A few crackling noises were emanating and the smoke began to infiltrate the air vents. Valerie fluttered her eyelids until they became widened at the sight of the flames engulfing the curtains and the walls. She jolted upright from the bed and quickly scanned the entire room, realizing she was inside a small cabin. She began to run immediately towards the door to open the handle, but it was locked, much to her trepidation.
"No, no, no!" She whispered in a panicked tone of her voice. Her breathing started to hitch heavily as she glanced around to find other tools and equipment in the drawers and cabinets.
Unfortunately, they were nowhere to be seen. Luckily, she kept her phone safely attached to her white shirt, using black-waist straps.
She started to dial her friends' phone numbers. Though, an automated voice message spoke out the subscriber cannot be reached. She grunted in frustration and tried again, raking her hair through her fingers. She stood up on the counter and kept banging the glass window , crying out strongly. "Bryan! Ava! Sally!"
Abruptly, the glass behind her shattered on the floor, making her yelp loudly in alarm. She started to cough and covered her nose away from the fumes. She checked to see the back door, though it was dripping down with gasoline.
Meanwhile outside the beach, Bryan and the rest of his friends were standing by their tents, wondering why there was a huge blaze breaking out across the trees behind them. They didn't have much time as they started to pack up their stuff inside their bags and luggage.
"Something happened..." Hoseok stated frighteningly.
"Maybe someone forgot to put out the fire..."
"What the heck is going on here?" Ava questioned in confusion.
"I have no idea..." Sally said worriedly.
Bryan looked around frantically and asked. "Where's Valerie?!"
"Huh?! I thought she was here..." Ava stammered.
"That's weird. She's in the bathroom, I guess," Sally said.
Chia answered sarcastically with a quiet mumble and chortled. "Possibly she took off to Seoul and left us here."
"I'm sorry. What did you say?!" Ava raised her eyebrow at her in livid as she began to approach her.
"Ava. Don't," Bryan grabbed her wrist to stop her from doing anything rash and whispered beside her left ear. "You don't want to argue with her. Just drop it."
Ava rolled her eyes carelessly and shrugged off. "Fine."
"Valerie is missing?" Jin was shocked after he checked all the way from the washrooms. He was panting tiredly and regained his posture.
"How could that be?!" Namjoon exclaimed, gesturing his hands out.
"Shit. The fire is growing like crazy..." Yoongi said, observing the view from their distance.
Sally and Ava tried calling her, but they heard an ending dial tone. The satellite wires made an explosive spark and the wood started to collapse onto the ground.
"She's not picking up," Sally panicked.
Hoseok suddenly recalled back and said. "Oh! I remember now! I saw her getting out of the tent, but it looks like someone was dragging her all the way to the woods."
Jungkook was shocked and narrowed his eyes in puzzlement. "What? How come you didn't wake us up?!"
"I was drunk and I passed out right about five seconds," Hoseok reasoned out.
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief and groaning. "Okay, where exactly?"
"I don't know. I think she's somewhere-" Hoseok didn't have time to answer when his eyes widened at Jimin dashing towards the wildfire.
"Jimin!" Namjoon shouted.
Chia was shocked and yelled in dismay. "Where do you think you're going?!"
Jimin didn't listen as he continued to run and ignored their voices, much to their bewilderment.
"I'm going," Jungkook said, but was immediately stopped by Jin and Yoongi. He glanced at them and pulled away from them harshly. "Let me go."
"You can't. It's too dangerous," Jin warned.
"I guess you forgot how fast I ran," Jungkook scoffed and faced his back when he began to scurry rapidly, leaving the others in astonishment.
Bryan also followed him along as well where the two were running side by side while their friends were watching them vanish into the burning trees.
Namjoon sighed and instructed hastily. "We should get going, guys. We can't stay and wait for them."
"We need to reach the wooden dock. The ferry leaves in about 15 minutes," Jin said, checking the Google maps on his phone.
"Alright. Let's go," Yoongi agreed.
"Okay..." Sally and Ava murmured softly where they were all taking their strollers and bags over their shoulders.
They didn't even dare to look back on what was happening in those areas, neither they had enough time to find out since they were in a hurry.