The next day, I get home from school and look up to see two police cars in my driveway and my parents standing outside talking to them. Zaida looks up as well, "What are they doing at the house?" She walks up anxious to know what's going on. I hang behind not in a hurry to find out.
"What's going on?" Zaida asks the officers.
I finally walk up beside my sister. The officers look at me and answer Zaida, "Seth Mills was shot yesterday and we are trying to get some suspects."
"You think one of us did it?" Zaida points to herself and me.
"We don't know who did it, hence why we are here to ask." The second cop smirks. He goes into his pocket and takes out a small note pad and pen.
The first officer starts, "we understand there was a party that day, did any of you go?"
Zaida shakes her head, "I went with friends to go eat." She turns to me.
I shrug my shoulders; it seems like they can tell when people are lying. So, I don't want my own lie to trigger their lie detectors, "I went to the party, but I didn't stay long."
"So, how long did you stay and what time did you leave? Because no one said you were at the party." The second officer questions.
"I wasn't feeling well and I went up to my friend's room to lay on the bed for a while. When I felt a little better, I went back downstairs to join the party but everyone was passed out drunk. So, I left." I shrug my shoulders like it was no big deal.
"Okay, we will be in touch." They walk back to their cars and drive off.
My parents go in the house without a question about what's going on, my sister and I go in the house, and I close the door.
"What's going on, guys? Why were they here?" My mother starts.
"Seth Mills got shot yesterday as we heard on the news and now they are investigating the story," Zaida answers throwing her bag on the table.
I look around, "Where is Zakia?"
"She is in her room. They already questioned her." My father says. "But, why were they questioning you two?"
"They are questioning everyone that wasn't at that party, daddy," Zaida answers. "And since Nubia and I wasn't there, we got quizzed." She sits at the table and all I can do is listen.
He nods and mother goes into the kitchen to start dinner. "Well, just as long as you girls are alright, I guess we are okay as well."
"We are fine, dad." I finally speak up and sit at the kitchen table then stand up. "I am going to check on Zakia."
As I make my way up the stairs, I begin to think. That was a surely close call. I should have killed the fucker, but...then it would a homicide instead of attempted murder. I shake my head and knock on Zakia's door.
"Come in."
I enter and close the door. She is sitting at her desk, sketching something.
"Are you alright?" I ask from her door.
"I am great." She smiles genuinely and looks up from what she is doing. "I mean, it's sad that Seth is hurt, but if I could I would thank whoever did it."
I walk over and look at what she is doing. It's a sketch of a dress. This girl has some extreme talent. "This is amazing, Zakia." I pick up the drawing.
"Thanks, it's not my best, it's just a draft, you know?" She smiles. "I want to be a designer and I hope I can make it."
"Well," I put the drawing back in front of her. "if you had have stayed at Sacred Heart, you would be there already."
Her smile fades away, "That is true, but I couldn't go back with Seth there." She shakes her head, "I just couldn't face him and as cowardly as that sounds, it's me."
I hug her, "I understand."
She pats my arms, "But, I love Stonewall High and I am so happy and made a lot of friends there. Though, I do have a crush on someone, I am not telling anyone because I don't want what happened before to happen now."
"Right," I stand up. "I just wanted to come and check on you to see if you were alright."
"I am great. Thank you." She goes back to sketching.
I look at her and smile, then exit her room. As I go to my own, I begin to wonder if what Zakia told me about being raped is true. I stop and look back at her room; she seemed a little too calm about the situation. It was an eerie type of calm, I understand what he did to her, would think she would be a little more feeling. I get into my room and begin to pace the floor pondering my sister's behavior. I begin to wring my hands trying to figure this out; I stop and look at a picture of my sisters and me at the beach a few years ago. I pick it up; I don't think she would have lied about something like that and if she did. Why would she? Did she know I would have done something about it? Did she want something to happen to him? My lips part, tilt my head and narrow my eyes at the picture as if I am trying to see through Zakia. I put the picture down and drop on my bed. Maybe I am thinking too much into this whole thing. She wouldn't lie to me...would she?