Excitement still coursing through me from the acceptance of the school, I know I have to get to the bottom of my sister's mindset. With me being the middle of my sisters, I decide to talk to Zakia fully about what is truly going on in her mind. Zadia even decides to join us.
Our dad drives us to a lake where we used to play as children, even though it is a hour long drive, I told him it needs to be done. He was surprised that I even remembered where the lake is. I grab a picnic basket and my sisters get out.
I close the car door and speak to dad through the rolled down window. "Mind picking us up around three or four?"
"Why so late? What are you girls doing?" He arches his brow.
"Nothing. We just need some sister bonding time, that's all." I grin in hopes in convincing enough for him to leave us be for a while.
He eyes me for a while, I don't break my grin. "Alright, Nubia. Zadia has a phone if Y'all get in trouble or need me to pick you up earlier."
"Okay. Bye, dad."
He grumbles something as he rolls the window up and drives off.
I sigh and turn to my sisters. Zadia looks rather excited while Zakia shows no emotion to this event.
"Nubia, what is going on here? Why are we out here?" Zakia complains.
"We all need to bond a little before going back to school and we want to talk to you." I put my arm around Zadia's shoulders.
"There is nothing to talk about. We could have done the bonding at home."
"Oh no. You need to get out the house anyway, Zakia." Zadia says as we make our way towards a empty picnic table.
There are a few families around watching their children play in the lake. It feels great to be out here. I remember this being my place of comfort, I could run, jump, play, and swim without a care in the world.
Zadia help me set the table with food, drinks, plates, cups, forks, and spoons. Zakia just sits there, watching us. We say grace and dig in.
"Zakia, we know something is wrong with you. We want to help you." Zadia just dives in without a warm up or anything.
I sigh and rub my face. This is not how I wanted to approach this. Zakia looks at me, "You told her?" Anger reflecting in her eyes.
"I didn't tell her anything. I suspect she already knows what's going on." I jump, I calm down realizing she is probably just hurt.
"She didn't, Zakia. I already know there is something wrong with you. You refuse to talk to me about it."
"There is nothing wrong. Why won't you believe me?!" People are now looking at us.
"Zakia, we are your sisters," I chime in before drinking the soda in my cup. "If you can't talk to us about it, then who can you talk to?"
Zakia drops her fork on the plate. "I feel as though you did this to gang up on me. Bringing me out here, where I can't run off or anything."
"We aren't ganging up on you, but you do have a tendency to run off when the truth comes out. We don't want that." Zadia bites into a fried chicken wing.
"Talk to us, Zakia." I plea.
Zakia sighs, runs her fingers through her hair. "Alright, I will talk. But, you have to swear not to tell." She points her finger at both of us. "A soul. This stays between us. Promise?"
"Promise." Zadia and I repeat.
"I don't want to go back to that school because I was raped." Zakia hang her head.
Zadia and I widen our eyes. Zadia covers her mouth and all I can do is stare at my sister to find out if she is telling the truth.
"His name is Seth Mills and he found out I had a crush on him. I don't know how but he did. He even said he liked me too. It was a relief," she looks at the sky, "a dream come true really. We dated for five months, he cheated on me, and we broke up. A few months later, during after school club hours, I was walking home and it was dark," she presses her lips together, her voice becomes low a whispering almost, "I know that sounds cliché. He followed me, pushed me in a dark alley, and...he did his business."
The silence between us is thick. I look over at Zadia and she has a grim expression of death on her face. I know where her mind is. Though, I am just showing that I am hurt or angry, it is building inside of me. I have to keep a clear mind since Zadia clearly isn't.
"Go on, Zakia." I motion.
"I got pregnant, but I miscarried. I don't want to say I was relieved at that because that sounds so awful. I was devastated by the lost, at the same time I was relieved. I had no clue what I was going to tell mama and daddy, if I carried that baby full term. I never told a soul."
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Zadia tilts her head to the left, the grim expression still on her face.
"Tell them what? I was raped by a boy I used to date?" Zakia complains.
"Yes. Zakia, the police have kits for something like that. They can prove it." I raise my eyebrows. "And you wouldn't have had to go through that alone."
"I didn't know. I didn't think anyone would take me seriously. I just thought they would think it was a joke." She covers her face when the tears begin to swell in her eyes. She exhales heavily.
"Zadia, are you okay?" I ask.
"Yup. I am good. What are we to do about this, Zakia?"
"Nothing. I have to explain to ma and dad I would like to be in a different school. I know Seth Mills will be there, I already know." She wipes her eyes with the inside of her shirt.
We spend the next few hours, talking about my experience at the rehab and if it was as bad as the television shows perceive it to be. I explain to them it is not bad at all. We have some laughs and clean up the pinic area, when we see our dad's car. We get in and drive home in silence with the exception of dad making light conversation.