After arriving at the Evan's and being greeted and kissed affectionately by Miranda, we were led to the dining room and begun having dinner. Both Miranda and Jacob seemed very happy to see me. They were as kind as before, even kinder if that's even possible.
They also made Nathan smile so many times, which was a good sign, they were pretending that nothing has ever happened. Of course that didn't mean that Nathan's punishment has been cancelled or anything like that, but still it was better than nothing.
Even though he never shows it I knew Nathan was in fact sad about that whole punishment thing. They asked us many questions which weren't uncomfortable at all, and we joked and laughed the entire time we were having dinner.
Dinner was finished, the dirty dishes were away and dessert was brought as the uncomfortable questions started.
"So... guys, tell us about you two" Jacob said as he wiggled his eyebrows. I mentally thanked god that the old, funny Mr Evans was back, I wouldn't have known what to do with him being serious and angry.
"Well..." Nathan started, sparing me from the torture of answering his father and being awkward, "as you can see we're together"
Mr Evans sighed "I know son. I mean tell us more, how did all this happen? when did it start?"
"It just happened" Nathan mumbled as he put a cookie in his mouth and looked away. I smiled knowing it might be uncomfortable for him to talk about his feelings.
"He somehow confessed his feelings for me one day" I said, smiling from ear to ear.
"He did?" Miranda asked, looking surprised.
"Yeah" I replied.
"What about you honey?"Mr Evans asked taking me by surprise.
"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered.
"Do you have any feelings towards our son?" Jacob asked, smirking.
"Dad! That's enough. You're embarrassing the girl!" Nathan exclaimed.
"Okay okay! Sorry Jessie dear" Miranda said and smiled apologetically. "It's just that we were hoping Nathan fall in love again, so it happened and even better than that the girl he's in love with is you! So imagine how we feel"
I looked at Nathan and smiled in appreciation. He smiled back and nodded his head once.
"I understand" I said, which was the truth. I'm not entirely sure what might have happened Holly and Nathan, but it might have made my boyfriend so sad and depressed for his parents to want him to fall in love again.
"Does your father know of yo being with Nathan?" Mr Evans asked.
"Yeah I told him today" I said and smiled, feeling proud.
"He does?" Nathan asked, his voice didn't seem like himself, he looked very pale and his expression was unreadable.
"Yes, he does." I said.
Nathan sighed and frowned "Why did you tell him?" I stared at him in disbelief
"What do you mean why I told him?" I asked, feeling a lump in my throat.
"You shouldn't have told him" He said and sighed.
"He's my father Nathan!" I exclaimed.
"It's very early for everybody to know" Nathan mumbled, as we stared at each other for a few seconds.
"He's not everybody, he's my father he has the right to know" I declared, " he was actually very happy about the fact that you're the guy I'm dating"
Nathan was taken aback by what I said, he ran his hands through his hair and looked away not meeting my eyes.
"Uh... guys. You just had your first couple fight. Isn't that amazing?" Miranda said. I blinked and took deep breaths to calm myself down, I had almost forgotten about Mr and Mrs Evans watching us and hearing every word we were saying.
"Just imagine them having cute fights together when they're married" Jacob told Miranda and they both giggled like two overly excited highschool teenagers.
"How many times do I have to tell you I'm not getting married?" Nathan snapped. "We're not getting married, I won't be marrying Jessie. Let this truth sink in your thick heads"
His parents stared at each other as I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Ignoring the pain in my chest, and ignoring my subconscious which kept telling me that pain is a different kind of pain from all the others I've experienced so far in my entire life.
But then what did I expect?
Nathan proposing to me today?
Besides it's only been a month, it's too early for those weird ideas.
"But sweetheart, you never do things you don't believe in. What's your reason for not getting married to Jessie, if you really love her?" Miranda asked, I swallowed the lump in my throat and stared at Nathan.
"What if... we broke up? What if we weren't meant for each other?" He asked, more to himself than us.
"Nathan, are you really my son? My hard working, smart, kind, positive son?" Jacob asked, frowning and looking at his son as if he's grown into a unicorn.
"What do you mean, what if you broke up? Is something wrong? And is something supposed to happen?" Miranda asked, having the same expression of her husband on her face.
"No..." Nathan said quietly without meeting anyone's eyes.
"Thank god!" Miranda said, "you guys are a perfect couple. Don't you dare talk about breaking up, understand?"
"And Jessie has the right to tell her father" Mr Evans said, "knowing James, he'll freak out if Jessie hid anything from him. He's very sensitive and has Jessie only. Also he's extra cautious and sensitive when it comes to those subjects"
I frowned. How did Mr Evans know my father is sensitive regarding romance? Could they possibly know something about my mother?
I wondered if they do. That would be very exciting and good for me, since I don't know much about my mother, or her relationship with my father. She has not come into my dreams again since the last time, despite me going to bed early and doing yoga and meditation and all the other stuff people do in order to fall asleep and sleep peacefully, just to see my mother.
Even if it was in my dreams. Since my father doesn't talk about my mother with me at all, it's extra hard to get to know my mother.
"That's exactly why I said that, what if we have a fight, and Mr King thinks I'm not right for his daughter and breaks us apart?" Nathan spoke before I was able to ask his parents about my mother.
"You don't know James, Nathan. He's not like that. He has an amazing personality and he's very understanding" His father replied, "Plus, he wants the best for his daughter and looks like he thinks you're the best"
Nathan didn't say anything, he looked even paler than before, he hadn't touched the plate of delicious desserts in front of him, So I grabbed it and started eating all of it.
Next, Jacob and Miranda did a great job changing the subject, since the subject of me telling my father was long forgotten. So we ate more desserts and laughed about stupid jokes, Also they showed me Nathan and Rachel's baby pictures in diapers which Nathan didn't find amusing at all.
It was when we were about to leave when I noticed Nathan was not like himself at all, he was pale as before, unusually quiet and he was totally avoiding me. He acted as if I wasn't even there, or I didn't exist at all.