While Bryan was driving the car, his eyes were slightly astonished after listening to the radio.
"Val! Did you hear? You're on the news. You're going viral..." He exclaimed boldly.
"What?! Why?" Valerie questioned.
"As far as I know, you've spoken the most awful things about BTS, and primarily, you are the main suspect..." Bryan explained.
"No! Why on earth would I do that? I never said anything about them! It's not me!" Valerie clicked her gun and was crawling towards the front of the truck.
Bryan didn't respond back as he was steering the wheel quietly.
"Hello?! Please, don't tell me you actually believe what the media said..." Valerie groaned in a little frustration.
"Let's find out," Bryan murmured in a whisper.
Valerie narrowed her eyes slightly in curiosity as to why he replied to her differently.
"Because right now, there are some people talking about you..." Bryan mentioned.
"Who?" Valerie asked in puzzlement.
"Army..." Bryan answered.
Valerie closed her eyes and sighed out in botheration, shaking her head dismissively. "Of course they would. Anyway, let's worry about the issue later and focus on the enemy here, okay?"
"You're right," Bryan agreed as he sniffed and shrugged his shoulders.
"Let's go full speed ahead!" Valerie exclaimed.
"Sure thing, ma'am!" Bryan saluted as he drove to the right side and forthwith, steered forwardly stopping the truck. "I've got to back us up. I'll bluff them by giving them our evidence." He pulled the lever and thought to himself, then he closed the car door and raised up his hand gun at them. "Stop right there! We demand you to get out of the truck this instant!"
Valerie hopped down on the ground silently and waited for the driver and the others to move. Once they did, Sehun and his subordinate were smirking nonchalantly.
"Alright, alright. We can talk and make a bargain as peacekeepers," Sehun gestured his arms out for an embrace.
"What's the deal?" Bryan urged him on.
Sehun simpered gratifyingly and said shrugging. "We'll give you back the diamonds and you will let us go, pretending that nothing happened between us."
Bryan squinted his eyes at him in suspicion. "Those are the real ones?"
Sehun snapped his finger to signal his subordinate, who held the vault's safe box in front of them. He jingled the keys as he continued to smirk. "Yes, Zedler. You can take it."
Bryan continued to gaze at him in thought. "How should I know if I could trust him? This is one of his tricks upon his sleeves."
"Well, then? What's it going to be?" Sehun pressed his lips together.
Valerie was standing behind the two as she was creeping slowly behind them and whispered through her earpiece. "Bryan... You stay back and not go any further. One wrong move, we are all screwed."
"No. Val, the only way to capture them is to lure them closer to us by showing them the evidence," he hissed while gritting his teeth.
Valerie shook her head in disagreement and said. "They're going to take it and run along with the diamonds they are carrying."
"You don't know that. I wholeheartedly believe they will exchange it," Bryan pointed out.
"And you don't know we are dealing with robbers," Valerie stated in annoyance, then pointed her gun at them.
Bryan raised his weapon down in surrender and pulled out the hard drive, much to Valerie's horror. "Here! You want proof?!"
"Bryan?! What are you doing?!" Valerie exclaimed sharply as her eyes widened at another figure behind her friend.
Sehun smirked slyly, saying. "Too easy..."
Bryan stammered in confusion when he tried to look over his shoulder until he suddenly got tasered. He screamed out agonizingly, dropping onto his knees during the aftershock. His eyes were narrowed towards the man standing beside him.
"I figured you need assistance," he smiled calmly.
"You're late, Chanyeol. Did Kai make any requests?" Sehun sighed, rolling his eyes dully.
"Chanyeol..." Valerie murmured in bewilderment and realized. "He's that guy, who was at the New Year's party and was friends with Taehyung..."
"Seemingly, yes. He does have a request," Chanyeol looked down on Bryan spitefully and picked up the small object. "I'll be taking the hard drive. Thank you for your service."
"You're not going anywhere, bastards," Valerie declared as she clicked her gun again, then heard voices from behind.
"You sure about that, sweetheart?" Xiumin asked mockingly, snorting out a laugh. He also pointed a rifle at her, whereas Lu Han was holding a detonating device in his hand.
"Shit..." Valerie became agitated in her mind and asked herself. "Now what?!"
"You're at the dead end. You can never defeat us," Xiumin said arrogantly.
"We'll see about that!" Bryan bolted upright and picked up his gun to start shooting Chanyeol's back and legs.
"Argh!!" He cried out.
Valerie initially ducked down and fired four times towards Xiumin and Lu Han's legs as well. Both of them dropped their armaments as they were experiencing severe injuries.
She swiftly glanced at Sehun, who attempted to swing her face with a pocket knife. But she quickly dodged it and grabbed his arm while she was beating him up. She fired her gun at his leg until she was kicked down and stumbled.
Bryan noticed the subordinate getting into the truck and warned loudly. He shot the windows, shattering the glass into pieces. "They're getting away!"
Valerie tried to get up but was kicked by Sehun. He tasered her again as she started to shake on the ground.
He was slightly limping and still managed to get pulled up from his subordinate where they began to drive off towards the road, leaving the others.
Bryan was running and tried to shoot his gun, but wasn't able to aim at them properly. He lowered his weapon down, sighing in frustration, and glanced back at the three members, who were groaning in pain after being shot by the legs with hot bullets.
Valerie pushed herself up and kept panting breathlessly. She was clutching onto her stomach and asked him with a frown. "They still have the diamonds, do they?"
Bryan nodded silently in confirmation without replying. Providentially, he took the hard drive and carefully placed it inside his jacket.
Valerie closed her eyes as she raked her hair slowly through her fingers frustratingly. Then, she decided to call the NIS (National Intelligence Service) agents and officers to arrest the three members.
Fifteen minutes later...
They arrived and took them inside their cars with handcuffs locking their wrists behind their backs. Bryan and Valerie informed the officials about the incident on the highway. They all agreed to interrogate the members once they will be put into confinement.
As soon as they drove off and left the two alone in the road, Valerie slowly turned around with a restrained look on her face and questioned discreetly. "Why did you try to give Sehun and the others our evidence?"
"I was bluffing them in order to get the diamonds back," Bryan explained.
"Not that kind of strategy..." Valerie muttered softly.
"Hey. At least, I was helping you out in this mission," Bryan retorted back defensively and continued on. "If it wasn't for your carelessness, we would still be able to capture them."
Valerie was shaking her head and grumbled slightly, looking away from him. "You're blaming me, then?"
"No, I wasn't-" Bryan was about to explain again, but got interrupted when Valerie whipped her head to face him sullenly.
"Yes, you are! You think I'm being selfish about my own ambitions," Valerie guessed correctly.
"Because you damn are! You are so obsessed with them and you won't stop meddling into their personal affairs when I told you to stay out of it. Everything was perfectly fine and they were happy with their careers. When we had that first meeting, I knew they were going to end up arguing when they're not on good terms. Who's fault was it when both of us got shot and ended up being in the hospital for one week? Who's fault was it when TXT's drug scandal case was reopened and the enemies started attacking us for the second time? Who's fault was it, hmm? Why should it matter if it's between you and them? Do you even have a background history with those former members? You're not important to them and they don't give a single shit about you because you're a nobody, so stop being such a goddamn hero all the time. On top of that, you are a good-for-nothing, miserable being who's only seeking some long-lost treasure. You will never find it because it's meant to be gone, so move on!" Bryan blurted out strongly as he spits every word he had.
Valerie's eyes widened in bewilderment and became poignant. She nodded gently and looked down as she walked back to their car, much to his surprise. 461Please respect copyright.PENANAL1dhIdEUhh