Sam frowned in confusion "What... do you mean?"
I snorted and put my hands in my pockets, I realized he needs to know that Jessie is not who he thinks she is. Normally I don't interfere in other people's lives. But I don't like unfairness.
"You haven't told Emma about Jessie's crush on you, have you?" I said, Sam's eyes widened a little, but he soon composed himself and seemed calmer.
"I don't think that's any of your business" He said calmly, making my blood boil instead. I breathed in deeply to calm my nerves, thankfully it worked. Sam continued "And I haven't told Emma, because it's a stupid thing. I don't want her to hate her best friend, and I don't want her to be suspicious of me and Jessie every time she sees us together. There, I answered your question, happy now?"
"Jessie is my friend" I said "I have known her since we were very little, so of course it's my business. You weren't fair to her"
"She isn't who you think she is then." Sam said, gritting his teeth "She asked me out on a date, when she obviously was very aware of me and her best friend's relationship"
"She wasn't aware." I said, Sam furrowed his brows "Emma hadn't told her about your relationship"
"That's a lie" Sam mumbled. But I could sense that he was deep in thought.
"That isn't a lie." I insisted. "Jessie was depressed for a whole week. She kept blaming herself for not telling Emma about her feelings."
"Then she should have told Emma her feelings, it isn't my fault, you know" He sighed, as he ran his hands through his hair.
"Your fault is judging Jessie." I said "Your relationship with Emma is new, that's why you're afraid of losing her"
"I still don't think I'm judging her, there's no way Emma hasn't told her about her own feelings" He shook his head, but his eyes has lost the twinkle it had in them.
"You're pathetic. Emma told Jessie that she absolutely dislikes you, she hates your pride and arrogance" I glared at Sam.
How can someone be as stupid as him?
"I... don't believe it" He muttered.
Are you kidding me? Doe she only believe and trust Emma?
"Go and ask Emma if you don't believe me, and I think you owe Jessie an apology. "I suggested "She had a huge crush on you, but you broke her heart."
There was a pained look on his face, but it soon disappeared.
"I don't know..." His voice trailed off.
He seemed unsure, but the only to make him sure will be by talking to either Emma or Jessie. talking to Emma will be better in his case, since he only trusts her, and no one else.
"Jessie pretends she's okay." I sighed, as I remembered that she looks very tired lately "But I know she has trouble falling asleep the past few weeks, she keeps blaming herself for not telling Emma about her feelings. But I know she has her own reasons. I think you should at least apologize to Jessie, she's kind enough to forgive you"
"Alright I will," Sam agreed "But I need to talk to her first. And I'll appreciate it if you don't tel Emma about any of this. She's already very jealous of any girl talking to me"
"Alright" I said, I saw Rachel, Jessie and Emma coming towards us.
"Promise me, please" Sam pleaded. Jessie stopped in her tracks as she saw Sam, but she had no choice but to follow her friends, and I felt bad for her.
"Okay. You have my word. They're coming" I said, and we stopped talking.
Rachel was beaming when they reached us.
"Nathan!" She ran and hugged me very tight that I thought my bones are crashing.
I chuckled and hugged her.
They all congratulated me and gave me their presents, and I was very glad to have these friends here with me.
Especially, Rachel, Jessie and Dave.
Jessie excused herself in the middle of our conversation. This wasn't unnoticed by Sam, who I have noticed was looking at her now and then. Maybe waiting for a perfect opportunity to apologize to her without Emma around. So after a few seconds, he too excused himself and followed the path where Jessie had gone to.
And I couldn't help but smile. Jessie will get her apology, and she will soon be over him. She will also realize that whatever I said to her the other day is all true. Men should do the first step in love. So I'll talk to her about it after we get home- well after we get back to Jessie's apartment which is now my home for the rest of the remaining two weeks.
Dave was sweating and tired when he finally came back from dancing, he was happy though.
"Hello, Rachel" He greeted her with a polite smile.
"Hello, Dave" She answered with the same polite smile.
The fast music changed to Ed Sheeran's song perfect. Rachel asked me to dance, but I was actually not in the mood. So Dave offered dancing with her.
"Umm. I guess" She wasn't sure but she accepted anyways, because she likes dancing.
I watched them dance, I was so occupied when I met my high school friends again, that I hadn't realized Emma was no longer standing beside me.
I didn't pay much mind to it, and thought she has just went dancing with someone maybe.
But boy I was wrong. And I blame myself for not preventing the coming disaster.