsteps, wearing casual clothes and grinning from ear to ear.
I walked past him inside, put the heavy bags I was holding on the couch, and threw my arms around my father.
"Whoa! Someone's happy today" He said and chuckled.
"I am! How are you doing Dad?" I grinned as we both sat down.
"I'm fine. Let's talk about you. What's making my princess so happy?" Dad said. My cheeks immediately got warm, and it was like someone was knocking the air out of me. My lips were tingling from biting on them too much and I was feeling very light headed.
"It's.. umm.. I..." I stuttered and took a deep breath. It was very hard to explain my condition but at least I could explain the incident my father doesn't a thing about. I stared at Dad who was waiting for me patiently and smiled.
"I have a boyfriend" I blurted out and bit my lips. It was very weird saying it, it almost felt...unreal. After all these years and many rejections, someone was in love with me after all.
Dad's expression was hilarious, he arched an eyebrow and said: "Oh..."
I laughed out loud and patted his hand.
"Dad. I've grown up. You shouldn't expect me to be your little girl forever" I said.
"It's not that I don't want you to have a boyfriend sweetheart" He said and smiled.
"Then?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.
"I thought you had finished your book finally" Dad said in a quiet voice as I looked away from embarrassment.
"Nope..." I mumbled.
"It's fine sweetheart" My father said reassuringly, "you'll finish it one day, don't worry about it"
I nodded my head and sighed. As my father leaned closer to me and held me hand in his hands and said: "Remember that love has many branches, it's like a tree. You could be in love with so many things. Don't stare at me like young lady! I know you have fallen for that guy by your actions. Just keep in mind... you have to balance every branch, by your own roots, your roots being yourself. And you have to become stronger and older and wiser by those branches. If one of them is weak or not green, you have to cut it out of your life. Because if one branch is heavier than the rest, you'll fall"
I listened carefully to what my father was saying and tried to make those words sink in my heart and brain. But to be honest I had no idea what my father was talking about.
"Now tell me.. who is this gentleman who had made my princess this happy that she's glowing?" Dad asked with a smile on his face.
The warm feelings were back in my cheeks when I replied: "Nathan."
"Nathan as in..." Dad's voice trailed off as he tried to guess who I'm talking about.
"Nathaniel Evans" I said, confirming his thoughts. My father's smile widened.
"He's a good lad that guy" He said, "smart, kind, hardworking, he'll be a successful person when he's older. Is your relationship serious?"
"It's not that serious" I admitted, "But... we're going to his parents' for dinner today"
"That's good to hear. I think I need to talk to him too and like two grownups about my princess" Dad said. Making my eyes widen since I knew exactly what he meant.
"Dad!" I exclaimed.
"What?" He mumbled innocently "I don't care who he is, Nathan Evans or not. I'll all the two hundred six bones in his body, if he's even close to breaking your heart. Even if he's Donald Trump or the next president of the United States"
Oh boy...
I wished Nathan go back to Florida soon before they meet. I feel bad for my boyfriend, poor Nathan has to go through a crazy, needy father's threatening before we actually become a serious thing. I mean...more serious than we are now. Since you know, we're in a relationship and all that.
"Seriously, there's no need-" I started. But my father being the protective man he was kept complaining of course.
"Nonsense! This is my daughter being in love for the first time and-"
"I'm not in love!" I exclaimed, feeling warmness all the way down my neck. Dad only chuckled and shook his head.
"Yeah... you aren't" He said quietly, with the same facial expression making me more embarrassed.
"I'm not!" I repeated. Seriously what's wrong with Rachel and my father? I mean not everyone who's in a relationship falls in love. Besides it was Nathan who fell for me first and confessed his feelings, so it's only natural for me to take longer to fall in love, right?
"Okay sweetheart. You aren't." Dad said with a sigh, this time not sarcastically. "How's Rachel?"
I sighed in relief, feeling thankful for the change of subject. Me and Dad talked about Rachel and other stuff we normally do. After a few hours I bid my father goodbye and wet back home to prepare for the dinner. All the while my father's words echoing in my mind.
Am I really falling for Nathan?