I opened one eye as my phone's alarm went off, I reached to where I usually put my phone on the side of the bed, but I just couldn't find it.
My other eye opened as I suddenly remembered the events of yesterday. And I remembered I had put my phone far across the room. I stood up, while scratching my back and walked groggily to where my phone was.
I picked it up and and turned off the alarm, the screen showed it was four thirty in the morning, and I knew I have to get ready to go to the wood house.
I looked at Dave who was sleeping noisily without even moving an inch. I felt extremely jealous and there was a great temptation to just go back to that freaking bed and crawl into it and just sleep forever.
But...I also wanted to go back to University, complete my research, and graduate. I groaned and grabbed my towel which I had put near my bed at night, in order not to procrastinate and just go and take a shower.
So I took a cold shower and had some cereal, with two cups of coffee. Then I grabbed the cans of wall paint I had bought yesterday, put them in my old car, and drove to the wood house. It is nearly thirty minutes away from Louisville, so it was still dark when I arrived there.
I parked my car under a tree, and got out, bringing those heavy wall paint cans with me, I looked around the area and sighed. It's been more than five years since I last came here, there was a relaxing sound of the water of the river streaming, the small river was surrounded by big long trees, where I had parked my car.
Across the river, where there were less trees, was the famous wood house. If you looked at it from afar, you wouldn't think it's a wood house. It looked like a crib, and a huge one.
I walked slowly to where the house was, and looked up at it. There were spider webs all over the walls from outside, and the white color of the walls have become yellow and dusty and dirty.
If I believed in ghosts, I would have sworn the house was haunted or something. I gulped when I remembered how big it was, it was actually more than three thousand and five hundred feet square.
I shook my head and and tried not to think of that. Instead I sat down on the ground and started to mix the wall paint with water in a separate empty can I have brought with me. I had brought the keys too, but I decided to finish the outside first, since it will take less time.
I put on gloves and dipped the large wall brush in the mixed white color, and I started painting. I begun with the door. Just when I finished painting the door, I remembered all the spider webs and the dirt, since I hadn't brought any towels, or anything else to clean the walls, I removed my shirt, and started wiping dirt from the walls.
The sun was shining right above my head, making me sweat. But I didn't mind since the last recent days were too cold for my liking.
I hadn't even finished half of one side of the house, when I suddenly felt like giving up. It was when I dipped my brush in the white paint, when I heard a car's engine. I looked up and saw Dave's pickup parked right beside my car.
Dave, Rachel and Jessie got out of the car, it took them some time to reach me, because they had brought every painting material I had forgotten to bring.
Jessie and Rachel were both holding the hugest wall painting roller brush I've seen in my entire life, Dave on the other hand handed me some heavy cans, and was struggling with a heavy ladder in the back of his car.
"What are you guys doing here?" I couldn't help but ask after I recovered from shock.
"What do you think we're doing? We came here to help" Dave said in a bored voice and rolled his eyes.