To say I was happy was an understatement. I was feeling delighted, contented, cheerful, joyous, radiant, buoyant- well you know what I'm saying. Because for the first time in twenty two years I felt like I have finally found someone whom I can call my soulmate.
This time I'm not jealous of Emma and Rachel for having all those boyfriends they had, and I definitely don't feel awkward for passing by couples holding hands, because I was doing more than holding hands at the moment. I slept in Nathan's arms all night.
I don't know when I fell asleep or how I got into the position I was. All I know is that I woke up to find Nathan sleeping, with my head resting on his chest, and his arms around me. I grinned and snuggled closer to him as if I could get any closer to him.
I stared up at the face of the guy I was in love with, and I leaned in to kiss him. After giving him a peck on his lips I sighed and touched his stubble. And I thought to myself: I was looking for diamonds in the mud, when I already had the most precious one all along. I asked out all those guys when the one who actually stole my heart was right there in front of me. I was too blind to see it.
"Are you not tired of gawking at me?" Nathan suddenly muttered groggily without opening his eyes, making me gasp.
"You scared me!" I exclaimed and hit his shoulder playfully.
"Is that all the strength you got?" He asked, opening one eye. "What time is it?"
I yawned and stared at the clock, I gasped again as I realized what time it was. I got out of the bed in a hurry and grabbed some clothes and my towel from my wardrobe.
"It's eleven thirty, get up Nathan. Rachel and Dave are probably so freaking tired by now" I said as I basically threw my clothes in the bathroom. I stopped in my tracks when I didn't hear any response from Nathan, I stared at the bed and found him hugging one of my pillows smiling and totally ignoring me.
I pouted and yanked the pillow he was hugging off.
"Get up lazy head!" I grabbed his arm and tried to get him to stand up, but it was very difficult since Nathan was so strong, and those stupid butterflies won't stop dancing in my chest. Nathan, of course, didn't even reply. But I swear there was a hint of a smile on his face as he was fighting me.
"Get up!!" I grabbed his arm with more force, but he suddenly grabbed me by my arm, so I stumbled on the bed right next to him. As Nathan put his arms around me and hugged me from the back without wasting a second.
"Let's just stay like this for five minutes" He whispered and tightened his hold of me. I on the other hand was too distracted to say or do a thing. So I just let him hold me and enjoyed being near to him.
"Jessie?" He said, I smiled and and turned around to look at him.
"Yeah?" I said.
"What do you mean 'yeah'?" Nathan asked "Did you ask me me something?"
I frowned and shook my head "No... you called me"
"I didn't call you..." Nathan mumbled and frowned.
"Oh! Thought you did" I said, "Anyways, you didn't let me talk last night"
Nathan smiled and cupped one of my cheeks with his hand. "Talk to me then"
"I'm in love with you" I blurted out and bit my lip.
Nathan just smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm in love with you too, Jess. I don't know when it started, but I somehow fell for you, and I'm glad I did. You somehow managed to get deep into my heart, it's like you're imprisoning yourself in it, or maybe I'm imprisoning you in it, and I have thrown away the keys. And I hope I don't find it."
Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed :D Don't forget to follow me on my instagram account : azhokamal
Happy Reading!