Thanking the lord for the weekend, I wallow around in my bed and smile. I look at my phone and there is a few group text messages from Tilly, Morissa, and Taz. But, nothing from Jafaris yet. I can't believe I am actually waiting on a text from a boy. The boys have always been fond of me but to a certain point to where they know not to catch feelings for me. A beep comes in letting me know I have a text messages while in the middle of texting Tilly about going out to dinner tonight with the rest of the crew.
Jafaris: Hey, it's Jafaris Page. How are you doing?
Me: I am doing fine. What's up? I have to play it cool. I don't want to be too happy to the point where he figures out, I actually want to go out with him. He is fine.
Jafaris: Nothing much. Actually, I have the places I want to take you on our date today.
Me: Places? And okay. How should I dress and when are you coming to pick me up?
Jafaris: Bring an extra pair of clothes and your bathing suit. I will pick you up around 2:30.
Bathing suit? Me: Okay. I will see you then.
I hop up and try to find a bathing suit, a decent one at least. What the hell am I going to need a bathing suit for? For swimming duh, Nubia. But... what the what? I find my favorite pink and white bikini and the bottom cover to go with it. I put it in a book bag I found under my bed along with a few extra clothes and sandals. A knock on my door scares the crap out of me as I am trying to paint my toenails.
"Come in."
Enters Zadia and she closes my door. She leans against it, "Did you have something to do with Seth being shot?"
I raise an eyebrow, "Girl, please. Why would I shoot that boy?" My face is as straight as a board.
"Because of what he did to Zakia."
"I have better things to do than worry about that." I look at my sister. "I mean I am not saying I don't care that it happened to her. I am just saying she got over it and all that. So, there was nothing to be done."
Zadia eyes me as if she doesn't believe a word that is coming out of my mouth. But, she doesn't need to know what I have done, since I can't trust blood around here anymore. But, I do question if I can trust her seeing as how she hadn't done anything for me not to trust her.
"Alright, Nubia. I believe you." She looks at my bag on the floor. "Where are you going?"
"I have a date." I move onto my next foot, satisfied that the right foot turned out well.
"A date?" Zadia questions. "With who?"
"I don't think you know this person. But, he is cute and sweet."
"What's his name?" She smiles.
"Jafaris Page." The smile fades from my sister's face. "What's wrong?"
"He is bad news, Nubia. I don't think you should be going anywhere with him."
"Girl, please. He is fine."
"He spent time in prison, Nubia. Please."
Spent time in prison. What could he have done? "Well, in due time I will ask him about that."
"Nubia, I am begging you to not do this." She trembles.
"Why not? He is a human being. He made a mistake, Zadia." I point the polish brush at her. "Everyone makes mistakes."
Zadia sigh knowing she isn't getting anywhere with me. I choose not to judge people because it's not my job to do so. Also, I don't want to jump to conclusions with his prison time because he could have been wrongfully convicted. "I see I can't make you change your mind about this."
"Why can't you just be happy that I got a date?" I finish up my toes and stretch my legs out so my toes can dry.
"I am happy for you. I just...I just don't want you going with him."
I sigh, "That's too bad." I wiggle my toes.
Zadia stare at me for a while then smiles, "I hope you have fun on your date. Real talk, Nubia."
"Thanks. I hope I will too."
She leave my room with nothing else to say. After my toe nails are dry, I check to make sure I have everything I need for this thing Jafaris has planned for us. Having checked everything, I put the bag on my shoulder and head downstairs.
"Are you running away, Nubia?" My father jokes with me.
I chuckle, "Not yet."
Zakia looks back at me from the television, "Well, where are you going looking like a hoochie.?" She giggles.
I look down at my short shorts, tank top, and flip flops, "I don't look like a hoochie, trick."
My mom looks up from reading her book, "What is going on here with the 'trick' and 'hoochie'?"
The house isn't buzzing when music or family members like it used to when I was younger. We'd have a party on the weekends or a cookout. But, everyone is just sitting in silence now. I look over at them and wonder what happened to everyone while I was gone.
"Nubia has a date." Zadia busts me out.
"A date?" My father looks at me.
"Yes." I want to try to explain to them what it is. But, it's a date.
"With who?"
"His name is Jafaris." I shift the bag on my shoulder.
"Oh, is he coming to pick you up?" My mother ask putting her book down and going into the kitchen.
I start to smell the chocolate chip cookies baking and my stomach growls. "He is."
"As long as he doesn't try anything funny. I am okay with it." My father accepts.
I watch Zadia's lips part. I know if she opens her mouth to our parents about Jafaris' past, they won't let me go. Just as she is about to speak, I elbow her side and she cries out. Mother and father look over to Zadia.
"What's wrong with you?" Mother asks.
"Nubia nudged me."
"And it caused you to make all that noise?" My father arches his brow.
"It hurt."
Mother rolls her eyes, "Zadia you play basketball with the big boys. I have seen you get knocked down time and time again without a tear or a groan. But, when your sister nudges you, you cry out in pain? Stop being dramatic."
Zadia look over at me with her face twisted in anger. I shrug my shoulders without apology. 760Please respect copyright.PENANAP6toS3FL0x