"We can leave them there. We don't need to remove them from the bags," Suho whispered.
"I'll just tie these into knots," Bambam said as he twisted them firmly.
The two of them opened the lid of the black bin and dropped the bags inside before they shut it close. They looked at each other and nodded in confirmation.
"Let's go back," Suho said in relief.
"Yeah, I want to try the new beer. It's called Budlight," Bambam grinned giddily.
"You don't want to get too drunk," Suho chortled.
"I won't. Trust me," Bambam pointed out while they were strolling on the sidewalk. They took a left turn and vanished. Behind them was Valerie peeking through the bushes and stepped out quietly with the leaves rustling.
Her hand was placed on her earpiece and called Bryan when she was moving at a quick pace. Her eyes gazed towards the black bin and pulled the lid off. "I'll only take one sample."
"Okay, good. Make sure you don't get caught. It's at least one of the pieces of evidence we can have about those guys," Bryan said.
Valerie pulled out a pair of surgical gloves and slid her hands onto them with a snap of a sound. She reflexes her fingers and lifts the knots of the plastic bags. She pulled out a pocket knife and sliced a small opening before grabbing one of the empty cans. Once she placed the bags inside the black bin, she returned the lid back onto the top. Then, she inserted the can in the ziplock and sprinted off.
"Val. Did you collect it?" Bryan asked.
"Safe and sound," she replied hurriedly.
"Let me know if you are done at the party," Bryan said.
"Later," Valerie noted and ended their call. She turned to the corner until she finally reached Jimin's mansion. She swept right into the glass door and headed to the kitchen. She opened the cabinets and felt someone's hands covering her eyes until she elbowed them to the stomach. Narrowing her eyes, she twisted the person's arm over from their head to their back.
"Argh!" He exclaimed.
Her eyes widened in shock and dropped his arm. "Taehyung!"
"Ow..." he groaned.
"Sorry, I thought you were a stranger. You scared me," Valerie said shakily.
Taehyung nodded at her with his lips pressed together, still sore from her grip. "No need to apologize. I didn't know I would startle you, but girl you are strong."
Valerie rolled her eyes and giggled slightly, shrugging. "Everyone says that about me."
"Hmm, I'm impressed," Taehyung said, smirking.
Valerie's phone began to ring again in her pocket, so she pulled it out and answered. "Hello?"
"Val. I just found out the syndicate has stolen the diamonds from Mr. Si-hyuk's office, including cash money and music records..." Bryan stated sharply.
"What?! How could they possibly break-in?" Valerie questioned in bewilderment.
"They hijacked the security system and accessed the codes," Bryan pointed out and continued on while observing the live footage. "I entered Mr.Si-hyuk's IP address and geographical location. He's in huge trouble!"
"Okay, I'm on my way. Stay where you are. Don't move!" Valerie advised as her back was still facing Taehyung, who raised his eyebrows at her in puzzlement. She sighed and rushed out of the kitchen.
"Wait, Val! I didn't get the chance to tell you-" Taehyung's hand was reaching out to her, but she was going further away.
"Not now," she babbled out loudly without looking back at him.
Taehyung slowly nodded and brushed his hair through his fingers. He looked around to greet the other guests with a dull smile, whereas Jimin also noticed Valerie's abrupt walkout.
"Tae!" He called out, catching his attention with his hand gesture to come forward.
On the other hand, Taehyung blinked his sullen eyes at him and sat beside him on the couch.
"You enjoyed the party so far?" Jimin asked.
"Meh. Somewhat good," Taehyung shrugged carelessly.
"Huh. Do you know why she left early?" Jimin wondered.
"She didn't tell me specifically. She probably has some business to do. I was going to tell her about the PUBG game we were playing and team up," Taehyung muttered sulking.
Jimin's eyes widened in question astonishingly. "Wait? She's the girl you were chatting with online?"
"Yes. I know... Surprising for you, isn't it?" Taehyung pointed out with an amused chuckle.
"Totally," Jimin said, then gaze absentmindedly onto the carpet floor. "I'm going to get another drink."
"Yeah, you can go on ahead. I need to head upstairs and relax. I got to loosen up a bit," Taehyung grumbled and stood up from the couch.
He walked up the staircase and decided to change his clothes. He was wearing swim shorts inside the white bathrobe and slippers as he was heading towards the medium-sized sauna. From there, he removed it and hung it on the rack. The steam was filling in through his surroundings when he sat down and tilted his head back with his eyes closed. Meditating to himself, he didn't hear the door slightly creak open, revealing a pair of feminine legs.
Her seductive smirk began to curl across her face and licked her lips. She bit her bottom lip and gently placed her hands onto his shoulder before she began to straddle him.
Taehyung suddenly shot his eyes widely in panic when he felt a girl's hot breath puffing against the side of his neck. He tried to push her off, but she started to plant kisses onto him.
"Ahh!" He screamed.
"Come on. Play with me, Tae Tae. I'm bored," she pouted desperately as her hands were roaming onto his upper chest and lower body.
Contrarily, Taehyung was pushing her and glared at her. "What's wrong with you?! You have a fiance!"
"I don't care. He doesn't seem to care about me anymore. I want you instead," Chia said and smothered her lips onto his hungrily.
Taehyung's expression became oblivious as he felt her tongue exploring inside his mouth. He couldn't believe what she was doing to him, so he grabbed onto her arms and shoved her off onto the wooden floor.
Chia slipped and started to shriek angrily. Her hair was disheveled and slammed her hands aggressively twice. "You bastard! How dare you?!"
Taehyung narrowed his eyes at her in indignation, stirring himself away from her and pointing his finger. "No! How dare you?! You came up here and kissed someone while they were taking a rest. What kind of person does that?!"
Chia stood up and started to tackle him with her fingers clawing towards his face. Though Taehyung was a bit stronger than her, so he gripped her wrists tightly and held her back down. She was shifting back and forth on her way out of his clutch, screaming in madness.
"Just what the hell do you think you're doing, huh?!" He demanded until he saw her eyes rolled back onto her head, much to his confusion.
Chia closed her eyes unconsciously with her wrists dangling, whereas her face dropped onto her left.
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows skeptically and leaned his head closer, then placed his hand on her pulse. He murmured to himself. "She's breathing oddly... She must've been drunk, I guess."
All of a sudden, the door slammed with a loud bang, showing Jimin's face.
Taehyung instantly glanced at him and exclaimed. "Chim!"
Jimin saw both his friend and his fiance in their unusual position, causing him to become livid and questioned irritably. "Dude! What the hell have you done to her?!"
Taehyung bolted upright and let go of Chia's wrists. He approached him and defended himself, saying. "Chim! I swear I didn't do anything malicious or have any sadistic intentions towards her!"
Jimin stared at him, then below her. He bent down and patted her face gently to wake her up. "Babe. Wake up."
Chia groaned weakly and fluttered her eyes open. She saw him and gasped in surprise with her tears starting to form in her eyes, wailing. "Boo-boo!"
She wrapped her arms around his neck and sob against his chest while she was being comforted on her back. She continued to cry heavily and breathe out.
Jimin kissed the top of her head and asked reassuringly. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
"Yes! He attacked me and-and... He was about to rape me!" Chia sobbed loudly, much to Jimin's alarm.
He slowly glanced at his best friend, who dropped his jaw in bafflement.
"But that's not true! She's the one who came and made out with me first! I'm telling you, she's manipulative!" Taehyung retorted back boldly.
"He pinned me and was demanding me for sex!" Chia whimpered, sniffing.
Jimin gave him a death stare and questioned, whilst holding her waist as she was crying. "Were you?"
"No, Chim! I didn't! I told you, it wasn't me! It's not my fault your fiance is being a slut-" Taehyung pointed at her firmly.
Then, Jimin approaches him and punches his cheek harshly.
Taehyung closed his eyes and was breathing in and out. Until then, he also shoved his chest forward where the two of them started to beat each other up.
Jimin initially pummeled and kicked his legs, but was rolled over onto his side.
However, Taehyung was knocked down by his stomach and tried to fight back, but he gave up when he was being thrashed further repeatedly. Whilst, his nose began to bleed as his cheekbones started to get a purple bruise.
Jimin's knuckles turned red as he continued to pound onto his face nonstop, whereas Chia was covering her mouth in dismay.
All at once, Hoseok appeared in front of the door while the others were following behind him. They became horrified at the sight of the assault taking place.
"Guys, stop! That's enough!" Hoseok yelled as he marched in front of Jimin, grabbing his shoulders to stir him away from Taehyung, who is already trickling with blood across his physical features. "Jimin!"
One of the members from EXO was smirking at them in satisfaction as he took a glass of whiskey and drink. His eyes were fixated on them observantly, whereas the others were watching and recording a few seconds of the video.
The business CEO whipped his head and gave him a hostile stare. "What?!"
Hoseok stared at him in disbelief, shaking his head. "You're hurting him. Can't you see he's not fighting back?"
"I don't care. He almost tried to take advantage of my fiance," Jimin snarled, pointing his finger down at their friend lying on the floor.
"But it doesn't mean you have the right to attack him. We'll check the footage in your room," Hoseok said quietly, then he went over to Taehyung before he helped him stand up in his position. "You okay, Tae?"
Taehyung shook his head silently when they went to go and check the footage. Hoseok rewinded it until he saw him shoving and yelling at Chia on the wooden floor, much to the others' shock. The hollers and whispers had arisen.
"See?! He was being barbaric towards me and I just wanted to recline," Chia wailed, shedding tears.
Hoseok slowly glanced at Taehyung and asked in dread. "Is this true?"
"No, Hobi. It's not. I'm telling you, she's the one who took the initiative and harassed me with her scarlet act. I had to retaliate!" Taehyung protested.
"The footage is not lying," Hoseok said faintly, frowning.
"Oh, jeez. Don't tell me you believe her too!" Taehyung gestured his hand out in frustration.
Jimin stepped in front of him and paused for a moment to breathe. He was gazing into his eyes back and forth before speaking. "Get out..."
"Chim..." Taehyung murmured wistfully.
"I said get out! I don't ever want to see you again..." Jimin snapped furiously, raising his voice.
Taehyung looked at him in disappointment and nodded with a scornful smile. "Accepted. The others were right. You are truly a naive, belligerent man, who only believes in someone like her rather than your best friend..."
Jimin was glaring at him in a spiteful demeanor and the others were staring at him odiously.
"Well, looks like the majority of you would obviously side with Mr. Park over here. I guess I'm not welcomed anymore. Enjoy the rest of the party," Taehyung gestured his arms out sarcastically and faced his back on them before exiting the room, which made Hoseok sighed and closed his eyes despondently.
Jimin watched him leave and stared below off into space.
Behind him, Chia was half beaming in delight in thought to herself. "Finally that mediocre saxophonist is gone..."
Concurrently at nighttime, Sally told Valerie she got fired from her job after the publications got messed up in order. The boss gave her the last salary, leaving her currently jobless. Bryan and Ava found out about it already and felt sorry for her, including Yoongi. They heard her crying on the group call, much to their concern.
An hour later...
Valerie went back to the apartment and talked to Bryan while she was showing him the evidence.
"The EXO's subordinates were the ones who vandalized his property," she exclaimed after removing the empty spray can out of the ziplock.
"I knew they were up to something. They're not going to stop until they get what they want," Bryan said.
"Unless we ask them and give it to them," Valerie said.
"No, Val. It doesn't work that way. Even after we exchange, they will keep contriving," Bryan stated.
Valerie sighed and crossed her arms, saying. "Then, let's advance."
"On what?" Bryan questioned blankly.
"Operation CCA," Valerie insisted.
"No, no. Anything but that plan," Bryan shook his head in disagreement.
"There's barely enough time like you said," Valerie recalled.
Bryan began to smirk and nodded. "Alright. Let's set this in motion."
Valerie grinned eagerly as they both turned around to face the computer screen to track the enemies.
In the gym, Yoongi was practicing with his teammates and shooting the ball through the net. Coach Milton whistled for a timeout and clapped for them.
"Well done, young lads! You never fail to impress me. Keep it up and remember, you grow as a team, you become part of the team. Never lose your passion and dedication because that takes a lot of hard work," he advised.
Yoongi and the rest of his teammates nodded in understanding as they wiped off the sweat from their foreheads, panting breathlessly.
"And you... Do not let yourself down. You are a leader to them and they are the ones looking up to you as their role model. I know it is hard to be jolly at times but trust me. Things will get better," coach Milton stated while he was smirking at him.
"Thanks, coach Milton," Yoongi smiled.
"Hmm. See you all in the finals!" Coach Milton said, waving farewell at them, who waved back at him.
"See you, coach!" They replied gleefully in unison.
Afterward, Yoongi entered the room and found the pictures plastered in the men's lockers, including the spray cans scattering on the bench and floor.
The words were written in spray paint, making him think she was the one who vandalized his property, along with the death threats given to Sally and jeopardizing their careers. Clenching his fists tightly in fury, he glared daggers at the girl holding the spray paint cans. "Valerie..." 454Please respect copyright.PENANAtJ5n5sB25y