Ch.55: The Jolly Roger
Katherine and Charming were trying to figure out how to assemble the recent crib they’d bought for Snow and Charming’s baby, but were having difficulty, because part of it wasn’t provided for some strange reason.
“This crib is a statement,” Charming told Snow, since she wanted to know why they were doing it after the battle between Regina and Zelena had happened. “We’re not going to lose another baby.”
Regina walked in.
“And thanks to me, you won’t.” She walked over to the table where she had a box of her potions. “I’m finished.”
Charming got up and walked over to her.
“So, did it work? Were you able to put up a new protection spell?”
Regina assured him that she did and that Zelena wouldn’t get her hands on the baby.
Regina sat down.
“Any idea why she would want to?” Snow asked.
“The number of spells involving baby parts would surprise you. That greeny is clearly one twisted witch. But as long as we’re in here, we’re safe.”
“We need to stop playing defense and start taking the fight to her,” Katherine told her.
“Did you not see how I barely outwitted her yesterday? She has magic. Powerful magic.”
“I have magic too,” Katherine reminded her. “You’ve seen me use it. But if we teamed up…If you taught me…”
“Now, why does this feel so familiar?”
“I’m ready this time,” she assured her.
Regina chuckled.
“Okay. But if we do this, we do this my way. This isn’t drinking stale coffee at a stakeout. This is a way of life. You have to fully commit to it.”
“No problem,” she replied.
“Meet me in my vault in one hour.”
Charming and Snow were taking a walk on the beach, when they heard voices and saw a small crowd and heard someone say that “she just washed up on shore.”
Charming and Snow went through the crowd.
“Who washed up on shore?” Snow asked. Then she saw her. “Ariel? Where have you been? We thought you’d been turned into a monkey.”
“A monkey? No, I’m a girl that turns into a fish.”
“Yeah. We know. But what happened to you?” Charming said.
“I’ve been under the sea, searching. I’ve traveled to every realm looking for Prince Eric.”
“So, he’s missing? For how long?” Charming asked.
“I woke up here like everybody else. I couldn’t find him.”
“So, you still don’t know what happened to him?”
“That’s why I came back here. I thought maybe I’d overlooked something. That he’d be here. But obviously, you haven’t seen him.”
“We’re sorry,” Snow said. “All we know is that we’re up against Regina’s sister, the Wicked Witch.”
“Do you think she might be responsible for Prince Eric’s disappearance?”
“Well, it’s not impossible,” Snow replied.
They brought Ariel to Granny’s, thinking Hook might be able to help, but Hook told Ariel that he’d never heard of Prince Eric.
Regina and Katherine and began talking. Regina made a comment about Hook and Katherine had to ask her, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Seriously?” Regina asked. “You’re going to pretend everyone doesn’t see the yearning looks and doe-y eyes?”
“I don’t yearn.”
“Well, maybe. But he does.”
That night, Hook caught up with Ariel after Ariel had realized that Eric was dead.
“Ariel, wait!”
She stopped walking and turned around to face him.
He stood in front of her.
“What is it?” she asked.
“I have a confession. I haven’t been entirely truthful with you, with myself. You and I met before. Our paths crossed.”
“Eric had been kidnapped by the pirate Blackbeard. You asked me to find him.”
“I…I don’t understand. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I was too ashamed. I sacrificed saving your prince for my ship. I am so sorry, Ariel.”
She gave him a slap.
“You’re a coward! And a monster! You let a man die for your ship? What kind of person does that?”
“The kind who’s empty. Who believes that a ship can fill a void left by a broken heart.”
“And that makes it okay?”
“No, it doesn’t. I would give anything to take it back. To make things right.”
“Yes. Anything.”
“How am I supposed to trust a man who no longer believes in love?”
“I still do.”
“Then swear to me on it. This woman who broke your heart? Do you still love her?”
“Then swear to me on her name.”
“I swear on Katherine Pierce.”
She gave a smile and said, “Thank you, Captain. That’s exactly what I needed to hear.” She did some magic on his lips.
“Bloody hell?” he questioned.
A moment later, the person he thought was Ariel, wasn’t. Ariel was now Zelena.
“Zelena? It was you? Where’s Ariel?” he questioned, and began to pull his sword out, but she magically through his sword out of his hand.
“Relax. She was never really here. After she left you on your beloved ship, she actually found where Black Beard had been keeping her Prince.”
“She found him? How do you know that?”
“My spies are always circling, Captain. Through every realm. Always circling. She found him on Hangman’s island. They’ve been living happily ever after ever since. Don’t you love a good twist?”
“I don’t understand. Why would you pretend to be her?”
“To corrupt your love. As I said earlier, I’ve known about your dirty little secret for quite some time. Seen the guilt on your face over the decision you made that day. I knew it haunted you and I knew I could use it.”
“Use it for what?”
“When you invoked the name of your love in a selfish plea for redemption, I was able to curse you. More specifically, your kiss. See, the next time your lips touch Katherine Pierce’s, all of her magic will be taken. Everything that makes her special, that makes her powerful, that makes her a threat will be gone.”
“I won’t do it. I’ll tell her. And then she’ll defeat you.”
“Then I’ll just have to kill her before you can.”
“No, you won’t.”
“If you could have killed her, you would have. You need her power removed. It’s why you didn’t kill her when you came to town. For some reason, you can’t.”
“It no longer matters. Because you are going to remove her powers. I may not be able to hurt Katherine, but I can hurt those around her. Her friends. The child.”
“Do not go near them,” Hook threatened her.
“Yes, you’ve become quite fond of the boy, haven’t you? I will enjoy turning him into a monkey’s breakfast.”
“I’ll stop you.”
“No, you won’t. That pointy little hook of yours can scratch a mere mortal. But me? You’re out of your depth, pirate. The choice is yours. Kiss Katherine and remove her powers or everyone she loves dies,” she replied, before disappearing.
Hook thought about telling them all what really happened, but decided against it and instead told them that Ariel found Eric, after all. He decided to wait later to tell Katherine about what Zelena had done.