Ch.47: Nasty Habits
After some rocks and stuff were used to symbolize the camp and compound, they began making a plan.
“Tinkerbell says there are sentries positioned across the front, which is why we’re gonna come in through the back entrance, here,” Katherine said, using a stick as a pointer. “She’s gonna talk her way in. Once she makes sure the coast is clear, then we’re going to sneak on in.”
“You’ll still have to deal with any Lost Boys once you’re inside,” Tinkerbell reminded her.
“I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks,” Regina told the fairy.
“It’s not the sticks you need to worry about. It’s the poison they’re dipped in.”
When the fairy said that last part, Katherine looked over at Hook whom looked back.
“Dreamshade. Hook warned us,” Snow said.
“Good. Because one nick and you’ll spend the last of your days—,” Tinkerbell began, but Katherine cut her off.
“Poison sticks equal death. We got it.”
“Now, when can we put this rescue mission into action?” Charming questioned, standing up.
“I’m ready to go,” Tinkerbell replied. “Just as soon as you tell me the exit plan. You do have an exit plan, don’t you?”
“It was more of a last-minute trip,” Snow told her.
“If you don’t have a way off this island, then none of this matters,” Tinkerbell replied.
Regina stood up.
“We’ll figure it out.”
“You’ll figure it out? No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time.”
“When it comes to family, we always find a way,” Charming assured her.
“You don’t get it. Here, let me show you something.” She dug into her bag and pulled out a watch. “You know what this is?”
“Yeah, a watch,” Katherine answered.
“I got it from the person that brought your son here for Pan.”
Katherine stood up.
“Greg? Where is he? Why did he give you that?”
“I got it off his body. Spent half the night cleaning the blood off it. This is what Pan does to people he employs. What do you think he’s gonna do to you? I’m not sticking my neck on Pan’s chopping block without a way off this island. You figure that out, you know where I live.”
The fairy began to leave.
“Where the hell is she going?” Snow asked.
“I’ll get her, bring her back,” Charming said.
“She’s right. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s you never break in somewhere unless you know the way out.”
“What about you, Hook?” Charming asked. “You got off this island before.”
“Yes, aboard my ship. Which would require some form of magic to create a portal. Which I got from Pan in a deal I don’t think he’s ready to repeat.”
“So no one’s ever left the island without Pan’s permission,” Regina stated.
“One man,” Hook said. “Neal.”
“How?” Katherine asked.
“Maybe we can find out,” Hook replied, and began walking, and everyone followed him.
Rumple found a couple of the Lost Boys that were guarding the nearby camp and approached.
“Stop. In the name of Pan.”
“I don’t take orders,” Rumple said, and used some magic to knock them out. Then he picked up one of their sticks.
Hook led them to a huge rock with vines around it and a grass hill not far away. There were also a lot of trees around.
“What is this supposed to be?” Regina asked.
“So, what, Neal swung out of Neverland on a vine?” Katherine asked.
“If someone would be kind enough to lend me a hand,” Hook said. “What do you say, Savior?”
“I’ll do it,” Charming said.
After a few pulls, part of the rock opened.
“Ladies first,” Hook said.
Katherine went in first and then Snow. Then Hook and Charming did.
“Hook, what is this place? What are we doing here?” Katherine asked.
When a torch was lit, Katherine saw the drawings on the wall.
“Neal. This is where he lived,” she realized.
“Aye,” Hook replied. “Baelfire spent some time in Neverland as a boy. This was his home.”
“So, you think he may have left a clue as to how he escaped from here?” Snow asked.
“Let’s hope so,” Hook said. “Or we’ll be lost, just like he was.”
When Felix had woken up, he went to Pan and informed him on what happened, which upset Pan.
“Anything important?” Hook asked her.
“I can’t tell yet. I didn’t know he liked drawing.”
“He got it from his mother,” Hook informed her.
“I’m hoping Neal left something useful in the details of one of these. Maybe a map or some kind of clue. What about you? Any luck?”
“No potted bean plant or swirling vortex under the rug if that’s what you mean. Maybe no rug at all. There are other drawings on the far wall but, as far as I can tell, that’s all they are. Probably just a way to pass the time and keep occupied.”
“You knew him pretty well, didn’t you?”
“We spent some time together. You all right there, Pierce?”
“I’m fine. Looks like you’re right. They’re just a bunch of pictures.” She walked over to where Snow and Charming where. “What’s all this?”
“Uh, just some cups and bowls he fashioned from things he found here,” Snow answered her.
“I don’t know how great a cup this coconut can make,” Charming said. “It’s filled with holes.”
“Uh, maybe it’s a tiny colander?” Snow suggested.
“Yes, because pre-teen Baelfire probably made lots of pasta,” Regina said.
Katherine took it and began examining it.
“Hold on. Hook, snuff out that torch.”
She put the coconut back together that was lit.
“Am I supposed to be impressed that you made a night light?” Regina asked.
“Look up,” Katherine said.
Snow looked up and noticed it.
“It’s a map,” Hook realized.
“To where?” Charming asked.
“Home,” Katherine answered.
“How could you be so sure it’s a map?” Snow asked Hook.
“There was a short time in Neverland when Baelfire was aboard my ship. I taught him to navigate using the stars. What you’re looking at is the fruit of my labors.”
“Then you can read it,” Regina said.
“Sadly, no,” Hook said.
“I thought you just said you taught him how,” Charming said.
“Yes, but I also taught Neal something else. The key to being a pirate. Secrecy. The best captains conceal their maps in code. And he was an apt pupil.”
“So, you’re saying the only person who can read this map is Neal?” Snow asked.
“Which means the only person who can read it is dead,” Katherine stated.
Katherine walked out of the cave and through the jungle to think things through.
Rumple used magic to make everyone fall asleep and then used squid ink on Peter Pan, before taking Henry with him, rescuing him from Pan.