"That was it," Vernon noted.
"Hmm," Valerie hummed in response.
Joshua and the others leaned back in their seats after they finished watching the videos. He shut the mini camcorder gently and looked at her in shock. "That was totally uncalled for. The staff guy actually sold them out."
"He thought he actually made a good deal about this. He just dragged his family into his mess," Jeonghan stated.
"Unbelievable," Mingyu snorted and continued on. "I've never heard a Korean guy having a name called Royen. I mean, it sounds absolutely cliché."
"Couldn't agree more," Jeonghan said.
"What are we going to do with the evidence?" Joshua wondered.
"Before we show it to the officials, we need to hide somewhere far," Valerie instructed.
All of a sudden, Hoshi stared back at the rearview mirror, widening his eyes in puzzlement. "Um, guys? I think we have company."
Valerie and Vernon quickly whipped their heads to see the two black vehicles behind them.
"Those are EXO's group of men," she hissed.
"Seriously?! How did they find us that fast?!" Mingyu questioned in bewilderment.
"I forgot to turn the access off the camcorder's location," Valerie slapped herself mentally.
"Hey, it's alright. We'll figure out a way," Vernon reassured her.
"Don't worry, I'm going through the settings," Joshua said calmly and swiped the button icon to disable it. "Done."
"Shit! They're preparing their weapons out," Hoshi panicked while driving placidly.
"We can't die here!" Mingyu wailed.
"If this is my destiny, then I shall accept," Jeonghan stated monotonously.
Vernon rolled his eyes in annoyance and face-palmed. "You guys are so dramatic."
"Calm down. Nobody is dying here, okay?" Joshua sighed exasperated, throwing his head back.
At the same time, the sound of the pistol gun was clicked, making their heads turn towards Valerie, who held it and opened the window.
"I'll take care of this," she said.
"You're going to get shot on the arm," Vernon pointed out.
"I'm aware, but I'm ready to risk it. All or nothing," Valerie smirked determinedly, much to their sudden amazement.
"Wow. This girl..." Vernon thought as he was in awe by her bravery. "You're so valiant."
"Trust me, I have fears. That is why the most courageous ones are actually the most frightened," she smiled dolefully.
"Valerie..." Vernon murmured softly.
"I'm with you, girl. Let's distract these bastards," Joshua grinned excitedly.
She held her right arm out and pulled the trigger four times, but missed them. The subordinates started shooting in their direction as the back of the car glass window was slightly cracking. Joshua, Jeonghan, and Mingyu ducked their heads forward and covered their ears.
"Here," Valerie said, throwing the pens behind her.
The three of them caught each one swiftly, whereas Mingyu queried in with curiosity. "What are these?"
"Laser pointers," Valerie answered.
"For real?" Mingyu gawked in delight.
"Duh. They are not the ordinary ones with the lighting and they come in various colors," Valerie chuckled.
"Cool," Mingyu nodded impressively.
Joshua and Jeonghan were examining their pens before they found the buttons.
"You can only attack them when it's the exact time," Valerie advised.
They nodded in agreement, but Mingyu didn't listen as he accidentally pressed the toggle, striking the heating sensation at the car roof, creating a hole.
"Woah!" He exclaimed, then he yelled as he heard guns shooting behind them. "Ah!"
"Shit, shit!" Hoshi was stepping his foot against the clutch to increase the speed of his car. He steered the wheel in a panic to the right to enter the other lane that was leading to the highway. "Guys! Do something!"
"Hold on! We will count in five, four, three, two, one," Joshua signaled hastily, raising the laser pointer at the black vehicles to carve across the radiators.
The drivers flinched by the loud buzzing noises of the headlights that sparked in front of them.
Hoshi rapidly boosted the acceleration, grinding his teeth firmly. He gripped his hands on the wheel, whereas his friends and holding themselves back onto their seats. They were breathing in and out of their chests as soon as their eyes widened anxiously at the front view of the broken bridge. No cars or trucks passing by and their surroundings were all empty.
Mingyu stuttered loudly. "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"
Valerie was gaping her mouth, then she fleetly brought out a smoking bomb that she stole from the enemy back in the building. She hurled it outside of the car window at the two black vehicles.
Forthwith, they burst out in red fumes, causing them to stop moving since they are unable to see.
Everything became slow motion when Hoshi and the others took a high leap in the air, landing safely on the road. They grunted noisily and squeaked by the bump of the vehicle. Soon, he started driving at a normal speed and glanced behind the car window, much to their sigh of relief.
"That was easy," Joshua noted.
"Easy?! We almost got killed!" Mingyu exclaimed.
"At least, we are secure. They won't be chasing us anytime soon," Jeonghan said calmly.
"How long does the smoking bomb last?" Joshua asked.
"About 60-90 seconds, but we got to hurry and hide from them," Valerie instructed.
"Yes, ma'am," Hoshi saluted with his hand gesture and began to hasten while steering the wheel.
Elsewhere in Goyang, Wondang-dong, Bryan and the seven young men had entered the empty factory building. They were taking a glimpse of the stacked cement bags, ladders, and buckets of paints displayed against the walls and rectangular windows. They walked up into the fourth floor, and only a few signals they're picking up on their phones. They stood in the middle of an empty vast room and wondered in confusion.
"That's weird. She said she is here. Where is she?" Bryan questioned.
"Are you sure this is the right address?" Hoseok asked for assurance.
"Yes," Bryan answered.
"You've finally arrived, I see..." A familiar voice called out to them in a slurred tone of his voice.
Bryan and the others whipped their heads to see who it was. For just about a second, their expressions soon became appalled.
The man with a devious smirk placed his hands inside his pocket. His subordinates were standing behind and began to circle silently with their guns pointing at them.
"Kai..." Jimin said, glaring daggers at him.
"Long time no see, friend," he greeted wickedly and continued on. "Oh well, I guess this is a perfect way to bait you guys here. Consider this gift of my gratitude."
"We won't be needing that," Jimin clenched his teeth in annoyance and interrogated in a demanding tone of his voice. "Where is Valerie?"
Kai began to guffaw and answered when he revealed her phone in front of them. "She's right here."
Jimin and his friends' raised their eyebrows in perplexity.
"You really thought she called you, didn't she?" Kai taunted and explained. "One of my subordinates did an amazing job of switching the phones at the time where she was at her apartment. Duplication, I should say."
"She went there?!" Bryan questioned in bewilderment.
"Of course, she was so busy trying to save all of your asses and the video was just to spice things up a little in our entire game," Kai said carelessly.
Jimin's eyes narrowed slightly in anger as he came to a realization. "You were the one who was behind this mess. You pinpointed every wrongdoing on each of my friends..."
"And you didn't think Valerie was part of it?" Kai smirked in a smug expression.
"What do you mean?" Jimin became puzzled.
"You see, my friend. When she came to our country, I knew from the very beginning that she would be the source of destroying my plans. She should've been burnt out while Jeju Island was on a wildfire. After all, she's a nuisance," Kai stated mockingly.
"Bastard," Jungkook bellowed angrily and tried to approach with his fist. However, he was held back by Jin's grip on his shoulder. "I should've killed you when I was on that stupid yacht of yours. I swear if you did anything to her, I will not hesitate!"
"Aww, you youngster. Do you think you have the guts to murder a criminal? You're not as tough as you used to be. It's true, then. The golden maknae has gone soft," Kai chuckled derisively as well as his group of men.
"Where is she?" Bryan repeated the question calmly.
"That depends on where she is. My group of men is already hunting her down and you won't be seeing her anymore, except her lifeless corpse," Kai concluded with a smirk.
"Fuck you. I should've known you were this much tyrannical. I'm glad I'm no longer in your fucking squad," Jimin said boldly.
Kai began to laugh and shook his head nonchalantly, saying. "Oh, Mr. Park. You were one as well."
Taehyung and the others widened their eyes in startlement.
Kai slowly approached Jimin and had a glint twinkling in his eyes. "You know, a little bird once said, 'her enemy is not a stranger...'"
He leaned in close to his ear in a whisper. "'Her enemy is herself.'"452Please respect copyright.PENANAFawUPTt0Yu