Hope is what makes us go on in life, with hope many people have been able to do great things in this universe. But hope can be deadly too. Having a useless hope while you’re in love might shatter you. Although it might feel really good to be hopeful about that specific someone, but the result of this hope and the reality will always hurt.
The saddest part is: we all know these things, but we’re still being hopeful about a love which we know it can’t happen. Waiting for them to appear in front of you and confess their undying love, and that they forgive you. But things don’t always go this way. It’s the same with all humans.
My flight is in twenty minutes, but I’m waiting for Jessie eagerly. There are many thing I want to say and do, if only Jessie comes or at least calls me. But right now, the only thing I’m really worried about is her not forgiving me.
“Mr. Evans” I hear someone call. It was my father’s friend, who actually own the airport, “You’ll be late please. Everyone is on board”
I sighed and glanced at the entry to the waiting room once again, “She’s not coming” I whispered.
“Who?” My father’s friend, whom I’ve forgotten was standing right beside me, asked.
“No one” I answered, and turned away, walking slowly out of the building and to the plane. I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I took a deep breath, and then opened them. Trying to let all of this sink in. This is it, then. There’s no turning back.
I turned around to see a girl, who looked exactly like Jessie running towards me, with a bunch of police officers after her, all shouting at her, telling her to stop.
“Get back here, young lady!”
“Nathan! Wait!” Jessie stopped in front of me, and stared at me for a few seconds.
“Jess?” I said, dumbfounded. I frowned and looked at her from head to toe, not believing my eyes.
“Nathan, don’t go please” She said, and glared at the police who had caught up to her and was dragging her by her arm.
“I said give me one fucking minute!” She yelled, making the poor police officer flinch.
“You can’t get in here, please. You have to understand that, miss. We’re just following the rules.” The airport police replied.
“It’s okay” I finally found my voice, as I reached out to Jessie’s arm and dragged her with me instead.
“We’re getting out of here, sorry” I held Jessie’s wrist gently as we walked away from the plane, and into the building and sat down on the seats.
“Y-you’ll be late” Jessie pointed out.
“It’s okay” I smiled and let go of her hand. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t go please” She said, as a teardrop fell down her cheek. “I love you so much, and I… umm.. want us to give a second chance to each other”
“Jess, you mean it?” I asked, wiping her tear stained cheeks.
“Yes, I do. I’m sorry I overreacted” She replied, I smiled and grabbed her hands, bringing them to my mouth and kissed them.
“What made you change your mind?” I asked.
“Is that important?” She said and smiled back at me.
“Not really. I don’t want to know.”I said and put my hand behind her neck and pulling her close to me, pressing my lips on hers. The rest of our conversation was about us and how much we missed each other.
“What about your research?” She asked.
“I can do it next year, I want to be next to you now” I replied and kissed her forehead.
“What do we do now?” She asked, staring at me. Her head resting on my shoulder as I hugged her tight.
I smiled and touched her cheeks with my thumb, drawing circles on it, as I said, “We’ll make this work”