Ch.49: Ariel
They were back at camp, Regina trying to teach Katherine how to magically make a fire.
“Focus,” Regina instructed. She stood up. “Concentrate.”
“It’s kind of hard when you’re talking in my ear.”
“And when the wind blows, or it’s raining, or someone’s shooting arrows at you. Yes, concentration’s hard. That’s the point. Find your anger and use it to focus.”
“No. There has to be a way without needing magic,” she replied.
“You’re such a pathetic waste of ability.”
“And you’re a terrible teacher,” Katherine replied to her.
“Do you smell that?” Regina asked her.
Katherine looked back at the logs to see a fire. She hadn’t known that she’d found her anger enough to light a fire.
“Smoke,” Regina added, walking away.
Charming sighed, where he sat by Snow by a tree on a log.
“This is a bad idea.”
“She has it in her. She should learn to use it. We just have to trust her,” Snow replied.
“Yeah. It’s not Katherine I don’t trust,” Charming informed her.
Rumple was in a different part of the island, when Pan appeared in the middle of Rumple trying to see if he could see the future or not.
“You can’t see the future here. You can’t see the future in a place where time stands still.”
“I may not be able to see the future, but I can make one happen,” Rumple replied.
“Was that a threat? And here I made you your favorite breakfast. Eggs in a basket. I thought you could use it. You look a little down in the dumps.”
“I’m fine.”
“Sure you are, Rumple. You’ve lost your son, Neal.”
“What do you want?”
“Well, if you won’t eat, then I will. I’m just trying to point out the silver lining in your cloudy life.”
“That by killing you, all our troubles end?”
“We both know that’s not going to happen. Because the only way to do that is for you to die, too. You can go. Leave the island.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Even if you succeeded, he’ll never forgive you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Have you forgiven your father? You see my point? Back to that silver lining then. You have a nice girl waiting for you back in Storybrooke. Belle, is it? Stop this foolishness and go back to her. Make a new start. She looks fertile, maybe a new child? You and I both know the only future for you. Assuming you want to live.”
After the speech, he left.
After Regina got tired of waiting around with everyone, she went to go find Rumple.
When she did, he was talking to someone that looked like Belle, but the Belle that they’d known before Storybrooke.
Regina did some magic and it was revealed to be Pan’s shadow.
“Did you really think that was Belle?”
“What do you care?” Rumple questioned.
“I care, because I’ve been camping with the Charmings for a week,” Regina replied.